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RULE §5.46Deductions for Paying Membership Fees to Certain State Employee Organizations
Historical Texas Register

      (iii) contains the following statement: "I understand that I cannot be compelled to be a member of a state employee organization or to pay dues to a state employee organization as a condition of employment with the state. While I am free to join a state employee organization, I understand that I may change or cancel this authorization at any time by providing written notice to my employer. I voluntarily authorize a monthly payroll deduction in the amount shown above from my salary or wages for membership fees to the state employee organization listed above and agree to comply with the comptroller's rules concerning this deduction. I agree that my name, social security number, personal contact information, and the amount of my payroll deduction for membership fees may be provided to the state employee organization listed above only for the purpose of informing the state employee organization about the payroll deduction."; and

      (iv) complies with this section and the comptroller's other requirements for format and substance.

    (D) The comptroller may approve the cancellation form of an eligible organization if the form:

      (i) clearly informs state employees that a properly completed cancellation form must be submitted to the employer's human resource officer or payroll officer to cancel the deduction;

      (ii) clearly informs state employees that a copy of the properly completed cancellation form should be provided to the organization to notify the organization that the employee has cancelled the deduction;

      (iii) clearly informs state employees that they are not required to state a reason for a cancellation; and

      (iv) complies with the comptroller's other requirements for format and substance.

    (E) An eligible organization must revise an authorization or cancellation form upon request from the comptroller. The organization may not distribute or otherwise make available to state employees a revised form until the organization has received the comptroller's written approval of the form.

  (2) Distribution of authorization or cancellation forms.

    (A) An eligible organization must provide an authorization or cancellation form to a state employee or state agency promptly after receiving:

      (i) an oral or written request for the form from the employee or agency; or

      (ii) an oral or written request to provide the form to the employee from the comptroller or the employer.

    (B) A state agency may maintain a supply of cancellation forms and distribute the forms to its state employees upon request. An eligible organization shall promptly provide the forms to the agency upon request.

(f) Procedural requirements for certifying state employee organizations.

  (1) Request for certification.

    (A) The comptroller may not certify a state employee organization under this section unless the comptroller receives a written request for certification from an individual who is authorized by the organization to make the request.

    (B) The comptroller may not certify a state employee organization under this section if the comptroller receives the organization's request for certification after June 2nd of a fiscal year.

  (2) Requirements for requests for certification. A request for certification submitted to the comptroller by a state employee organization must contain:

    (A) the organization's complete name;

    (B) the street address of the headquarters of the organization;

    (C) the mailing address of the headquarters of the organization, if different from the street address;

    (D) the full name, title, telephone number, and mailing address of the organization's primary contact;

    (E) a specific request for certification as an eligible organization, specifying whether the organization is requesting certification under Government Code, §403.0165 or §659.1031;

    (F) a specific acceptance of the requirements of this section as they exist at the time the request is made or as adopted or amended thereafter;

    (G) the organization's Internal Revenue Service employer identification number; and

    (H) any other information that the comptroller deems necessary.

(g) Substantive requirements for certifying state employee organizations. The comptroller shall certify a state employee organization under this section if the organization satisfies the requirements of paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection.

  (1) Certification of a state employee organization under Government Code, §403.0165.

    (A) The comptroller shall certify a state employee organization if the organization:

      (i) submits persuasive evidence to the comptroller that the organization had a membership of at least 4,000 state employees throughout the 18 months preceding the month in which the comptroller receives the organization's request for certification (an example of the evidence that the comptroller may review is a membership roster containing the name of each state employee who is a member of the organization, the date each employee joined the organization, and the date through which each employee's membership fees are paid);

      (ii) demonstrates to the comptroller that the organization conducts activities on a statewide basis (an organization may satisfy this requirement by submitting any relevant evidence, including newsletters, news articles, correspondence, and membership rosters containing the names and addresses of the organization's members);

      (iii) demonstrates to the comptroller that the organization had a membership fee structure for state employees throughout the 18 months preceding the month in which the comptroller receives the organization's request for certification (an organization may satisfy this requirement by submitting relevant evidence, including dated enrollment forms from state employees, documentation about the fees structure, and financial records);

      (iv) demonstrates to the comptroller that the membership fees collected from state employees will be equal to an average of at least one-half of the membership fees received by the organization nationwide (an organization may satisfy this requirement by submitting financial records that compare the membership fees to be received from state employees with the membership fees received from other individuals throughout the nation); and

      (v) has submitted to the comptroller a completed direct deposit form for the organization.

    (B) The comptroller shall certify a state employee organization under this paragraph that demonstrates to the satisfaction of the comptroller that the organization had a membership of at least 4,000 state employees on April 1, 1991. The organization is not required to satisfy any of the other substantive requirements of this paragraph except for subparagraph (A)(v) of this paragraph. A state employee organization may demonstrate that the organization had a membership of at least 4,000 state employees on April 1, 1991, only by submitting to the comptroller:

      (i) a membership roster containing the name of each state employee who was a member of the organization on April 1, 1991;

      (ii) the date each employee joined the organization; and

      (iii) the date through which each employee's membership fees were paid as of April 1, 1991.

  (2) Certification of a state employee organization under Government Code, §659.1031. The comptroller shall certify a state employee organization if the organization:

    (A) submits persuasive evidence to the comptroller that the organization had a membership of at least 2,000 active or retired state employees who hold or have held certification from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement under Occupations Code, Chapter 1701, Subchapter G; and

    (B) has submitted a completed direct deposit form for the organization to the comptroller.

  (3) Notifications.

    (A) The comptroller shall notify a state employee organization about the comptroller's approval or disapproval of the organization's request for certification by no later than the 30th day after the comptroller receives the request if the request is complete in all respects.

    (B) The comptroller shall notify each state agency of the comptroller's certification of a state employee organization by no later than the 30th day after the comptroller makes the certification.

(h) Effective date of certification. The first deduction to pay a membership fee to an eligible organization may be made from salary or wages paid on the first workday of the second month following the month in which the comptroller certifies the organization.

(i) Payments of deducted membership fees.


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