Figure 1: 22 TAC §183.10(a)(11)
Form to be Completed by Patient, Notifying the Acupuncturist of Whether He/She
Has Been Evaluated by a Physician, and Other Information.
(Pursuant to the requirements of 22 TAC §183.7 of the Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners’ rules (relating to Scope of Practice and Tex. Occ. Code Ann., §205.351, governing the practice of acupuncture.)
I (patient's name) ________________________________________, am notifying the acupuncturist (practitioner's name),
________________________________ of the following:
___ Yes ___ No I have been evaluated by a physician or dentist for the condition being treated within 12 months before the acupuncture was performed. I recognize that I should be evaluated by a physician or dentist for the condition being treated by the acupuncturist.
_____ (initials of patient) Date: ____________
___ Yes ___ No I have received a referral from my chiropractor within the last 30 days for acupuncture.
After being referred by a chiropractor, if after two months or 20 treatments, whichever comes first, no substantial improvement occurs in the condition being treated, I understand that the acupuncturist is required to refer me to a physician. It is my responsibility and choice whether to follow this advice.
Signature ________________________________ Date ____________