Figure: 7 TAC §90.503(c)(5)

"I will timely pay the principal, interest, and any other amounts due under the Loan Agreement. I will comply with the requirements of my escrow account under the Loan Agreement. I will make payments in U.S. currency. If any check is returned to you unpaid, you may select the form of future payments including:

     a.     cash;
     b.     money order;
     c.     certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check drawn upon an institution whose deposits are federally insured; or
     d.     Electronic Funds Transfer.

I will make payments to the location as you direct. You will apply my payments against the Loan Agreement only when they are received at the designated location. You may change the location for payments if you give me notice.

You may return any partial payment that does not bring the account current. You may accept any payment or partial payment that does not bring the account current without losing your rights to refuse full or partial payments in the future.  I will not use any offset or claim against you to relieve me from my duty to make payments under the Loan Agreement."