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Open Meeting Archive

Agency Name:Texas Education Agency
Date of Meeting:01/05/2022
Time of Meeting:10:00 AM
Committee:The 1836 Project Advisory Committee
Street Location:Room E1.012, Texas State Capitol, 1100 Congress Avenue
City Location:Austin
State Location:TX
Date of Submission:12/28/2021
Additional Information Obtained From:Sarah Harrington, Texas Education Agency, sarah.harrington@tea.texas.gov, (512) 463-9682
Emergency Mtg:N
Agenda:The January 5, 2022 meeting of the 1836 Project Advisory Committee will be held in person and will also be viewable online at https://senate.texas.gov/events.php.

1. Call to Order

2. Chair's Opening Remarks

3. Discussion and Adoption of Committee Rules and Procedures

4. The 1836 Project Purpose and Goals

5. Discussion of Desired Future Testimony

6. Closing Remarks and Adjournment
TRD ID:2021007557
Datestamp:12/28/2021 12:17 PM
Archive Date:01/07/2022

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