
Historical Rule for the Texas Administrative Code

RULE §575.27Complaints--Receipt, Investigation and Disposition

  (1) If the licensee declines the board's settlement offer, or if the licensee fails to respond timely to the offer, or if the board rejects a proposed agreed order, the investigator of the complaint shall prepare a complaint affidavit containing the complaint allegations. The signed and notarized complaint affidavit will then be reviewed by the board's legal counsel and signed by the executive director. The date the executive director signs the complaint affidavit is the official date of filing the complaint affidavit with the board. The complaint affidavit is then served on the licensee by certified mail or personal service at least ten (10) days prior to a scheduled hearing.

  (2) The executive director shall submit to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) a completed Request to Docket Case requesting SOAH to set a hearing and/or assign an administrative law judge to the complaint. The board shall provide notice of the time, date, and place of the hearing to the licensee. Following issuance of a proposal for decision by the administrative law judge, the board by order may find that a violation has occurred and impose disciplinary action, or find that no violation has occurred. The board shall promptly advise the complainant of the board's action.

(f) Contingency. The board president shall appoint another licensee board member to assume the duties of the board secretary in the complaint process in the event the board secretary is unable to serve in the capacity set out in this section.

(g) Report to the board of dismissed complaints. The executive director or the director of enforcement shall advise the board at each scheduled meeting of the complaints dismissed since the last meeting. The information will consist of a summary of the allegations, investigation conducted, reasons for dismissal, and file number.

(h) Use of Private Investigators. The executive director may approve the use of private investigators to assist in investigation of complaints where the use of board investigators is not feasible or economical or where private investigators could provide valuable assistance to the board investigators. Private investigators may be utilized in cases involving honesty, integrity and fair dealing; reinstatement applications; solicitation; fraud; dangerous drugs and controlled substances; and practicing veterinary medicine without a license. Private investigators will be utilized in accordance with existing purchasing rules of the Texas General Services Commission.

Source Note: The provisions of this §575.27 adopted to be effective July 22, 2001, 26 TexReg 5252

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