Figure: 30 TAC §117.1020(c)(1)
Cap30day = the NOX 30-day rolling average emission cap in pounds per day;
i = each EGF in the electric power generating system;
N = the total number of EGFs in the emission cap;
Hi = the average of the daily heat input for each EGF in the emission cap, in million British
thermal units per day, as certified to the executive director, for the system highest 30-
day period in the nine months of July, August, and September 1996, 1997, and 1998.
For an EGF exempt from the 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 75 monitoring
requirements, if the heat input data corresponding to the system highest 30-day period
(as determined for an EGF in the system subject to 40 CFR Part 75 monitoring) is not
available, the daily average of the highest calendar month heat input in 1996 - 1998
may be used; and
Ri = the emission specification of §117.1010(a) of this title.