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RULE §5.48Deductions for Contributions to Charitable Organizations
Historical Texas Register

    (B) disqualification of a local charitable organization from local participation in the state employee charitable campaign; and

    (C) other decision unless the committee has no legal authority over the subject covered by the decision.

(q) Responsibilities of the state campaign manager.

  (1) Statutory responsibilities. The state campaign manager shall fulfill the manager's statutory responsibilities as set forth in Government Code, Chapter 659, Subchapter I.

  (2) Additional responsibilities. In addition to the state campaign manager's statutory responsibilities, the manager shall:

    (A) develop the state employee charitable campaign plan in consultation with the state advisory committee;

    (B) serve as liaison to the state policy committee, the state advisory committee, any local campaign managers appointed by the state policy committee, and any local employee committees appointed by the state policy committee on behalf of statewide federations or funds and eligible local charitable organizations;

    (C) structure the state employee charitable campaign fairly and equitably according to the policies and procedures established by the state policy committee;

    (D) provide for involvement of all statewide federations or funds, including the use of their resources, at all levels of the state employee charitable campaign;

    (E) conduct the manager's responsibilities on behalf of the state employee participants in the state employee charitable campaign separately from the manager's internal operations;

    (F) prepare and submit for review by the state advisory committee a single statewide campaign budget that has been prepared in cooperation with any local campaign managers appointed by the state policy committee and that includes campaign materials, staff time, and other expenses incurred for the state employee charitable campaign;

    (G) establish, after consulting with the state advisory committee, the state policy committee, and any local campaign managers appointed by the state policy committee, a uniform campaign reporting form to allow reporting of designated deductions, undesignated deductions, campaign expenses, and other information deemed necessary by the state campaign manager; and

    (H) submit a statewide campaign report that complies with paragraph (3) of this subsection.

  (3) Statewide campaign reports. A statewide campaign report shall represent a compilation of the local campaign managers' campaign reports, if any local campaign managers have been appointed by the state policy committee. The state campaign manager shall ensure that the state policy committee, the state advisory committee, and the comptroller receive the statewide campaign report not later than February 5th of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the campaign covered by the report ended. If February 5th is not a workday, then the first workday after February 5th is the deadline.

(r) Responsibilities of any local campaign managers appointed by the state policy committee.

  (1) Statutory responsibilities. A local campaign manager shall fulfill the manager's statutory responsibilities as set forth in Government Code, Chapter 659, Subchapter I, along with any duties prescribed by the state policy committee under Government Code, §659.140.

  (2) Additional responsibilities. In addition to a local campaign manager's statutory responsibilities and any duties prescribed by the state policy committee under Government Code, §659.140, any appointed manager shall:

    (A) recruit, train, and supervise state employee volunteers;

    (B) involve participating eligible local charitable organizations and statewide federations or funds in the training of state employee volunteers;

    (C) consult with eligible local charitable organizations and statewide federations or funds about the operation of the state employee charitable campaign and the preparation of local campaign materials;

    (D) provide eligible local charitable organizations and statewide federations or funds with the opportunity to participate in local state employee charitable campaign events and access to all records for the local campaign area;

    (E) maintain campaign records for the local campaign area, including total pledges, total pledges by eligible local charitable organization and statewide federation or fund, state agencies contacted, and other records deemed necessary by the state policy committee for organization, control, and progress reporting;

    (F) submit to the state campaign manager a final campaign report of designated deductions, undesignated deductions, campaign expenses, and other information deemed necessary by the state campaign manager;

    (G) ensure that the state campaign manager receives the local campaign manager's final campaign report not later than January 15th of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the campaign covered by the report ended or, if January 15th is not a workday, not later than the first workday after January 15th;

    (H) establish an account at a financial institution for the purpose of receiving payments from the comptroller and institutions of higher education by electronic funds transfer, warrant, or check;

    (I) distribute interest accrued during a campaign year as soon as possible after December 31st to each eligible local charitable organization and statewide federation or fund in the same manner that undesignated deductions are distributed, subject to the limitation in paragraph (3) of this subsection;

    (J) submit a request to the comptroller to be paid by the comptroller through electronic funds transfers under rules adopted by the comptroller, but only to the extent those transfers are initiated by the comptroller on behalf of the comptroller or other state agencies;

    (K) submit a request to an institution of higher education to be paid by the institution through electronic funds transfers under rules or procedures adopted by the institution, but only to the extent those transfers are not initiated by the comptroller on behalf of the institution;

    (L) reconcile the payment report provided by the comptroller or an institution of higher education with the amount of deductions paid to the manager;

    (M) report to the comptroller or an institution of higher education, as appropriate, each discrepancy between a payment report provided by the comptroller or an institution and the actual amount of deductions received not later than the 30th day after the day on which the comptroller or the institution mailed or delivered the report;

    (N) report to each eligible local charitable organization and statewide federation or fund the amount of its undesignated and designated initial distribution amounts as determined under subsection (c)(1) of this section; and

    (O) report to each eligible local charitable organization and statewide federation or fund its contribution percentage as determined under subsection (j)(2) of this section.

  (3) Limitation on distributions of accrued interest. A local campaign manager may not distribute accrued interest to:

    (A) an eligible local charitable organization that did not receive deducted amounts through the manager during the campaign year; or

    (B) a statewide federation or fund that did not receive deducted amounts through the manager during the campaign year, unless the only reason for not receiving the deducted amounts through the manager is the direct payment requirement of the second sentence of subsection (i)(1)(B) of this section.

  (4) Prohibition against solicitation. A local campaign manager may not solicit a deduction from a state employee at the employee's worksite unless the solicitation is pursuant to the state employee charitable campaign.

(s) Responsibilities of statewide federations or funds.

  (1) Reconciliation of payment reports. A statewide federation or fund shall reconcile the payment report provided by the comptroller or an institution of higher education with the amount of deductions paid to the federation or fund.

  (2) Reports of discrepancies.

    (A) A statewide federation or fund shall report to the comptroller or an institution of higher education, as appropriate, each discrepancy between a payment report provided by the comptroller or an institution and the actual amount of deductions received.

    (B) A report of discrepancies is due not later than the 30th day after the day on which the comptroller or the institution of higher education mailed or delivered the report.


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