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Open Meeting Archive

Agency Name:State Securities Board
Date of Meeting:08/26/2021
Time of Meeting:10:00 AM
Board:Texas State Securities Board
Street Location:208 E. 10th Street, Room 320
City Location:Austin
State Location:TX
Date of Submission:08/12/2021
Additional Information Obtained From:Travis J. Iles, Securities Commissioner 208 E. 10th Street Austin Texas (512)305-8301
Emergency Mtg:N
Agenda:1. Minutes of June 24, 2021, Board Meeting; consider excused absences, if any.

2. Rulemaking - Consideration of rule proposals for publication and public comment.

A. Adding new §101.7, concerning references to the Texas Securities Act in Board Rules.

B. Adding new §101.8, concerning employee leave pools.

C. Implementation of House Bill 139, relating to occupational licensing of certain military applicants.
1. Amending subsections (a) and (h) of §115.18, concerning special provisions relating to military applicants, to add space force to the definition of "armed forces of the United States" and allow the spouse of an active military service member to submit a permanent change of station (PCS) order as proof of residency.
2. Amending subsections (a) and (h) of §116.18, concerning special provisions relating to military applicants, to add space force to the definition of "armed forces of the United States" and allow the spouse of an active military service member to submit a permanent change of station (PCS) order as proof of residency.

3. Legislative update for the First Called Session.

4. Report on budget and performance.

5. Update on Agency operations.

6. Consider and possibly adopt a resolution honoring Miguel Romano, Jr., former member of the State Securities Board.

7. Executive Session to conduct the annual performance review of the Securities Commissioner.

8. Possible action on matters discussed in Executive Session.

Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and require auxiliary aids or services should contact Sonia Fergerson at (512) 305-8306 at least five business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
TRD ID:2021004831
Datestamp:08/12/2021 09:30 AM
Archive Date:08/28/2021

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