
Historical Rule for the Texas Administrative Code

RULE §353.1302Quality Incentive Payment Program for Nursing Facilities on or after September 1, 2019

  (2) The entity that owns the NF must certify, on a form prescribed by HHSC, that no part of any payment made under the QIPP will be used to pay a contingent fee; and that the entity's agreement with the nursing facility does not use a reimbursement methodology containing any type of incentive, direct or indirect, for inappropriately inflating, in any way, claims billed to Medicaid, including the NF's receipt of QIPP funds. The certification must be received by HHSC with the enrollment application described in paragraph (1) of this subsection.

  (3) If a provider has changed ownership in the past five years in a way that impacts eligibility for the program, the provider must submit to HHSC, upon demand, copies of contracts it has with third parties with respect to the transfer of ownership or the management of the provider, and which reference the administration of, or payment from, this program.

  (4) The NF must ensure that HHSC has access to the NF records referenced in subsection (c) of this section and the data for the NF from one of the data sources listed in subsection (d) of this section. Participating facilities must ensure that these records and data are accurate and sufficiently detailed to support legal, financial, and statistical information used to determine a NF's eligibility during the program period.

    (A) The NF must maintain these records and data through the program period and until at least 90 days following the conclusion of the runout period.

    (B) The NF will have 14 business days from the date of a request from HHSC to submit to HHSC the records and data.

    (C) Failure to provide the records and data could result in adjustments pursuant to §353.1301(k) of this subchapter.

  (5) Report all quality data denoted as required as a condition of participation in subsection (g) of this section.

  (6) Failure to meet any conditions of participation described in this subsection will result in removal of the provider from the program and recoupment of all funds previously paid during the program period.

(f) Non-federal share of QIPP payments. The non-federal share of all QIPP payments is funded through IGTs from sponsoring non-state governmental entities. No state general revenue is available to support QIPP.

  (1) HHSC will share suggested IGT responsibilities for the program period with all QIPP eligible and enrolled non-state government-owned NFs at least 15 days prior to the IGT declaration of intent deadline. Suggested IGT responsibilities will be based on the maximum dollars available under the QIPP program, plus eight percent, for the program period as determined by HHSC; forecast STAR+PLUS NF member months for the program period as determined by HHSC; and the distribution of historical Medicaid days of service across non-state government-owned NFs enrolled in QIPP for the program period. HHSC will also share estimated maximum revenues each eligible and enrolled NF could earn under QIPP for the program period. Estimates are based on HHSC's suggested IGT responsibilities and an assumption that all enrolled NFs will meet 100 percent of their quality metrics. The purpose of sharing this information is to provide non-state government-owned NFs with information they can use to determine the amount of IGT they wish to transfer.

  (2) Sponsoring governmental entities will determine the amount of IGT they wish to transfer to HHSC for the entire program period and provide a declaration of intent to HHSC 15 business days before the first half of the IGT amount is transferred to HHSC.

    (A) The declaration of intent is a form prescribed by HHSC that includes the total amount of IGT the sponsoring governmental entity wishes to transfer to HHSC and whether the sponsoring governmental entity intends to accept Component One payments.

    (B) The declaration of intent is certified to the best knowledge and belief of a person legally authorized to sign for the sponsoring governmental entity but does not bind the sponsoring governmental entity to transfer IGT.

  (3) Sponsoring governmental entities will transfer the first half of the IGT amount by a date determined by HHSC. The second half of the IGT amount will be transferred by a date determined by HHSC. The IGT deadlines and all associated dates will be published on the HHSC QIPP webpage by January 15 of each year.

  (4) Reconciliation. HHSC will reconcile the actual amount of the non-federal funds expended under this section during each program period with the amount of funds transferred to HHSC by the sponsoring governmental entities for that same period using the methodology described in §353.1301(g) of this subchapter.

(g) QIPP capitation rate components. QIPP funds will be paid to MCOs through four components of the STAR+PLUS NF managed care per member per month (PMPM) capitation rates. The MCOs' distribution of QIPP funds to the enrolled NFs will be based on each NF's performance related to the quality metrics as described in §353.1304 of this subchapter. The NF must have had at least one Medicaid client in the care of that NF for each reporting period to be eligible for payments.

  (1) Component One.

    (A) The total value of Component One will be equal to 110 percent of the estimated amount of the non-federal share of the QIPP.

    (B) Interim allocation of funds across qualifying non-state government-owned NFs will be proportional, based upon historical Medicaid days of NF service.

    (C) Private NFs are not eligible for payments from Component One.

    (D) The interim allocation of funds across qualifying non-state government-owned NFs will be reconciled to the actual distribution of Medicaid NF days of service across these NFs during the program period as captured by HHSC's Medicaid contractors for fee-for-service and managed care 120 days after the last day of the program period.

    (E) NFs must report quality data as described in §353.1304 of this subchapter as a condition of participation in the program.

  (2) Component Two.

    (A) The total value of Component Two will be equal to a percent of remaining QIPP funds after accounting for the funding of Component One and Component Four.

      (i) For the program period September 1, 2019, through August 31, 2021, the percent will be equal to 30 percent.

      (ii) For the program period beginning September 1, 2021, the percent will be equal to 40 percent.

    (B) Allocation of funds across qualifying non-state government-owned and private NFs will be proportional, based upon historical Medicaid days of NF service.

    (C) Monthly payments to NFs will be triggered by achievement of performance requirements as described in §353.1304 of this subchapter or a uniform rate increase for which a NF must report quality data as described in §353.1304 of this subchapter as a condition of participation in the program.

  (3) Component Three.

    (A) The total value of Component Three will be equal to a percent of remaining QIPP funds after accounting for the funding of Component One and Component Four.

      (i) For the program period September 1, 2019, through August 31, 2021, the percent will be equal to 70 percent.

      (ii) For the program period beginning September 1, 2021, the percent will be equal to 60 percent.

    (B) Allocation of funds across qualifying non-state government-owned and private NFs will be proportional, based upon historical Medicaid days of NF service.

    (C) Quarterly payments to NFs will be triggered by achievement of performance requirements as described in §353.1304 of this subchapter.

  (4) Component Four.

    (A) The total value of Component Four will be equal to 16 percent of the funds of the QIPP.

    (B) Allocation of funds across qualifying non-state government-owned NFs will be proportional, based upon historical Medicaid days of NF service.

    (C) Quarterly payments to non-state government-owned NFs will be triggered by achievement of performance requirements as described in §353.1304 of this subchapter.

    (D) Private NFs are not eligible for payments from Component Four.

  (5) Funds that are non-disbursed due to failure of one or more NFs to meet performance requirements will be distributed across all QIPP NFs based on each NF's proportion of total earned QIPP funds from Components One, Two, Three, and Four combined.

(h) Distribution of QIPP payments.

  (1) Prior to the beginning of the program period, HHSC will calculate the portion of each PMPM associated with each QIPP-enrolled NF broken down by QIPP capitation rate component, quality metric, and payment period. For example, for a NF, HHSC will calculate the portion of each PMPM associated with that NF that would be paid from the MCO to the NF as follows.


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