Figure: 1 TAC §91.35(f)

Texas Register Formatting for Proposed Rules




To indicate a paragraph
(insert before each paragraph in the preamble)


To indicate a new section
(insert before the section number of each proposed new section)


To indicate new language in a proposed amendment*
(insert before the first new word)


To indicate italicized text
Examples: titles of books, court cases, referencing the Texas Register
(insert before the first word)


To return to regular type face
(insert after new language or italicized text)

[ ]

To indicate old or obsolete language*
(insert old or obsolete language between the square brackets)


For superscripted numbers
(insert before the number)


To return to normal type
(insert after the number)


For subscripted numbers
(insert before the number)


To return to normal type
(insert after the number)


To indicate a section symbol (§)
(insert in place of the section symbol)


To indicate separation of multiple documents in a single file
(insert between each document)

*You must include the entire word in the coding for new and old language. You can not code only part of the word.