Figure: 25 TAC §229.661(b)(8)(B)(ii)(I)

Table A. Interaction of pH and aw for control of spores in food heat-treated to destroy vegetative
cells and subsequently packaged
aw values pH values
4.6 or less > 4.6 - 5.6 > 5.6
≤0.92 non-PHF*/non-TCS food** non-PHF/non-TCS food non-PHF/non-TCS food
>0.92 - .95 non-PHF/non-TCS food non-PHF/non-TCS food PA***
>0.95 non-PHF/non-TCS food PA PA
* PHF means Potentially Hazardous Food
** TCS food means Time/Temperature Control for Safety Food
*** PA means Product Assessment required