Figure: 30 TAC §285.90(2)

Figure 2. Model Affidavit to the Public.

THE COUNTY OF (insert county name)                   §
STATE OF TEXAS                                                  §


According to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Rules for On-Site Sewage (OSSFs) Facilities, this document is filed in the Deed Records of (insert county name) County, Texas.


The Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 366 authorizes the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (commission) to regulate on-site sewage facilities (OSSFs). Additionally, the Texas Water Code (TWC), §5.012 and §5.013, gives the commission primary responsibility for implementing the laws of the State of Texas relating to water and adopting rules necessary to carry out its powers and duties under the TWC. The commission, under the authority of the TWC and the Texas Health and Safety Code, requires owners to provide notice to the public that certain types of OSSFs are located on specific pieces of property. To achieve this notice, the commission requires a recorded affidavit. Additionally, the owner must provide proof of the recording to the OSSF permitting authority. This recorded affidavit is not a representation or warranty by the commission of the suitability of this OSSF, nor does it constitute any guarantee by the commission that the appropriate OSSF was installed.


An OSSF requiring a maintenance contract, according to 30 Texas Administrative Code §285.91(12) will be installed on the property described as (insert legal description):

The property is owned by (insert owner's full name)

This OSSF shall be covered by a continuous service policy for the first two years. After the initial two-year service policy, the owner of an aerobic treatment system for a single family residence shall either obtain a maintenance contract within 30 days or maintain the system personally.

Upon sale or transfer of the above-described property, the permit for the OSSF shall be transferred to the buyer or new owner. A copy of the planning materials for the OSSF may be obtained from (insert name of permitting authority).

WITNESS BY HAND(S) ON THIS ____ DAY OF ________________________, ________.


(Owner(s) signature(s))

SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME ON THIS ____ DAY OF ________________________,

Notary Public, State of Texas
Notary's Printed Name:
My Commission Expires: