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RULE §5.48Deductions for Contributions to Charitable Organizations
Historical Texas Register

  (2) Requirement to produce authorization forms. A local campaign manager or a statewide federation or fund must produce an authorization form that complies with the comptroller's requirements and this section.

  (3) Restrictions on approval of authorization forms. Neither the comptroller nor the state policy committee may approve the authorization form of a local campaign manager or a statewide federation or fund unless the form:

    (A) is at least 8 1/2 inches wide and 11 inches long;

    (B) states that statewide federations or funds and local campaign managers are required to use the percentage method to distribute a state employee's deducted amounts to eligible charitable organizations designated by the employee instead of matching deducted amounts received to actual designations;

    (C) accurately describes the percentage method; and

    (D) complies with the comptroller's requirements for format and substance.

(g) Procedure for federations or funds to apply for statewide participation.

  (1) Request for statewide participation. A federation or fund may not be a statewide federation or fund unless the federation or fund applies to the state policy committee for that status in accordance with this section, Government Code, §659.146, and the committee's procedures.

  (2) Requirements for the application. The application of a federation or fund to be a statewide federation or fund must include:

    (A) a letter from the presiding officer of the federation or fund's board of directors certifying compliance by the federation or fund and its affiliated agencies with the eligibility requirements of Government Code, §659.146;

    (B) a copy of a letter from each affiliate of the federation or fund certifying that the federation or fund serves as the affiliate's representative and fiscal agent in the state employee charitable campaign;

    (C) a copy of the conflict of interest policy approved by the federation or fund's board of directors, which prohibits its board members, executive director, and staff from engaging in business transactions in which they have material conflicting interests;

    (D) if the executive director of the federation or fund receives material compensation for services rendered to any organization other than the federation or fund, a full disclosure of:

      (i) the name of the organization;

      (ii) the nature and amount of the compensation; and

      (iii) the relationship of the organization to the federation or fund;

    (E) a copy of the federation or fund's current operating budget, signed by the presiding officer of the federation or fund's board of directors; and

    (F) an acknowledgment that the federation or fund is responsible for filing any appeals from its affiliated agencies that have not secured approval for statewide or local participation in the state employee charitable campaign.

  (3) Notification of the comptroller. Upon approval of a federation or fund for statewide participation in the state employee charitable campaign, the state policy committee shall submit to the comptroller:

    (A) the complete name of the federation or fund;

    (B) the mailing address of the federation or fund;

    (C) the full name, title, telephone number, and mailing address of the federation or fund's primary contact;

    (D) the payee identification number of the federation or fund, when available; and

    (E) the other information deemed necessary by the comptroller.

  (4) Payee identification numbers. A federation or fund that has been approved for statewide participation and that does not have a payee identification number shall submit a request for one to the comptroller.

  (5) Electronic funds transfers.

    (A) A federation or fund that has been approved for statewide participation in the state employee charitable campaign shall submit a request to be paid by the comptroller through electronic funds transfers under rules adopted by the comptroller. This subparagraph applies only to the extent that the comptroller's electronic funds transfer system is used.

    (B) A federation or fund that has been approved for statewide participation in the state employee charitable campaign shall submit a request to be paid by an institution of higher education through electronic funds transfers under rules or procedures adopted by the institution. This subparagraph applies only to the extent that the comptroller's electronic funds transfer system is not used.

  (6) Beginning of deductions. The first payment of deducted amounts to a statewide federation or fund shall occur the first month of the first campaign year that begins after the federation or fund is approved for statewide participation in the state employee charitable campaign.

(h) Procedure for charitable organizations to apply for local participation.

  (1) Request for local participation.

    (A) A charitable organization may not be an eligible local charitable organization unless it applies to the state policy committee and any applicable local employee committee appointed by the state policy committee in accordance with this section, Government Code, §659.147, and the committee's procedures.

    (B) A federation or fund that wants to be an eligible local charitable organization may apply on behalf of its affiliated agencies.

  (2) Requirements for applications from federations or funds. If a charitable organization applying to be an eligible local charitable organization is a federation or fund, then the organization must provide to the state policy committee and any applicable local employee committee appointed by the state policy committee:

    (A) a letter from the presiding officer of the federation or fund's board of directors certifying compliance by the federation or fund and its affiliated agencies with the eligibility requirements of Government Code, §659.147;

    (B) a copy of a letter from each affiliate of the federation or fund certifying that the federation or fund serves as the affiliate's representative and fiscal agent in the state employee charitable campaign;

    (C) a copy of the conflict of interest policy approved by the federation or fund's board of directors, which prohibits its board members, executive director, and staff from engaging in business transactions in which they have material conflicting interests;

    (D) if the executive director of the federation or fund receives material compensation for services rendered to any organization other than the federation or fund, a full disclosure of:

      (i) the name of the organization;

      (ii) the nature and amount of the compensation; and

      (iii) the relationship of the organization to the federation or fund;

    (E) a copy of the federation or fund's current operating budget, signed by the presiding officer of the federation or fund's board of directors; and

    (F) an acknowledgment that the federation or fund is responsible for filing any appeals from its affiliated agencies that have not secured approval for statewide or local participation in the state employee charitable campaign.

  (3) Beginning of deductions. The first deduction to pay an eligible local charitable organization shall occur the first month of the first campaign year that begins after the charitable organization is approved for local participation in the state employee charitable campaign.

(i) Payments of deductions.

  (1) Prohibited payments to eligible local charitable organizations.

    (A) Neither the comptroller nor an institution of higher education may pay deducted amounts directly to an eligible local charitable organization.

    (B) Except as otherwise provided in this subparagraph, deducted amounts shall be paid directly to the appropriate local campaign manager if one has been appointed by the state policy committee. If the eligible local charitable organization involved is an affiliate of a statewide federation or fund, then the deducted amounts shall be paid directly to the federation or fund.

  (2) Payments by the comptroller through electronic funds transfers. If feasible, the comptroller shall pay deducted amounts to a local campaign manager or a statewide federation or fund by electronic funds transfer.

  (3) Payments through warrants issued by the comptroller.

    (A) This paragraph applies only if it is infeasible for the comptroller to pay deducted amounts by electronic funds transfer.

    (B) The comptroller shall pay deducted amounts by warrant and make the warrant available for pick up by the state agency whose employees' deductions are being paid by the warrant.


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