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RULE §5.46Deductions for Paying Membership Fees to Certain State Employee Organizations
Historical Texas Register

      (ii) the date on which the organization receives the agency's reasonable evidence of the overpayment.

(l) Responsibilities of state agencies.

  (1) Reports of violations. A state agency may report to the comptroller a violation of this section that the agency believes an eligible organization or its representatives or employees might have committed. A report must be made in writing, and a copy of the report must be mailed to the organization at the same time that the original of the report is mailed to the comptroller.

  (2) Authorization forms. A state agency:

    (A) may accept authorization forms only if they comply with this section;

    (B) must ensure that the identifying information for an eligible organization on an authorization form is the same as the identifying information on the notification document received from the comptroller under subsection (g)(3)(B) of this section; and

    (C) may not accept an authorization form that contains an obvious alteration without the state employee's written consent to the alteration.

  (3) Detail reports to eligible organizations.

    (A) An employer must submit, in a secure manner, a detail report each month to each eligible organization that receives the deductions.

    (B) A detail report to an eligible organization for a month must contain:

      (i) the name, in alphabetical order, and social security number of each state employee from whose salary or wages a deduction was authorized by this section for the month, regardless of whether the deduction was actually made; and

      (ii) the amount of the deduction made for each employee.

    (C) An employer must submit the detail report for the payment to the organization by no later than the 15th calendar day of the month in which the payment was made. If the 15th calendar day is not a workday, then the first workday following the 15th calendar day is the deadline for submitting the report.

(m) Termination of certification.

  (1) Termination by the comptroller.

    (A) The comptroller may terminate the certification of an eligible organization only if the organization violates subsection (e)(1) of this section.

    (B) The comptroller may determine the effective date of a termination under this paragraph. No deduction authorized by this section may be made to an eligible organization on or after the effective date of a termination under this paragraph.

    (C) When the comptroller terminates the certification of an eligible organization, the comptroller shall send written notice of the termination to the organization via certified mail, return receipt requested.

  (2) Termination by eligible organizations.

    (A) An eligible organization may terminate its participation in the deduction program authorized by this section only by terminating its certification.

    (B) An eligible organization may terminate its certification by providing written notice of termination to the comptroller. However, an organization may not provide written notice of termination to the comptroller until the organization has provided written notice of termination to each state employee from whose salary or wages a membership fee to the organization is being deducted.

    (C) An eligible organization's termination of its certification is effective beginning with the salary or wages that are paid on the first workday of the third month following the month in which the comptroller receives the organization's proper notice of termination.

Source Note: The provisions of this §5.46 adopted to be effective June 26, 1992, 17 TexReg 4256; amended to be effective June 24, 1998, 23 TexReg 6513; amended to be effective June 20, 2021, 46 TexReg 3026

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