Appendix I

               Notice of Intent to File a Permit Application

This form shall be submitted only in the event a potential
applicant intends to initiate a pre-application review process as
described in 30 TAC §335.391.  Local officials designated to
appoint a local review committee pursuant to 30 TAC §335.391 must
do so within 45 days after the filing of this notice with the Texas
Natural Resource Conservation Commission.  For further information,
contact the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission,
Hazardous and Solid Waste Division, P. O. Box 13087, Capitol
Station, Austin, Texas, 78711.

(Potential Applicant Complete:)

          City, County, Individual or Company

Individual Contact:_____________________________________________

Mailing Address:________________________________________________

Type of Facility Proposed:

     _______Incinerator                 ______Landfill
     _______Transfer facility      ______Land treatment
     _______Storage facility       ______Surface impoundment
     _______Processing facility    ______Waste pile
     _______Recycling facility     ______Injection well

Street Address or Location of Proposed Facility:



Site Located in:

County of _______________________ Corporate Limits or
extraterritorial jurisdiction of                     

Within five miles of corporate limits or extraterritorial
jurisdiction of city(s) of                               

                         (For Commission Use Only:)
                                        Date Received: