Standard Exposure Factors (for use with §335.553(b)(2) and §335.563(e)).

Land		Exposure		Daily Intake		Exposure	Exposure	Body
Use 		Pathway			Rate        		Frequency	Duration	Weight

Residential     Ingestion of		2 liters		350 days/yr	30 years	70 kg
		Potable Water
		Ingestion of		200 mg-child, age 1 - 6	350 days/yr	6  years*	15.1 kg*
		Soil and Dust+ 		100 mg-adult, age 7 - 31		24 years**	70  kg**
										(*=child, **=adult)
		+ These factors yield the age-adjusted soil ingestion factor of 114 mg-yr/kg-day 
		Inhalation of		20 cu.m.-total		350 days/yr	30 years	70 kg 
		Contaminants		15 cu.m.-indoor
Commercial/	Ingestion of		1 liter			250 days/yr	25 years	70 kg
Industrial	Potable Water
		Ingestion of		50 mg			250 days/yr	25 years	70 kg
		Soil and Dust	
		Inhalation of		20 cu.m./workday	250 days/yr	25 years	70 kg
Agricultural	Consumption of		42 g-fruit		350 days/yr	30 years	70 kg
		Homegrown Produce	80 g-vegetables
		Factors for ingestion of potable water, soil and dust, and inhalation of volatiles:
		Use the Residential Land Use factors.
Recreational	Consumption of		10 g-freshwater		350 days/yr	30 years	70 kg
		Locally Caught Fish 	15 g-saltwater