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RULE §3.360Customs Brokers
Historical Texas Register

  (3) the name, address of the place of business which the customs broker certified the export, and Texas Customs Broker License number of the customs broker in whose name the export is being certified;

  (4) the date (and time, if available) of sale, as shown on the invoice, receipt, or similar document;

  (5) the date, time and exact location where the property was exported (e.g., the name of border crossing bridge or airport), unless export was verified as set out in subsection (b)(3) of this section;

  (6) a description and quantity of the property; a list of Store Keeping Unit (SKU), Harmonization Systems, Schedule B or other product identification codes; or copies of invoices securely attached to the form and signed and dated individually by the customs broker or the customs broker's authorized employee;

  (7) the invoice numbers (if any) and total sales prices and taxes of all property certified for export;

  (8) the original signature of the licensed customs broker or the customs broker's authorized employee, together with a certification that the customs broker or authorized employee inspected the property and the original receipt for the property and that the property has been exported or will be exported under the verification requirements of subsection (b)(3) of this section;

  (9) the name of the person who signed the form, typed or legibly printed near the signature;

  (10) a valid export certification stamp whose expiration date falls within the same calendar quarter as the certification date (regardless of the date of sale);

  (11) a sequential export certification form number assigned by the licensed customs broker;

  (12) the purchaser's original signature and date; and

  (13) the certification identification number assigned by the comptroller.

(q) License denial, suspension, and revocation. The comptroller may deny, suspend, or revoke a Texas Customs Broker License for cause.

  (1) Grounds for denying a person's application for a Texas Customs Broker License include, but are not limited to:

    (A) ineligibility for a license under subsection (c) of this section, including filing incomplete, false, or misleading information with the license application;

    (B) disqualification for a license due to prior denial, United States Customs and Border Protection suspension, or revocation, as provided in this subsection;

    (C) forfeiture of an entity's right to transact business or certificate of formation/registration, if the applicant is a taxable entity;

    (D) failure to pay annual license fee; or

    (E) failure to post bond or security as required by the comptroller.

  (2) A person whose application for a Texas Customs Broker License has been denied may resubmit the application not sooner than 90 days after the date on which the comptroller's decision to deny the application becomes final. However, the comptroller may authorize reapplication at an earlier date if the comptroller determines it is warranted under the circumstances.

  (3) Acts or omissions of a licensed customs broker, authorized employee, verification contractor, an officer or director, a general partner, or member (as applicable) that constitute cause for suspension or revocation of a license under this section include, but are not limited to:

    (A) cancellation, suspension, or revocation by the United States Customs and Border Protection of the customs broker's license to act as a customs broker or cancellation of that license by the customs broker;

    (B) violation of any provision of the Tax Code or the comptroller's rules;

    (C) delivering to any person a signed and/or stamped export certification form if all or a portion of the property described thereon was not actually exported at the time and place and on the date reflected on the certification form, or not properly verified as property that will be exported as required in subsection (b)(3) of this section;

    (D) delivering to any person a signed and/or stamped export certification form based solely on:

      (i) foreign import documents, bills of lading, freight forwarder's receipts, or other documents that constitute valid proof of export in and of themselves under §3.323 of this title; or

      (ii) proof of foreign citizenship;

    (E) transferring an export certification stamp to a person other than the licensed customs broker or the customs broker's authorized employee, except if, at the time of transfer, the stamp is affixed to an export certification form issued in compliance with this section;

    (F) delivering to any person an export certification form with knowledge that the recipient intends to use the form to evade tax that is legally due or to assist another person in the evasion of tax that is legally due;

    (G) soliciting, advertising, or promoting the unlawful evasion of tax through use of export certification forms;

    (H) knowingly making a false verbal or written statement to the comptroller;

    (I) fully or partially preparing export certification forms at a location for which no Texas Customs Broker License has been issued;

    (J) transferring signed and/or stamped export certification forms that are otherwise blank or incomplete at the time of transfer to a person other than the licensed customs broker or the customs broker's authorized employee in the ordinary course of business;

    (K) failing to exercise responsible supervision and control over the conduct of export certification business, including inadequate supervision of authorized employees and verification contractors;

    (L) failing to keep current in a correct, orderly, and itemized manner the records required under this section, failing to timely provide the comptroller with information required to be provided, or failing to account for all export certification stamps received from the comptroller;

    (M) refusing the comptroller access to, concealing, removing, or destroying without the comptroller's prior written consent, the whole or any part of a record required to be kept under this section, or refusing to cooperate with the comptroller's investigation;

    (N) attempting to unduly influence the comptroller by the use of a threat, false accusation, duress, or the offer of any special inducement or promise of advantage, or by bestowing any gift, favor, or other thing of value;

    (O) withholding information from or knowingly imparting false information to a client;

    (P) failing to timely return to the comptroller unused, expired export certification stamps as required by this section, absent a showing and timely report to the comptroller of loss by theft or accident;

    (Q) selling or buying export certification forms and/or export certification stamps except as consistent with this section;

    (R) seeking and/or obtaining under false pretenses a tax refund from a seller, including giving a false refund assignment to the seller or otherwise representing that the customs broker has the authority to obtain a refund of tax paid by another person if the customs broker does not have such authority;

    (S) failing promptly to notify the seller, in writing, that an export certification form relating to that seller is for any reason incomplete, misleading, void, or otherwise invalid;

    (T) failing to file quarterly customs broker report;

    (U) failing to use the website for preparing documentation while the website is available, or, if the website becomes unavailable and the comptroller provides prior authorization, failing to promptly enter documentation using the website no later than 48 hours after website becomes available or disabling or interfering with the proper functioning of the website in any manner;

    (V) failing to pay tax, penalties, or interest that become due or are imposed by the comptroller under the provisions of the Tax Code or this section;

    (W) failing to request a purchaser identification number; or

    (X) failing to properly document each item to be exported on purchaser's original receipt by circling, and writing or stating "exported" next to each item, or failing to write or state on each original receipt the date and time the property was verified for export together with the full printed name of the person making the verification.


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