Figure: 25 TAC §289.202(ggg)(2)(B)(vi)

The use of the ALIs listed first, the more limiting of the stochastic and non-stochastic ALIs, will ensure that non-stochastic effects are avoided and that the risk of stochastic effects is limited to an acceptably low value. If, in a particular situation involving a radionuclide for which the non-stochastic ALI is limiting, use of that non-stochastic ALI is considered unduly conservative, the licensee may use the stochastic ALI to determine the committed efective dose equivalent. However, the licensee shall also ensure that the 50 rems (0.5 sievert) dose equivalent limit for any organ or tissue it not exceeded by the sum of the external deep dose equivalent plus the internal committed dose equivalent to that organ, not the effective dose. For the case where there is no external dose contribution, this would be demonstrated if the sum of the fractions of the nonstochastic ALIs (ALIns) that contribute to the committed dose equivalent to the organ receiving the highest dose does not exceed unity, that is, Σ (intake in µCi) of each radionuclide/ALIns) < 1.0. If there is an external deep dose equivalent contribution to Hd, then this sum must be less than 1 - (Hd/50), instead of < 1.0.