
Historical Rule for the Texas Administrative Code

RULE §3.599Margin: Research and Development Activities Credit

      (i) A process of experimentation is a process designed to evaluate one or more alternatives to achieve a result where the capability or the method of achieving that result, or the appropriate design of that result, is uncertain as of the beginning of the taxable entity's research activities.

      (ii) A process of experimentation must:

        (I) be an evaluative process and generally should be capable of evaluating more than one alternative; and

        (II) fundamentally rely on the principles of the physical or biological sciences, engineering, or computer science and involve:

          (-a-) the identification of uncertainty concerning the development or improvement of a business component;

          (-b-) the identification of one or more alternatives intended to eliminate that uncertainty; and

          (-c-) the identification and the conduct of a process of evaluating the alternatives through, for example, modeling, simulation, or a systematic trial and error methodology.

      (iii) A taxable entity may undertake a process of experimentation if there is no uncertainty concerning the taxable entity's capability or method of achieving the desired result so long as the appropriate design of the desired result is uncertain as of the beginning of the taxable entity's research activities. Uncertainty concerning the development or improvement of the business component (e.g., its appropriate design) does not establish that all activities undertaken to achieve that new or improved business component constitute a process of experimentation.

      (iv) The substantially all requirement of this subparagraph is satisfied only if 80% or more of a taxable entity's research activities, measured on a cost or other consistently applied reasonable basis constitute elements of a process of experimentation that relates to a new or improved function, performance, reliability, or quality. The substantially all requirement is satisfied even if the remainder of a taxable entity's research activities with respect to the business component do not constitute elements of a process of experimentation that relates to a new or improved function, performance, reliability, or quality.

      (v) Non-experimental methods, such as simple trial and error, brainstorming, or reverse engineering, are not considered a process of experimentation.

      (vi) The following are factors that may be considered in determining whether a trial and error methodology is experimental systematic trial and error or non-experimental simple trial and error. Evidence provided to determine the type of trial and error is not limited to these factors, nor is evidence of each factor required. These factors only apply to determining whether a process of experimentation is systematic trial and error. Systematic trial and error is not the only qualifying process of experimentation. These factors are:

        (I) whether the person conducting the trial and error methodology stops testing alternatives once a single acceptable result is found or continues to find multiple acceptable results for comparison;

        (II) whether all the results of the trial and error methodology are recorded for evaluation;

        (III) whether there is a written procedure for conducting the trial and error methodology; and

        (IV) whether there is a written procedure for evaluating the results of the trial and error methodology.

      (vii) Examples.

        (I) Example 1. A taxable entity is engaged in the business of developing and manufacturing widgets. The taxable entity wants to change the color of its blue widget to green. The taxable entity obtains several different shades of green paint from various suppliers. The taxable entity paints several sample widgets, and surveys its customers to determine which shade of green its customers prefer. The taxable entity's activities to change the color of its blue widget to green do not satisfy the Process of Experimentation Test because its activities are not undertaken for a qualified purpose. All of the taxable entity's research activities are related to style, taste, cosmetic, or seasonal design factors.

        (II) Example 2. The taxable entity in Example 1 chooses one of the green paints. The taxable entity obtains samples of the green paint from a supplier and determines that it must modify its painting process to accommodate the green paint because the green paint has different characteristics from other paints it has used. The taxable entity obtains detailed data on the green paint from its paint supplier. The taxable entity also consults with the manufacturer of its paint spraying machines. The manufacturer informs the taxable entity that it must acquire new nozzles that operate with the green paint it wants to use because the current nozzles do not work with the green paint. The taxable entity tests the new nozzles, using the green paint, to ensure that they work as specified by the manufacturer of the paint spraying machines. The taxable entity's activities to modify its painting process are not qualified research. The taxable entity did not conduct a process of evaluating alternatives in order to eliminate uncertainty regarding the modification of its painting process. Rather, the manufacturer of the paint machines eliminated the taxable entity's uncertainty regarding the modification of its painting process. The taxable entity's activities to test the nozzles to determine if the nozzles work as specified by the manufacturer of the paint spraying machines are in the nature of routine or ordinary testing or inspection for quality control.

        (III) Example 3. A taxable entity is engaged in the business of manufacturing food products and currently manufactures a large-shred version of a product. The taxable entity seeks to modify its current production line to permit it to manufacture both a large-shred version and a fine-shred version of one of its food products. A smaller, thinner shredding blade capable of producing a fine-shred version of the food product is not commercially available. Thus, the taxable entity must develop a new shredding blade that can be fitted onto its current production line. The taxable entity is uncertain concerning the design of the new shredding blade because the material used in its existing blade breaks when machined into smaller, thinner blades. The taxable entity engages in a systematic trial and error process of analyzing various blade designs and materials to determine whether the new shredding blade must be constructed of a different material from that of its existing shredding blade and, if so, what material will best meet its functional requirements. The taxable entity's activities to modify its current production line by developing the new shredding blade satisfy the Process of Experimentation Test. Substantially all of the taxable entity's activities constitute elements of a process of experimentation because it evaluated alternatives to achieve a result where the method of achieving that result, and the appropriate design of that result, were uncertain as of the beginning of the taxable entity's research activities. The taxable entity identified uncertainties related to the development of a business component, and identified alternatives intended to eliminate these uncertainties. Furthermore, the taxable entity's process of evaluating identified alternatives was technological in nature and was undertaken to eliminate the uncertainties.

        (IV) Example 4. A taxable entity is in the business of designing, developing and manufacturing automobiles. In response to government-mandated fuel economy requirements, the taxable entity seeks to update its current model vehicle and undertakes to improve aerodynamics by lowering the hood of its current model vehicle. The taxable entity determines, however, that lowering the hood changes the air flow under the hood, which changes the rate at which air enters the engine through the air intake system, which reduces the functionality of the cooling system. The taxable entity's engineers are uncertain how to design a lower hood to obtain the increased fuel economy, while maintaining the necessary air flow under the hood. The taxable entity designs, models, simulates, tests, refines, and re-tests several alternative designs for the hood and associated proposed modifications to both the air intake system and cooling system. This process enables the taxable entity to eliminate the uncertainties related to the integrated design of the hood, air intake system, and cooling system. Such activities constitute 85% of its total activities to update its current model vehicle. The taxable entity then engages in additional activities that do not involve a process of evaluating alternatives in order to eliminate uncertainties. The additional activities constitute only 15% of the taxable entity's total activities to update its current model vehicle. In this case substantially all of the taxable entity's activities constitute elements of a process of experimentation because it evaluated alternatives to achieve a result where the method of achieving that result, and the appropriate design of that result, were uncertain as of the beginning of its research activities. The taxable entity identified uncertainties related to the improvement of a business component and identified alternatives intended to eliminate these uncertainties. Furthermore, the taxable Cont'd...

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