Figure: 25 TAC §289.230(ee)(3)
Specific Subsection Name of Record Time Interval for Record Keeping
(r)(1)(A) Interpreting Physician Qualifications Until termination of certification or 2 years after physician leaves facility
(r)(1)(C) Interpreting Physician Continuing Education and Experience 6 years
(r)(1)(E) Mandatory training for Interpreting Physician, if applicable 6 years
(r)(2)(A) Medical Radiologic Technologist Qualifications Until termination of certification or 2 years after technologist leaves facility
(r)(2)(C) Medical Radiologic Technologist Continuing Education and Experience 6 years
(r)(2)(E) Mandatory training for Medical Radiologic Technologist, if applicable 6 years
(r)(3)(A) Medical Physicist Qualifications Until termination of certification or 2 years after physicist is no longer associated with the facility
(r)(3)(C) Medical Physicist Continuing Education and Experience 6 years
(s)(14) FDA Variances Until termination of certification or equipment is replaced
(u)(2) Quality Assurance (QA) Records Until the next annual inspection has been completed and the agency has determined that the facility is in compliance with the QA requirements or until the test has been performed two additional times at the required frequency, whichever is longer.
(v)(10) Physicist Mammography Survey 7 years
(v)(11) Physicist Mammography Equipment Evaluation 2 years
(w)(2) Medical Outcomes Audit 2 years
§289.234(o) Complaints 3 years
(dd)(1) Operating & Safety Procedures Until termination of certification
(dd)(3); (gg)(15) Records of Receipt, Transfer, and Disposal Until termination of certification
(dd)(6) Protective Devices Annual Check 3 years
(dd)(8) Records on Calibration, Maintenance and Modifications Performed on Mammography Machines 2 years
(ee)(2)(I) Current §§289.203, 289.204, 289.205, 289.226, 289.227, 289.230, 289.231, 289.234 Until termination of certification
(ee)(2)(J) Current Certification of Mammography Systems Until termination of certification
(ee)(2)(N) Current Accreditation of Mammography Systems Until termination of certification
(ff)(5) Certification of Inspection Until termination of certification
(ff)(6) Notice of Failure Until termination of certification
(ff)(10) Patient Notification Until termination of certification
(gg)(16) Records of Calibration, Maintenance, and  Modifications Performed on Interventional Breast Radiography Machines Until termination of certification