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RULE §5.41Payroll Requirements
Historical Texas Register

        (I) the hours worked in that half of the month by the employee; and

        (II) the employee's hourly rate for the month calculated according to the comptroller's requirements.

      (iii) The amount of compensation that must be paid to a state employee for services provided during the second half of a month equals the difference between:

        (I) the total compensation that must be paid to the employee for the entire month as determined under clause (i) of this subparagraph; and

        (II) the compensation that must be paid to the employee for services provided during the first half of the month as determined under clause (ii) of this subparagraph.

    (C) This subparagraph applies to a state employee who works all the available hours in the first half of a month but does not work all the available hours in the second half of that month.

      (i) The total compensation that must be paid to a state employee for an entire month is equal to the product of:

        (I) the hours worked in the month by the employee; and

        (II) the employee's hourly rate for the month calculated according to the comptroller's requirements.

      (ii) The amount of compensation that must be paid to a state employee for services provided during the first half of a month equals 50% of the employee's compensation for the month.

      (iii) The amount of compensation that must be paid to a state employee for services provided during the second half of a month equals the difference between:

        (I) the total compensation that must be paid to the employee for the entire month as determined under clause (i) of this subparagraph; and

        (II) the compensation that must be paid to the employee for services provided during the first half of the month as determined under clause (ii) of this subparagraph.

(r) Payroll deductions.

  (1) Special definitions. The following words and terms, when used in this subsection, shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

    (A) Certified state employee organization--A state employee organization that the comptroller has certified according to §5.46 of this title (relating to Deductions for Paying Membership Fees to Employee Organizations).

    (B) State agency--

      (i) a board, commission, department, office, or other agency that is in the executive branch of state government and that was created by the constitution or a statute of the state, including an institution of higher education as defined by Education Code, §61.003;

      (ii) the legislature or a legislative agency; or

      (iii) the supreme court, the court of criminal appeals, a court of appeals, the State Bar of Texas, or another state judicial agency.

  (2) Statutory limitation. Government Code, §659.002, prohibits a state agency from making a deduction from the compensation paid to an employee whose compensation is paid in full or in part from state funds unless the deduction is authorized by law.

  (3) List of authorized deductions. The deductions authorized by law are:

    (A) court-ordered deductions under Bankruptcy Code, Chapter 13;

    (B) deductions required by levies imposed by the Internal Revenue Service;

    (C) deductions required by payroll deduction agreements between the Internal Revenue Service and state employees if the agreements are legally binding on employing state agencies;

    (D) federal income tax withholding;

    (E) deductions required by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, which includes social security and Medicare withholding;

    (F) income tax deductions required by states other than Texas or by local governments outside Texas in which state employees live and work;

    (G) contributions to the Employees Retirement System of Texas, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, the optional retirement program, the Judicial Retirement System of Texas Plan One, or the Judicial Retirement System of Texas Plan Two;

    (H) fees charged to state employees by their employing state agencies for complying with court-ordered child support deductions from the employees' compensation;

    (I) court-ordered child support deductions;

    (J) extra federal income tax withholding;

    (K) deferrals to and repayments of loans from the qualified deferred compensation plan;

    (L) deductions required by a valid assignment, transfer, or pledge of compensation as security for an indebtedness under Education Code, §51.934;

    (M) health benefits plan deductions, cafeteria plan deductions, and other deductions authorized by Insurance Code, Chapter 1551, Texas Employees Group Insurance Benefits Act;

    (N) health benefits plan deductions, cafeteria plan deductions, and other deductions authorized by Insurance Code, Chapter 1551, Texas State College and University Employees Uniform Insurance Benefits Act;

    (O) deductions for goods and services provided to employees by the institutional division of the Department of Criminal Justice;

    (P) deductions for services provided to state employees of agencies as authorized in statute or the GAA;

    (Q) deferrals to the deferred compensation plans governed by Internal Revenue Code of 1986, §457;

    (R) contributions by employees of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the Texas Education Agency, the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, the Department of State Health Services, the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, and the governing boards of state-supported institutions of higher education to any investment authorized under Internal Revenue Code of 1986, §403(b);

    (S) deductions to pay membership fees to certified state employee organizations;

    (T) service purchase installment deductions for contributing members of the Employees Retirement System of Texas, the Judicial Retirement System of Texas Plan I, or the Judicial Retirement System of Texas Plan II;

    (U) deductions from the compensation paid to certain faculty members who take English proficiency courses under Education Code, §51.917;

    (V) deductions for contributions to eligible charitable organizations;

    (W) deductions for payments to credit unions;

    (X) deductions required by federal law for the repayment of guaranteed student loans;

    (Y) deductions for savings bond purchases;

    (Z) deductions for supplemental optional benefit programs approved by the Employees Retirement System of Texas under Government Code, §659.102;

    (AA) deductions to make payments under a prepaid tuition contract; and

    (BB) deductions for contributions to a qualified football coaches plan.

(s) Garnishments.

  (1) Delivery of garnishment notices. A notice to garnish the compensation of a state employee must be delivered directly to the employing state agency.

  (2) Garnishment notices for terminated employees. If a state agency receives a garnishment notice for a person no longer employed by the agency, then the agency must:

    (A) return the notice to the entity that issued the notice;

    (B) inform the entity that the person is no longer employed; and

    (C) identify to the entity the retirement system that the entity should contact to seek information about the person's retirement contribution balance.

  (3) Compliance with garnishment notices. Upon receipt of a valid garnishment notice, the receiving state agency must:

    (A) inform the affected state employee about the notice and the procedures the agency will follow to comply with the notice;

    (B) establish a mail code on the comptroller's Texas payee information system for the recipient of the garnishment proceeds unless a payee number has already been designated for all state agencies to use; and

    (C) show the garnishment as a miscellaneous deduction on the affected state employee's payroll record.

  (4) Effective date of garnishment notices. A garnishment notice takes effect with the first payroll document submitted to the comptroller after the notice is received. Therefore, if a state agency receives a garnishment notice after the agency has submitted a payroll document to the comptroller, the notice does not apply to that document.

(t) Refunds of deductions. A state agency may refund amounts previously deducted in error only by using credit amounts in the appropriate deduction column on a payroll document.

Source Note: The provisions of this §5.41 adopted to be effective November 19, 1996, 21 TexReg 10988; amended to be effective March 11, 2013, 38 TexReg 1694; amended to be effective May 19, 2019, 44 TexReg 2362

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