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RULE §155.31Establishing Procedures for Resolving Contract Claims and Disputes

    (B) be delivered by hand, certified mail return receipt requested, or other verifiable delivery service to the contractor or representative of the contractor who signed the notice of breach of contract claim; and

    (C) state in detail:

      (i) the nature of the counterclaim;

      (ii) a description of damages or offsets sought, including the amount and method used to calculate those damages or offsets; and

      (iii) the legal theory supporting the counterclaim.

  (3) In addition to the mandatory contents of the notice of counterclaim required by paragraph (2) of this subsection, the TDCJ may submit supporting documentation or other tangible evidence to facilitate the contractor's evaluation of the TDCJ's counterclaim.

  (4) The notice of counterclaim shall be delivered to the contractor no later than 60 days after the TDCJ's receipt of the contractor's notice of claim.

  (5) Nothing herein precludes the TDCJ from initiating a lawsuit for damages against the contractor in a court of competent jurisdiction.

(h) Contract Disputes.

  (1) To every extent possible, a dispute with a contractor should be resolved during the course of the contract. However, after completion of a contract, or when required for orderly performance prior to completion, if a resolution of a contractor's dispute has not been reached by the appropriate TDCJ division, the contractor should file a Notice of Breach of Contract Claim with the director of Contracts and Procurement per the requirements in subsection (f) of this section.

  (2) The executive director shall name the members and chairman of a Contract Dispute Committee (the committee), which will serve at the executive director's request. It shall be the responsibility of the committee to gather information, study relevant facts and documentation, meet with contractors and, if requested, to resolve any disputes between a TDCJ division and the contractor, as set forth by the claim.

  (3) The committee shall secure detailed reports and recommendations from the appropriate TDCJ division and may confer with TDCJ personnel, other persons, and outside entities that it deems appropriate.

  (4) The committee shall then afford the contractor an opportunity for a meeting or hearing to discuss the claim and to provide the contractor an opportunity to present additional relevant information and respond to information the committee has received from the appropriate TDCJ division.

  (5) The committee chairman shall give written notice of the committee's proposed disposition of the claim to the contractor and the appropriate TDCJ division. If that disposition is acceptable, the contractor shall advise the committee chairman in writing within 20 days of the date such notice is received, and the committee chairman shall forward the agreed disposition to the executive director for a final and binding order on the claim. If the contractor or TDCJ division is dissatisfied with the proposal of the committee, either party may appeal to the executive director.

(i) Appeal to the Executive Director.

  (1) An aggrieved contractor or TDCJ division may file a written appeal of the committee's decision to the executive director within 20 days of the receipt of the committee's decision. The contractor's appeal shall be submitted in writing and signed by the contractor or the contractor's authorized representative and delivered by hand, certified mail return receipt requested, or other verifiable delivery service to the TDCJ Executive Director, P.O. Box 99, Huntsville, Texas 77342. The TDCJ division's appeal shall be in writing and signed by the appropriate division director. The executive director or designee may uphold, reverse, or modify the decision of the committee.

  (2) The executive director or designee shall give written notice of the disposition of the claim to the contractor and the appropriate TDCJ division. If that disposition is acceptable to the contractor, the contractor shall advise the executive director, in writing, within 20 days of the date such notice is received. The TDCJ division shall have no right to object to the disposition of the claim or dispute made by the executive director or designee.

(j) Appeal to the TBCJ with Respect to Certain Contracts. A contractor who operates or manages a secure correctional facility of the TDCJ may appeal to the TBCJ for final determination, within 20 days of the executive director's decision, any imposed sanction under the contract. The appeal shall be submitted in writing and signed by the contractor or the contractor's authorized representative and delivered by hand, certified mail return receipt requested, or other verifiable delivery service to the TBCJ, P.O. Box 13084, Austin, Texas 78711.

(k) Request for Voluntary Disclosure of Additional Information.

  (1) Upon the filing of a claim or counterclaim, each party may request to review and copy information in the possession, custody, or control of the other party that pertains to the contract claimed to have been breached, including, without limitation:

    (A) accounting records;

    (B) correspondence between the TDCJ and outside consultants it used when preparing its bid solicitation or any part thereof or in administering the contract, and correspondence between the contractor and its subcontractors, material men, and vendors;

    (C) schedules;

    (D) the parties' internal memoranda; and

    (E) documents created by the contractor in preparing its offer to the TDCJ and documents created by the TDCJ in analyzing the offers it received in response to a solicitation.

  (2) This subsection applies to all information in the parties' possession regardless of the manner in which it is recorded, including, without limitation, paper and electronic media.

  (3) The contractor and the TDCJ may seek additional information directly from third-parties, including, without limitation, the TDCJ's third-party consultants and the contractor's subcontractors.

  (4) Nothing in this subsection requires any party to disclose any information or any matter that is privileged under Texas law.

  (5) Requests submitted pursuant to this subsection for material claimed to be confidential by the contractor shall be handled pursuant to the requirements of the Public Information Act.

(l) Duty to Negotiate. The parties shall negotiate in accordance with the timetable set forth in subsection (m) of this section to resolve all claims and counterclaims. No party is obligated to settle with the other party as a result of the negotiation.

(m) Negotiation Timetable.

  (1) Following receipt of a contractor's notice of claim, the committee shall review the contractor's claim(s) and the TDCJ's counterclaim(s), if any, and shall initiate negotiations with the contractor to resolve the claim(s) and counterclaim(s).

  (2) The parties shall begin negotiations within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 120 days following the date the TDCJ receives the contractor's notice of claim.

  (3) The parties may conduct negotiations according to an agreed schedule provided negotiations begin no later than the deadline set forth in paragraph (2) of this subsection.

  (4) Subject to paragraph (5) of this subsection, the parties shall complete the negotiations required by this subsection as a prerequisite to a contractor's request for contested case hearing no later than 270 days after the TDCJ receives the contractor's notice of claim.

  (5) The parties may agree in writing to extend the time for negotiations on or before the 270th day after the TDCJ receives the contractor's notice of claim. The agreement shall be signed by representatives of the parties with authority to bind each respective party and shall provide for the extension of the statutory negotiation period until a certain date. The parties may enter into a series of written extension agreements that comply with the requirements of this section.

  (6) The contractor may request, in writing, a contested case hearing before the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) pursuant to subsection (q) of this section after the 270th day after the TDCJ receives the contractor's notice of claim or the expiration of any extension agreed to under paragraph (5) of this subsection.

  (7) The parties may agree to mediate the dispute at any time before the 120th day after the TDCJ receives the contractor's notice of claim or before the expiration of any extension agreed to by the parties pursuant to paragraph (5) of this subsection. The mediation shall be governed by subsections (r), (s), (t), (u), (v), and (w) of this section.


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