Figure: 7 TAC §90.403(c)(3)

"I give to the Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, My Homestead located in __________ County at (Street Address) (City) (State) (Zip Code) and further described as:

(Legal Description)

The security interest in My Homestead includes existing and future improvements, easements, fixtures, attachments, replacements and additions to the property, insurance refunds, and proceeds. To the extent required by law, the security interest is limited to homestead property. No additional real or personal property secures the Loan Agreement.

This Security Document secures:

          a. repayment of the Note, and all extensions and modifications of the Note; and
          b. the completion of my promises and agreements under the Loan Agreement.

I warrant that I own My Homestead and have the right to grant you an interest in it. I also warrant that My Homestead is free of any lien, except liens that are publicly recorded. I promise that I will generally defend the title to My Homestead. I will be responsible for your losses that result from a conflicting ownership right in My Homestead. Any default under my agreements with you will be a default of this Security Document."