Figure: 30 TAC §117.320(c)(2)

The equation for calculating the rolling 30-day average emission cap applicable during all months other than July, August, and September for all electric generating facilities included in the system cap.


     Cap30day = the NOX 30-day rolling average emission cap in pounds per day;

     i = each EGF in the electric power generating system;

     N = the total number of EGFs in the emission cap;

     Hi =  (A)  the average of the daily heat input for each EGF in the emission cap, in million
                     British thermal units per day (MMBtu per day), as certified to the executive
                     director, for the system highest 30-day period in the nine months of July, August,
                     and September 1997, 1998, and 1999. For an EGF that the system highest 30-day
                     period in 1997 - 1999 occurs in months other than July - September, the owner or
                     operator may substitute the system highest 30-day period in the nine months
                     comprising the highest three consecutive months in each year of the 1997 - 1999

               (B) for an EGF exempt from the 40 CFR Part 75 monitoring requirements, if the heat
                     input data corresponding to the system highest 30-day period (as determined for an
                     EGF in the system subject to 40 CFR Part 75 monitoring) is not available, the daily
                     average of the highest calendar month heat input in 1997 - 1999 may be used;

               (C) the level of activity authorized by the executive director for the third quarter (July,
                     August, and September), until such time two consecutive third quarters of actual
                     level of activity data are available after the end of the adjustment period as defined
                     in §101.350 of this title, must be used for the following:

                     (i)  an EGF that the owner or operator has submitted, under Chapter 116 of this
                          title, an application determined to be administratively complete by the
                          executive director before January 2, 2001;

                     (ii)  an EGF that qualifies for a permit by rule under Chapter 106 of this title and
                          commenced construction before January 2, 2001; and

                     (iii)  an EGF that was not in operation before January 1, 1997;

               (D) after two consecutive third quarters of actual level of activity data are available for
                     an EGF described in subsection (c)(1) of this section, variable (C) of this figure, the
                     owner or operator may calculate the baseline as the average of any two consecutive
                     third quarters in the first five years of operation. For an EGF that the system
                     highest 30-day period in the first two years of operation occurs in months other
                     than July - September, the owner or operator may substitute the system highest 30-
                     day period in the six months comprising the highest three consecutive months in
                     any two consecutive years in the first five years of operation.  The five-year period
                     begins at the end of the adjustment period as defined in §101.350 of this title; and

               (E) in extenuating circumstances, the owner or operator of an EGF may request, subject
                     to approval of the executive director, up to two additional calendar years to
                     establish the baseline period described in subsection (c)(1) of this section, variable
                     (A) - (D) of this figure. Applications seeking an alternate baseline period must be
                     submitted by the owner or operator of the EGF to the executive director:

                     (i)  no later than December 31, 2001; or

                     (ii)  for an EGF that the baseline period as described in subsection (c)(1) of this
                          section, variable (A) - (D) of this figure is not complete by December 31, 2001,
                          no later than 90 days after completion of the baseline period; and

     Ri = the emission specification of §117.310(a) of this title.