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RULE §435.13Denial or Revocation of License
Texas Register

(a) Grounds for the denial (after completed Application submission) or revocation of a license include, but are not limited to:

  (1) past or present submission by licensee or any applicant for the license, of a license application or related document to the Williamson County Tax Assessor-Collector that contains false information or that by its submission constitutes a misrepresentation of fact;

  (2) the licensee or any applicant for the license has been convicted of any felony, any crime of moral turpitude, or deceptive business practice for which the sentence completion date is fewer than five years from the application date;

  (3) the licensee or any applicant for the license has been criminally or civilly sanctioned for the unauthorized practice of law by any government or quasi-government body with jurisdiction to do so;

  (4) one or more than one of the affiants described in §435.7(a)(3) of this chapter (relating to Completion of Title Service Runner License Application) has withdrawn his/her affidavit or otherwise informed the Williamson County Tax Assessor-Collector that Applicant is not employed and authorized to submit title documents on behalf of the title service identified in the application;

  (5) disruptive or aggressive behavior by a licensee or any applicant for the license at any Williamson County Tax Assessor-Collector location that in the opinion of the Williamson County Tax Assessor-Collector creates a security concern;

  (6) any dishonest, fraudulent, or criminal activity by a licensee or any applicant for the license; and/or

  (7) failure to pay fines and/or fees identified in a suspension notice under §435.14(a) of this chapter (relating to Suspension) within 30 days of the suspension's effective date.

(b) Upon its determination that a license should be denied or revoked, the Williamson County Tax Assessor-Collector shall send notice of denial/revocation to the applicant(s)/licensee by certified mail. Notice of any license denial shall be sent to each applicant at the home address listed on his/her application form. Notice of a Runner license revocation shall be sent to the most recent home address on file. Notice of a Title Service License revocation shall be sent to the attention of "all" MVTS partners, owners, officers, directors, or principals (as applicable) at the most recent primary physical business address on file for licensee. The notice shall identify the grounds that warrant the determination.

(c) Revocation - effective date. Revocation shall be effective upon the date notice described in subsection (b) of this section is sent.

(d) A licensee whose license is denied or revoked may not apply for any license before the first anniversary of the date of the revocation. No applicant for a license that has been denied or revoked may apply for any license before the first anniversary of the date of revocation.

Source Note: The provisions of this §435.13 adopted to be effective May 5, 2020, 45 TexReg 2891

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