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RULE §217.28Sanitation Requirements for Grade A Raw Milk and Raw Milk Products

    (B) When chemicals are used for sanitization, a test kit or device accurately measuring parts per million concentration must be provided and used. The solution must be tested before use.

(l) Containers, utensils and equipment--storage.

  (1) All containers, utensils and equipment used in the handling, storage, or transportation of milk, unless stored in sanitizing solutions, must be stored to ensure complete drainage and be protected from contamination before use.

  (2) Pipeline milking equipment, such as milk claws, inflations, weight jars, meters, milk hoses, milk receivers, and milk pumps, which are designed for mechanical cleaning, may be stored in the milking barn, parlor, or AMI only if the pipeline milking equipment is designed, installed, and operated to protect the product and solution contact surfaces from contamination at all times.

  (3) When manual cleaning of product-contact surfaces is necessary, the cleaning must be done in the milkhouse.

  (4) Clean cans or other containers may only be stored in the milkhouse.

  (5) Strainer pads, parchment papers, gaskets, and similar single-service articles must be stored in a suitable container or cabinet and protected against contamination.

  (6) Single service bottles must be stored at least six inches above the floor in a storage area.

(m) Containers, utensils and equipment--handling.

  (1) After sanitizing, all containers, utensils, and equipment must be handled in such manner as to prevent contamination of any milk product-contact surfaces, including farm holding or cooling tank openings, and outlets.

  (2) Any sanitized milk product-contact surface exposed to contamination must be cleaned and sanitized before use.

(n) Milking flanks, udders, and teats.

  (1) Milking must be done in the milking barn, stable, parlor, or AMI.

  (2) The flanks, udders, bellies, and tails of all milking animals must be free from visible dirt and other debris.

  (3) The hair on the udders shall be of such length that it is not incorporated with the teat in the inflation during milking.

  (4) All brushing must be completed before milking.

  (5) The udders and teats of all milking animals shall be cleaned and treated with an approved sanitizing solution just before the time of milking and must be dry before milking.

  (6) Wet hand milking is prohibited.

(o) Milking--surcingles, milk stools, and antikickers.

  (1) Surcingles, milk stools, and antikickers must be kept clean and stored above the floor in a clean place in the milking barn, stable, parlor, or milkhouse when not in use.

  (2) Milk stools must not be padded and must be constructed to be easily cleaned.

(p) Protection from contamination.

  (1) Equipment and operations within the milking barn, AMI, and milkhouse shall be located to prevent overcrowding or contamination of cleaned and sanitized containers or utensils.

  (2) No milk shall be strained, poured, transferred, or stored unless it is properly protected from contamination.

  (3) During milking, pipelines and equipment used to contain milk and milk products must be effectively separated from tanks or circuits containing cleaning and sanitizing solutions.

  (4) All milk which has overflowed, leaked, spilled, or been improperly handled must be discarded.

  (5) All milk product-contact surfaces or containers, equipment, and utensils must be covered or otherwise protected to prevent the access of insects, dust, condensation, and other contamination.

  (6) All openings, including valves and piping attached to milk storage and transport tanks, pumps, or vats, must be capped or otherwise properly protected. Gravity-type strainers in the milkhouse do not have to be covered.

  (7) Milk pipelines used to convey milk from pre-coolers to the bulk tank must be fitted with effective drip deflectors.

  (8) The receiving receptacle must be raised above the floor or placed at a distance from the cows to protect it against manure and splash when milk is poured or strained in the milking barn. The receiving receptacle must have a tight-fitting cover, which must be closed except when milk is being poured.

  (9) Each pail or container of milk must be transferred immediately after milking from the milking barn, stable, parlor, or AMI into the milkhouse.

  (10) Pails, cans, and other equipment containing milk must be properly covered during transfer and storage.

  (11) Air under pressure used for the agitation or movement or milk, or being directed at a milk-contact surface, must be free of oil, dust, rust, excessive moisture, extraneous materials, and odor.

  (12) Antibiotics and medicinal products must be stored in a manner that does not contaminate the milk or any milk product-contact surface.

(q) Bottling and capping.

  (1) All bottling and capping must be performed on approved mechanical equipment. Hand capping is allowed, provided:

    (A) milk is withdrawn through the bottom (outlet) valve of the tank, and dipping out of the tank is prohibited;

    (B) containers for transporting milk from tank to filling area are constructed of seamless, stainless steel material, and sanitized before usage; and

    (C) filling of food grade containers is performed in a sanitary manner to preclude possible contamination, and food grade container filling by the consumer is prohibited.

  (2) Returnable food grade containers must be washed, rinsed, and sanitized before filling. Lids for returnable food grade containers must not be reused. Sanitized, food grade containers must be provided by the dairy farm.

    (A) There shall be a separate room with three-compartment wash vat for washing, rinsing, and sanitizing of returnable food grade containers at the dairy farm.

    (B) Single-service food grade containers, returnable food grade containers, and lids must come from a licensed and inspected entity. Single-service food grade containers may not be reused.

    (C) All caps or single-service lids must be kept immersed in a 50 parts per million chlorine solution for a minimum of one minute and immediately placed on the container.

    (D) The operator must wear disposable plastic gloves while filling and capping.

(r) Personnel--hand washing facilities.

  (1) Adequate hand-washing facilities must be provided, maintained in good repair, and located convenient to the milkhouse, milking barn, stable, parlor, AMI, and flush toilet.

  (2) Hand-washing facilities must include:

    (A) a lavatory fixture with hot and cold running water;

    (B) soap or detergent; and

    (C) single-service individual sanitary towels.

  (3) Utensil wash and rinse vats may not be used for hand-washing facilities.

(s) Personnel--cleanliness.

  (1) Employees hands must be washed, clean, and dried with an individual sanitary towel immediately before milking, before performing any milkhouse function, and immediately after the interruption of any of these activities.

  (2) Employees performing any activity inside the milkhouse or milking area shall wear clean outer garments while milking or handling milk, milk containers, utensils, or equipment.

(t) Cooling.

  (1) Raw milk must be cooled to 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius) or less within two hours after milking.

  (2) Recirculated cold water used in plate, tubular coolers, or heat exchangers must be from a safe source and protected from contamination. The water shall be tested semiannually and found free of bacteria by an official or officially designated laboratory.

(u) Insect and rodent control.

  (1) Effective measures shall be taken to prevent the contamination of milk, containers, equipment, and utensils by insects and rodents.

  (2) Surroundings must be kept neat, clean, and free of conditions, which might harbor or create conditions conducive to the breeding of insects and rodents.

  (3) During fly season, manure must:

    (A) be spread directly on the fields;

    (B) stored for not more than four days in a pile on the ground surface, and then spread on the fields;

    (C) stored for not more than seven days in an impervious-floored bin, or on an impervious-curbed platform and then spread on the fields;

    (D) stored in a tight-screened and trapped manure shed;

    (E) effectively treated with larvicides; or


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