Texas Register Flag

Open Meeting Information

Agency Name:Texas Department of Agriculture 
Date of Meeting:10/15/2024 
Time of Meeting:02:00 PM (Local Time) 
Board:Texas Organic Agricultural Industry Advisory Board  
Street Location:1700 N. Congress Ave, 11th Floor Conference Room 
City Location:Austin 
Meeting State:TX 
Submit Date:09/16/2024 
Emergency Mtg:No 
Additional Information Obtained From:Casey Corley (512) 463 - 7166 
Agenda:This meeting will be a hybrid meeting of in-person at the location above and via videoconference and/or teleconference. The presiding officer will preside over the meeting at the location above.

Members of the public may attend the meeting in-person or via Microsoft Teams:


Meeting ID: 271 941 274 552
Passcode: 6qagac

Dial in by phone
+1 512-910-3546,,220448223# United States, Austin
(833) 213-7037,,220448223# United States (Toll-free)

Phone conference ID: 220 448 223#


I. Call to Order

II. Swearing in of new and/or reappointed members (if applicable)

III. Roll Call and Quorum Confirmation

IV. Welcome

V. Discussion and Possible Action relating to approval of minutes from previous Board meeting on March 5, 2024

VI. Discussion and Possible Action relating to TDA Updates on the following topics:
a. 89th Texas Legislature, Regular Session and Interim Charges
b. TDA organic certification program
c. TDA marketing programs

VII. Discussion and Possible Action relating to updates from board members on industry needs

VIII. Discussion and Possible Action relating to update from AgriLife Extension organic program specialist

IX. Public Comment

X. Discussion and Possible Action relating to future meeting date

XI. Adjourn

Auxiliary Aids or Services for Persons with a Disability. If you would like to attend the meeting and require auxiliary aids or services, please notify the contact person listed on this meeting notice at least five days before the meeting by mail, telephone, or RELAY Texas (TTY: 7-7-1), so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

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