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RULE §5.200State Property Accounting System
Historical Texas Register

    (B) the attorney general in the manner prescribed by the comptroller not later than the fifth working day after reasonable cause for the belief arises.

(n) Stolen personal property.

  (1) Comptroller requirements. A state agency must enter the appropriate disposal code for stolen personal property into the SPA system in accordance with the comptroller's requirements.

  (2) Physical inventory. A state agency must include in the agency's annual physical inventory the agency's stolen personal property until the appropriate disposal code for the property has been entered into the SPA system in accordance with the comptroller's requirements.

  (3) Reporting. If the head of a state agency or property manager has reasonable cause to believe that any property in the agency's possession has been stolen, the head of the agency or property manager shall report the theft to:

    (A) the comptroller immediately by entering the appropriate disposal code into the SPA system;

    (B) the attorney general in the manner prescribed by the comptroller not later than the fifth working day after reasonable cause for the belief arises; and

    (C) the appropriate law enforcement agency not later than the 48th hour after reasonable cause for the belief arises.

(o) Surplus and salvage personal property.

  (1) Compliance with applicable law and rules. A state agency shall comply with Government Code, Chapter 2175, and the rules promulgated by the Texas Facilities Commission when transferring, selling, or disposing of its surplus or salvage personal property.

  (2) Disposal of surplus or salvage personal property. A state agency shall enter the appropriate disposal code for surplus or salvage personal property into the SPA system in accordance with the comptroller's requirements.

  (3) Physical inventory. A state agency must include in the agency's annual physical inventory the agency's salvage or surplus personal property until the appropriate disposal code for the property has been entered into the SPA system in accordance with the comptroller's requirements.

(p) Real property. In addition to other requirements set forth in this section, a state agency must submit information about real property to the General Land Office.

(q) Abolished state agencies.

  (1) Application of this subsection. This subsection applies to an abolished state agency only to the extent this section is consistent with the law that abolishes the agency.

  (2) Responsibilities of the head of an abolished state agency.

    (A) The head of an abolished state agency shall:

      (i) conduct a complete and accurate physical inventory of the agency's state property in accordance with the comptroller's requirements;

      (ii) furnish a copy of the inventory to the appropriate governmental entity designated to take custody of the agency's state property not later than the date prescribed by the legislature or, if the legislature did not prescribe a date, the effective date of the abolition of the state agency; and

      (iii) transfer all state property of the agency to the appropriate governmental entity designated to take custody of the agency's state property.

    (B) The physical inventory required by subparagraph (A)(i) of this paragraph is in addition to the annual physical inventory required by subsection (i) of this section.

(r) Conflict with federal laws or regulations. If a federal law or regulation conflicts with this section, the federal law or regulation prevails over this section to the extent necessary to avoid the conflict.

Source Note: The provisions of this §5.200 adopted to be effective June 2, 2021, 46 TexReg 3418

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