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Agency Name:State Securities Board
Date of Meeting:08/25/2015
Time of Meeting:10:15 AM
Board:State Securities Board
Street Location:208 E. 10th Street, Room 320
City Location:Austin
State Location:TX
Date of Submission:08/12/2015
Additional Information Obtained From:John Morgan, Securities Commissioner, 208 E. 10th Street, 5th Floor, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 305-8301.
Emergency Mtg:N
Agenda:1. Minutes of May 13, 2015, Board Meeting.

2. Rules.

A. Published Rule Proposals.
1. Amending §104.4, concerning registration of securities--review of applications, and §104.5, concerning registration of dealers and investment advisers--review of applications, to eliminate the requirement that deficiency and comment letters be sent via U.S. mail and recognize the use of alternative methods of communication with applicants.
2. Balance sheet submitted by a dealer or investment adviser applicant.
a. Amending §115.2(a) and §116.2(a), concerning application requirements, to specify the requirements for an applicant's balance sheet and the form to be used when the balance sheet is certified by the applicant's principal financial officer.
b. New Form 133.18, certification of balance sheet by an applicant's principal financial officer.

B. New Rule Proposals.
1. Regulation A, Tier 2 federal covered securities.
a. Amending §113.1, concerning qualification of securities.
2. Military applicants.
a. Amending §115.4(e) and §116.4(e), concerning evidences of registration, to relocate detailed provisions relating to renewals by military service members to §115.18 and §116.18 and implement changes made to the Occupations Code by Senate Bill 1307.
b. Amending §115.8 and §116.8, concerning fee requirements, to implement changes made to the Occupations Code by Senate Bill 807 and to provide for a fee reduction for small businesses registered in multiple capacities following the repeal of Section 41 of the Texas Securities Act in House Bill 7.
c. Amending §115.18 and §116.18, concerning special application provisions available to a military spouse, military service member, or military veteran, to implement changes made to the Occupations Code by Senate Bill 1307 and Senate Bill 807 relating to military applicants, and to relocate provisions from other sections that relate to military applicants.
d. Adopting new Form 133.4, concerning request for consideration of a registration application by a military applicant.
e. Repealing Form 133.4, concerning request for special consideration of a registration application by a military spouse, military service member, or military veteran.
f. Adopting new Form 133.19, concerning waiver or refund request by a military applicant.
3. Oil and Gas Auctions.
a. Amending §139.12, concerning oil and gas auction exemption, to add "associate auctioneer" to the definition of "auctioneer" to recognize this new type of registration added by House Bill 2481.

C. Rule Review and Readoption, Pursuant to the Notice Published June 5, 2015.
1. Chapter 107. Terminology.
2. Chapter 127. Miscellaneous.
3. Chapter 131. Guidelines for Confidentiality of Information.

3. Board action to set Section 35.A fees for the upcoming biennium.

4. Status Update on FY 2015 Internal Audit.

5. Board Acknowledgment and Acceptance of a Grant from the Investor Protection Trust for Investor Education Purposes; Discussion of Prior IPT Grants.

6. Legislative and Appropriations Update.

7. Report on Budget and Performance.

8. General Update on Agency Operations from Securities Commissioner and Senior Staff.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and require auxiliary aids or services should contact Sonia Fergerson at (512) 305-8300 at least five working days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
TRD ID:2015005471
Datestamp:08/12/2015 10:37 AM
Archive Date:08/27/2015

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