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RULE §5.47Deductions for Payments to Credit Unions
Historical Texas Register

      (iv) make the warrant available for pick up by the employer whose employees' deducted amounts are being paid by the warrant.

    (B) An employer shall hand-deliver or use an overnight delivery service to deliver a warrant picked up under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph to the payee of the warrant.

      (i) If the warrant relates to salary or wages that are paid on the first workday of a month, the employer shall:

        (I) release the warrant to an overnight delivery service not later than the second workday of the month for delivery to the payee of the warrant; or

        (II) hand-deliver the warrant to the payee of the warrant not later than the third workday of the month.

      (ii) If the warrant relates to salary or wages that are paid on a day other than the first workday of a month, the employer shall:

        (I) release the warrant to an overnight delivery service not later than the second workday after the employer receives the warrant for delivery to the payee of the warrant; or

        (II) hand-deliver the warrant to the payee of the warrant not later than the third workday after the employer receives the warrant.

  (3) Payments by institutions of higher education.

    (A) This paragraph applies only to deductions from salaries or wages that the comptroller does not pay directly to state employees of institutions of higher education.

    (B) If feasible, an institution of higher education shall pay deducted amounts to a participating credit union by electronic funds transfer.

    (C) If an institution of higher education pays deducted amounts to a participating credit union by electronic funds transfer, the institution may:

      (i) make one transfer to the credit union and require it to distribute the transferred funds to state employees' accounts according to subsection (h) of this section; or

      (ii) make one transfer to the credit union account of each state employee.

    (D) If it is infeasible for an institution of higher education to pay deducted amounts to a participating credit union by electronic funds transfer, the institution shall:

      (i) pay the amounts by check;

      (ii) make the check payable to the credit union; and

      (iii) require the credit union to distribute the deducted amounts to state employees' accounts according to subsection (h) of this section.

    (E) An institution of higher education shall hand-deliver or use an overnight delivery service to deliver a check issued under subparagraph (D) of this paragraph to the payee of the check.

      (i) If the check relates to salary or wages that are paid on the first workday of a month, the institution shall:

        (I) release the check to an overnight delivery service not later than the second workday of the month for delivery to the payee of the check; or

        (II) hand-deliver the check to the payee of the check not later than the third workday of the month.

      (ii) If the check relates to salary or wages that are paid on a day other than the first workday of a month, the institution shall:

        (I) release the check to an overnight delivery service not later than the second workday after the date printed on the check for delivery to the payee of the check; or

        (II) hand-deliver the check to the payee of the check not later than the third workday after the date printed on the check.

(h) Distributions of deducted amounts.

  (1) Applicability of this subsection. This subsection applies to deducted amounts only if they are paid to a participating credit union under subsection (g)(1)(B)(i), (g)(2), (g)(3)(C)(i), or (g)(3)(D) of this section.

  (2) Requirement. A participating credit union shall distribute the amount deducted from a state employee's salary or wages to the proper account of the employee at the credit union.

  (3) Deadline for distributions.

    (A) This subparagraph applies only if a participating credit union receives a payment of deducted amounts through an electronic funds transfer. The credit union shall distribute them according to paragraph (2) of this subsection not later than the first workday after the credit union receives the detail report for the deducted amounts.

    (B) This subparagraph applies only if a participating credit union receives a payment of deducted amounts through a warrant or check. The credit union shall distribute them according to paragraph (2) of this subsection not later than the first workday after the credit union receives the warrant or check.

  (4) Distribution of interest earned. This paragraph applies only to the interest that accrues while an employee's deducted amounts are in a credit union account awaiting distribution to the employee's account at the credit union. The interest shall be paid to the employee's account unless the credit union determines the payment would violate federal or state law or an agreement between the credit union and the employee.

(i) Charging administrative fees to cover costs incurred to make deductions.

  (1) Requirement.

    (A) This subparagraph applies to a state employee whose salary or wages are paid through a warrant issued or an electronic funds transfer initiated by the comptroller. The comptroller may not charge the employee an administrative fee to cover the cost of making the deduction.

    (B) If a state employee's salary or wages are paid through a check issued or an electronic funds transfer initiated by an institution of higher education and the institution's payroll costs are reimbursed from the state treasury, the institution may determine whether the employee must pay an administrative fee to cover the cost of making the deduction. The fee, if charged, shall be paid through payroll deduction.

  (2) Determination by an institution of higher education of the amount of the fee.

    (A) An institution of higher education shall determine the amount of the administrative fee, if any, to be paid by a state employee covered by paragraph (1)(B) of this subsection.

    (B) The institution shall periodically recalculate the fee to ensure that the amount of the fee equals the cost of making the deduction. Except as otherwise provided in this subparagraph, the institution shall notify each participating credit union and employee of the institution in writing whenever the institution calculates or recalculates the fee. The institution is not required to notify an employee who has not authorized a deduction or a participating credit union to which no employee of the institution has authorized a currently-effective deduction.

  (3) Payment of the administrative fees. The total amount of administrative fees that an institution of higher education deducts from its state employees' salary and wages shall be paid to the institution.

(j) Canceled payments of salary or wages; refunding deducted amounts to employers.

  (1) Canceled payments of salary or wages.

    (A) An employer shall notify a participating credit union in writing about the employer's cancellation of a payment of salary or wages to a state employee not later than the day the employer processes the cancellation. This subparagraph applies only if:

      (i) the payment is canceled after the employer has hand-delivered to the credit union or released to an overnight delivery service a monthly or an additional detail report; and

      (ii) the deductions covered by the report include deductions from the canceled payment of salary or wages.

    (B) If an employer notifies a credit union that the employer has canceled a payment of salary or wages to a state employee and if the credit union receives the notice before it distributes deducted amounts to the employee's account, the credit union may not make the distribution.

    (C) If a credit union's distribution of deducted amounts is prohibited by subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, the employer that paid them to the credit union shall obtain a refund of them according to paragraph (3)(A) or (B) of this subsection.

    (D) If an employer notifies a credit union that the employer has canceled a payment of salary or wages to a state employee and if the credit union receives the notice after it distributes deducted amounts to the employee's account, the credit union shall withdraw the amounts from the account unless:

      (i) the credit union determines the withdrawal would violate federal or state law; or


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