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RULE §5.48Deductions for Contributions to Charitable Organizations
Historical Texas Register

    (B) This subparagraph applies to a state employee only if employed by an institution of higher education. A state employee's authorization of a deduction to a statewide federation or fund may designate one or more eligible charitable organizations to receive the employee's deducted amounts through the federation or fund. The employee may designate not more than nine organizations if the employing institution of higher education has not specified a higher maximum number of designations that its employees may make. If the institution has specified a higher maximum number, then the employee may designate not more than that number.

    (C) If a state employee's authorization of a deduction to a statewide federation or fund designates only one eligible charitable organization, then the organization's designated initial distribution amount with respect to the employee is equal to the employee's entire deduction to the statewide federation or fund.

    (D) If a state employee's authorization of a deduction to a statewide federation or fund designates more than one eligible charitable organization, then the designation is valid only if it specifies the designated initial distribution amount for each organization.

    (E) This subparagraph applies if a state employee's authorization of a deduction to a statewide federation or fund does not contain a valid designation. The statewide federation or fund shall determine the undesignated initial distribution amount with respect to the employee for each eligible charitable organization affiliated with the federation or fund. The determination must be accomplished according to the federation or fund's policy.

    (F) Notwithstanding anything in this paragraph, a statewide federation or fund shall distribute deducted amounts to an eligible charitable organization according to the percentage method required by subsection (k) of this section. A designated or undesignated initial distribution amount specified or determined under this paragraph is only the starting point for calculating the amount to be distributed.

(d) State employee charitable campaign.

  (1) Time of the state employee charitable campaign. The state employee charitable campaign shall be conducted annually during the period after August 31st and before November 1st.

  (2) Reimbursement of expenses incurred by state employees while representing charitable organizations. A state agency may not reimburse a state employee for expenses incurred while acting as a representative of a charitable organization.

  (3) Participation by state employees. Participation by a state employee in the state employee charitable campaign is voluntary.

(e) Effective dates of authorization forms and electronic deduction authorizations.

  (1) Effective date of authorization forms and electronic deduction authorizations provided during a state employee charitable campaign. A state employee's authorization form or electronic deduction authorization that is provided during a state employee charitable campaign is effective for the following campaign year if the form or electronic deduction authorization is completed properly, the form or electronic deduction authorization is signed by the employee, and the employee's employer receives the properly completed and signed form or electronic deduction authorization not later than November 15th before the start of that year. The deductions may not start before the beginning of that year.

  (2) Effective date of authorization forms and electronic deduction authorizations provided immediately after a state agency is converted to the uniform statewide payroll/personnel system. State law says that a state agency, other than an institution of higher education, is not required to permit its state employees to authorize a deduction until the first full payroll period after the agency is converted to the uniform statewide payroll/personnel system. A state agency covered by that law shall permit its employees to authorize deductions so that they are effective not later than the first full payroll period after conversion of the agency. To be effective by that date, a properly completed authorization form or electronic deduction authorization must be received by the agency not later than the tenth workday before the first day of the agency's first full monthly payroll period after conversion.

  (3) Effective date of authorization forms and electronic deduction authorizations provided by new state employees.

    (A) Paragraph (1) of this subsection applies to a new state employee's authorization form or electronic deduction authorization if it:

      (i) is received by the employee's employer during a state employee charitable campaign; and

      (ii) authorizes a deduction to begin during the campaign year following the campaign year in which the form or electronic deduction authorization is received.

    (B) This subparagraph applies to a new state employee's authorization form or electronic deduction authorization only if the form or electronic deduction authorization authorizes a deduction to begin during the same campaign year as the campaign year in which the employee's employer receives the form or electronic deduction authorization. The employer may decide when the deduction will take effect, subject to the following limitations.

      (i) Except as provided in clause (ii) of this subparagraph, the deduction must begin not later than with the employee's salary or wages that are paid on the first workday of the second month following the month in which the employer receives the form or electronic deduction authorization.

      (ii) If the employer receives the form or electronic deduction authorization during October or November, then the employer may decide whether and when to give effect to the form or electronic deduction authorization.

  (4) Effective date of authorization forms and electronic deduction authorizations that request changes in deductions.

    (A) This paragraph applies only to a state employee's authorization form or electronic deduction authorization that requests a change to a deduction.

    (B) The employer of the employee may decide when the change will take effect, subject to the following limitations.

      (i) Except as provided in clause (ii) of this subparagraph, the change must take effect not later than with the employee's salary or wages that are paid on the first workday of the second month following the month in which the employer receives the form or electronic deduction authorization.

      (ii) If the employer receives the form or electronic deduction authorization during October or November of a campaign year and the form or electronic deduction authorization requests a change in a deduction for the year, then the employer may decide whether and when to give effect to the form or electronic deduction authorization.

    (C) The following example illustrates the requirements of this paragraph. Assume that a state agency receives an authorization form or electronic deduction authorization on July 2, 2016, and that the form or electronic deduction authorization requests a decrease in the amount of a deduction. The agency may make the decrease effective with the deduction that occurs on the August 1, 2016, salary payment. If the agency does not, then the agency must make the decrease effective with the deduction that occurs on the September 1, 2016, salary payment.

  (5) Effective date of authorization forms and electronic deduction authorizations that request cancellations of deductions.

    (A) This paragraph applies only to a state employee's authorization form or electronic deduction authorization that requests the cancellation of a deduction.

    (B) The employer of the employee may decide when the cancellation will take effect. The cancellation must take effect, however, not later than with the employee's salary or wages that are paid on the first workday of the second month following the month in which the employer receives the form or electronic deduction authorization.

    (C) The following example illustrates the requirements of this paragraph. Assume that a state agency receives an authorization form or electronic deduction authorization on July 2, 2016, and that the form or electronic deduction authorization requests the cancellation of a deduction. The agency may make the cancellation effective with the August 1, 2016, salary payment. If the agency does not, then the agency must make the cancellation effective with the September 1, 2016, salary payment.

(f) Requirements for the content and format of authorization forms.

  (1) Prohibition against distributing or providing authorization forms. A local campaign manager or a statewide federation or fund may distribute or provide an authorization form to a state employee only if both the comptroller and the state policy committee have approved the form.


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