
Historical Rule for the Texas Administrative Code

RULE §133.307Medical Dispute Resolution of a Medical Fee Dispute

    (F) The additional documentation shall be received by the division within 14 days of the requestor's receipt of notice pursuant to this rule.

  (4) If the respondent is a carrier, the commission shall forward a copy of the additional documentation to the carrier. The commission shall deem the carrier to have received the documentation on the acknowledgment date as defined in §133.1 of this title. If the division forwards the documentation to the carrier via its Austin representative, the representative shall sign for the request.

  (5) If the respondent is a provider, the commission shall forward a copy of the request to the provider by regular U.S. mail service or by transmission of facsimile. The commission shall deem the provider to have received the request on the acknowledgment date as defined in §133.1 of this title.

(h) Response. The respondent shall file the response to the requestor's additional documentation for the medical fee dispute, with the division and the requestor.

(i) Timeliness of Response. A respondent who fails to timely file a response waives the right to respond. The commission shall deem a response to be filed on the date the division receives a response. If the respondent does not respond timely, the commission shall issue a decision based on the request. The response will be considered timely if received by the commission within 14 days after the date the respondent received the copy of the requestor's additional documentation.

(j) Complete Response. All responses to requestor's additional documentation shall be made on the form and in the manner prescribed by the commission.

  (1) Each response shall be legible, include only a single copy of each document, and, unless previously provided in the initial request and requestor's additional documentation, shall include:

    (A) documentation of carrier response to reconsideration in accordance with commission rules;

    (B) a copy of all medical bill(s) relevant to the dispute, if different from that as originally submitted to the carrier for reimbursement;

    (C) a copy of all medical audit summaries and/or explanations of benefits (EOBs) relevant to the fee dispute, or a statement certifying that the carrier did not receive the provider's disputed billing prior to the initial request;

    (D) a copy of any pertinent medical records or other documents relevant to the fee dispute;

    (E) a statement of the disputed fee issue(s), which includes:

      (i) a description of the health care in dispute;

      (ii) a statement of the reasons that the disputed medical fees should not be paid or refunded;

      (iii) a discussion of how the Texas Labor Code and commission rules, including fee guidelines, impact the disputed fee issues; and

      (iv) a discussion regarding how the submitted documentation supports the respondent position for each disputed fee issue; and

    (F) if the dispute involves health care for which the commission has not established a maximum allowable reimbursement, documentation that discusses, demonstrates, and justifies that the amount the respondent paid is a fair and reasonable rate of reimbursement in accordance with Texas Labor Code §413.011 and §§133.1 and 134.1 of this title.

    (G) Prior to submission, any documentation that contains confidential information regarding a person other than the injured employee for that claim or a party in the dispute, must be redacted by the party submitting the documentation, to protect the confidential information and the privacy of the individual. Unredacted information or evidence shall not be considered in resolving the medical fee dispute.

  (2) The response shall address only those denial reasons presented to the requestor prior to the date the initial request for medical dispute resolution was filed with the division and the other party. Responses shall not address new or additional denial reasons or defenses after the filing of an initial request. Any new denial reasons or defenses raised shall not be considered in the review.

(k) Filing of Response. The respondent shall file a copy of the response with the division and the requestor within 14 days of receipt of the requestor's additional documentation.

(l) Additional Information. The commission may request other additional information from either party to review the medical fee issues in dispute. The other additional information shall be received by the division within 14 days of receipt of this request.

(m) Dismissal. A dismissal does not constitute a decision. The commission may dismiss a request for medical fee dispute resolution if:

  (1) the requestor informs the commission, or the commission otherwise determines, that the dispute no longer exists;

  (2) the individual or entity requesting medical fee dispute resolution is not a proper party to the dispute per subsection (b) of this section;

  (3) the commission determines that the medical bills in the dispute have not been properly submitted to the carrier pursuant to §133.304;

  (4) the fee disputes for the date(s) of health care in dispute have been previously adjudicated by the commission; or

  (5) the commission determines that good cause exists to dismiss the request.

(n) Decision. The commission shall send the commission decision to the parties to the dispute and post the decision on the commission Internet website after confidential information has been redacted.

(o) Fee. The commission may assess a separate fee in accordance with Texas Labor Code §413.020 of this title (relating to Commission Charges).

(p) Appeal. A party to a medical fee dispute may appeal the commission decision by filing a written request for a State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) hearing with the Chief Clerk of Proceedings, Division of Hearings in accordance with §148.3 of this title (relating to Requesting a Hearing).

  (1) the appeal must be filed no later than 20 days from the date the party received the commission decision. The date of receipt of the decision shall be the acknowledgment date as defined in §133.1 of this title. The carrier representative shall sign for the decision.

  (2) the party appealing the commission decision shall deliver a copy of its written request for a SOAH hearing to all other parties involved in the dispute.

  (3) a party who has exhausted the party's administrative remedies under this subtitle and who is aggrieved by a final decision of the SOAH may seek judicial review of that decision. Judicial review under this subsection shall be conducted in the manner provided for judicial review of contested cases under Subchapter G, Chapter 2001, Government Code.

  (4) the commission shall post the SOAH decision on the commission Internet website after confidential information has been redacted.

Source Note: The provisions of this §133.307 adopted to be effective January 2, 2002, 26 TexReg 10934

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