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RULE §25.25Conversion from Trust-Funded to Insurance-Funded Benefits
Historical Texas Register

  (19) Application fee. In connection with an application submitted under this section, the applicant must submit the conversion application fee required by §25.23 of this title (relating to Application Fees).

  (20) Side agreements. To the extent not otherwise required by this subsection, the applicant must submit copies of any other agreements between or among the applicant, a funeral provider, the post-conversion permit holder, and/or the insurance company that contain contractual provisions or informal understandings or undertakings addressing any aspect of the proposed conversion or the future relationship among the applicant, a funeral provider, the post-conversion permit holder, and/or the insurance company with respect to any converted prepaid contract.

(d) Consideration of application; hearing. If the application is deficient, the department may require any person connected with the proposed conversion to submit additional information. An application may be approved or denied without the necessity of a hearing, subject to the right of the applicant or the post-conversion permit holder to request a hearing.

  (1) Conditions in order approving conversion. An order approving conversion will impose certain conditions that are not subject to objection, as described in subsection (e) of this section. The order may also impose other, nonstandard conditions specific to the conversion at issue. The applicant or the post-conversion permit holder must submit a written request for hearing pursuant to paragraph (2) of this subsection if any nonstandard condition in the order is objectionable, in which case the order is deemed to be a denial. Consummation of the conversion transaction constitutes confirmation of acceptance by the applicant, the post-conversion permit holder, and the insurance company of any conditions imposed by the order and is considered for all purposes an agreement with the department enforceable against the applicant, the post-conversion permit holder, and the insurance company.

  (2) Hearing. The applicant or the post-conversion permit holder may file a written request for hearing with the commissioner on or before the 30th day after the date of the order denying the application, or an order imposing nonstandard conditions objectionable to the applicant or the post-conversion permit holder, stating with specificity the reasons the applicant alleges that the decision of the department is in error. The request for hearing will be forwarded to the administrative law judge who must enter appropriate orders and conduct the hearing on or before the 60th day after the date the request for hearing was received, or as soon as is otherwise reasonably possible, under Chapter 9 of this title (relating to Rules of Procedure for Contested Case Hearings, Appeals, and Rulemakings) and Government Code, Chapter 2001. The applicant or the post-conversion permit holder has the burden of proof to demonstrate that the proposed insurance-funded prepaid funeral benefits safeguards the rights and interests of each affected purchaser to substantially the same degree as the existing trust-funded prepaid funeral benefits sought to be replaced. A denial of an application may not be appealed until a final order is issued.

(e) Standard conditions in order approving conversion. An order approving conversion will impose six required conditions that are not subject to objection. Failure to satisfy any of these conditions constitutes a violation of an order of the commissioner subject to possible enforcement action under Finance Code, Chapter 154.

  (1) The order approving conversion will prohibit issuance of the annuities prior to the expiration of the time period for a purchaser to decline conversion, including any extended time period required by paragraph (4) of this subsection, except that the annuities may be issued prior to that date if expiration of the time period will occur during the free look period or if a purchaser electing to decline conversion will not be required to pay an early withdrawal penalty for cancellation of the annuity.

  (2) Pursuant to Finance Code, §154.204(b), the order approving conversion will require the applicant to notify purchasers of the proposed conversion by the following means:

    (A) The notification letter from the applicant described by subsection (c)(15) of this section must be sent to purchasers by certified mail or another form of mail that requires or provides proof of delivery to the last known address of the purchaser.

    (B) The applicant must publish a one-time public notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the applicant is located, or in another publication or location as directed by the department, as evidenced by a publisher's affidavit attesting to the date of publication, advising purchasers of trust-funded prepaid contracts from applicant of the pending conversion, the right of a purchaser to decline conversion, and the manner in which a purchaser may obtain more information about the purchaser's rights and options regarding the conversion.

  (3) The order approving conversion will provide that a prepaid contract for which the notification letter is returned unclaimed may not be converted to the insurance-funded funeral benefit arrangement approved in the order unless the requirements of this paragraph are met.

    (A) With respect to each notification letter returned unclaimed because the address is incorrect, the addressee is unknown or has moved without leaving a forwarding address, or the addressee's forwarding order has expired, the applicant must search for a new address for the purchaser using available non-fee based resources. If a new address is located, the applicant must resend the notification letter one time in the manner required by subsection (e)(2)(A) of this section.

    (B) With respect to each unclaimed notification letter for which a new address is not located and with respect to each re-mailed notification letter that is returned unclaimed, the applicant must review the related contract file in light of the returned letter to verify or change its prior determination that the contract should not be presumed abandoned under Finance Code, §154.301, and must retain documentation evidencing its review for examination by the department. A prepaid contract subject to this paragraph may be converted to the insurance-funded funeral benefit arrangement approved in the order only if the applicant makes a new affirmative finding that the contract should not be presumed abandoned. On or before the 120th day after the date of the order, the applicant must submit a report to the department summarizing its activities under this subparagraph and reporting the basis for findings made.

  (4) The order approving conversion will require the post-conversion permit holder, on or before the 120th day after the date of the order, to submit to the department a notarized statement attesting that the annuities have been issued and funded on behalf of the purchasers listed in the pro forma post-conversion summary included in the conversion application and disclosing the date that the notification letters included in the conversion application were mailed to the purchasers.

  (5) The order approving conversion will require the post-conversion permit holder, on or before the 120th day after the date the trust funds are transferred as authorized by the order, to submit to the department a final post-conversion summary pertaining to each converted prepaid contract, determined as of the conversion date, with totals for all prepaid contracts, if applicable, addressing each of the following categories:

    (A) name of annuitant;

    (B) policy number of the annuity issued to the annuitant, or of each annuity if a supplemental annuity is also issued;

    (C) contract purchase price;

    (D) paid-in principal;

    (E) unpaid principal balance, if any;

    (F) the amount of transferred trust funds applied to the premium for each annuity;

    (G) amount retained by the applicant under Finance Code, §154.252;

    (H) cash surrender value of each annuity, assuming the annuity were to be surrendered on the conversion date; and

    (I) death benefit under each annuity, assuming death were to occur on the conversion date.

  (6) The order approving conversion will require the conversion transaction to be fully implemented and completed on or before the 150th day after the date of the conversion order.

Source Note: The provisions of this §25.25 adopted to be effective January 8, 2009, 34 TexReg 177; amended to be effective July 5, 2012, 37 TexReg 4866; amended to be effective May 7, 2020, 45 TexReg 2829

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