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RULE §3.430Records Required, Information Required
Historical Texas Register

    (A) the total miles traveled, evidenced by odometer or hubodometer readings, everywhere by all vehicles traveling to or from this state, and the total miles traveled, evidenced by odometer or hubodometer readings, in this state, including for each individual vehicle:

      (i) date of each trip (starting and ending);

      (ii) trip origin and destination;

      (iii) beginning and ending odometer or hubodometer reading of each trip;

      (iv) odometer or hubodometer reading entering Texas, and odometer or hubodometer reading leaving Texas; and

      (v) power unit number or vehicle identification number or license plate number;

    (B) the total quantity purchased and delivered at retail of gasoline, diesel fuel, compressed natural gas, or liquefied natural gas everywhere by all vehicles traveling to or from this state, and the total quantity of gasoline, diesel fuel, compressed natural gas, or liquefied natural gas purchased and delivered into the fuel supply tanks of motor vehicles in this state, including for each individual vehicle:

      (i) date of purchase;

      (ii) name and address of seller;

      (iii) number of gallons or liters purchased;

      (iv) type of fuel purchased;

      (v) price per gallon or liter; and

      (vi) unit number of the vehicle into which the fuel was placed;

    (C) in the case of an interstate trucker that uses a distribution log to record removals from the person's own bulk storage into a motor vehicle, the person's stamped or preprinted name and address, and for each individual delivery:

      (i) date of delivery;

      (ii) number of gallons or liters of gasoline or diesel fuel delivered;

      (iii) diesel gallon equivalent or gasoline gallon equivalent of compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas delivered;

      (iv) license plate or vehicle identification number or power unit number;

      (v) odometer or hubodometer reading; and

      (vi) signature of the user;

    (D) in the case of an interstate trucker that maintains bulk fuel storage, the number of gallons of gasoline or diesel fuel beginning and ending inventories, all invoices of bulk purchases, and records to substantiate all fuel withdrawals from storage; and

    (E) in the case of an interstate trucker who delivers compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle, must hold a compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas dealer license and is subject to the record keeping requirements pursuant to paragraph (17) of this subsection.

  (12) An aviation fuel dealer, as that term is defined in Tax Code, §162.001, shall keep the shipping document that relates to each receipt for distribution and shall keep records that show:

    (A) the number of gallons of all gasoline or diesel fuel inventories on hand at the first of each month;

    (B) the number of gallons of all gasoline or diesel fuel purchased or received, showing the name of the seller and the date of each purchase or receipt;

    (C) the number of gallons of all gasoline or diesel fuel lost by fire, theft, or accident; and

    (D) the number of gallons of all gasoline or diesel fuel sold or used in aircraft or aircraft servicing equipment, including for each individual aircraft or aircraft equipment:

      (i) the name of the purchaser or user of gasoline or diesel fuel;

      (ii) the date of the sale or use of gasoline or diesel fuel; and

      (iii) the registration or "N" number of the airplane or a description or number of the aircraft or a description or number of the aircraft servicing equipment in which gasoline or diesel fuel is used.

  (13) An aviation fuel dealer who delivers compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas must hold a compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas dealer license and is subject to the record keeping requirements pursuant to paragraph (17) of this subsection.

  (14) A dyed diesel fuel bonded user, as that term is defined in Tax Code, §162.001, shall keep a record showing the number of gallons of:

    (A) dyed and undyed diesel fuel inventories on hand at the first of each month;

    (B) dyed and undyed diesel fuel purchased or received, showing the name of the seller and the date of each purchase or receipt;

    (C) dyed and undyed diesel fuel delivered into the fuel supply tanks of motor vehicles;

    (D) dyed and undyed diesel fuel used in off-highway equipment or for other nonhighway purposes and described in Tax Code, §162.229(c); and

    (E) dyed and undyed diesel fuel lost by fire, theft, or accident.

  (15) To satisfy the record keeping requirements described in paragraph (14) of this subsection, a dyed diesel fuel bonded user who owns or operates an oil or gas well drilling rig that satisfies the requirements of subparagraph (B) of this paragraph may keep purchase and delivery records and supply tank inventory records that document the amount of dyed diesel fuel used by the drilling rig.

    (A) The owner, operator, or contractor of the oil or gas well drilling rig may use this method if:

      (i) one or more stationary engines are component parts of the drilling rig;

      (ii) each stationary engine is connected directly to a bulk fuel storage tank by way of a fuel supply line; and

      (iii) the bulk fuel storage tank is locked or otherwise secured so that dyed diesel can only be withdrawn from the bulk fuel storage tank:

        (I) through the fuel supply lines to the stationary engines;

        (II) to move the bulk fuel storage tank to another location, or;

        (III) for emergencies such as a fire or leaking tank.

    (B) The drilling rig includes engines required to power equipment that is a component part of the oil or gas drilling rig. These component parts are the rotary table, drawworks, shakers, mud pumps, dog house, and derrick lighting, whether referred to with these common industry names or an alternative name for these parts. A drilling rig or component part does not include auxiliary off-highway equipment used at the well site, including, but not limited to, a backhoe, a tractor, a forklift, a front-end loader, a bulldozer, a bobcat, a portable lighting unit, an all-terrain vehicle, or a generator used to power an off-site office, bunkhouse, or a guard shack.

  (16) A motor fuel transporter, as that term is defined in Tax Code, §162.001, shall keep a complete and separate record of each intrastate and interstate transportation of gasoline or diesel fuel, showing:

    (A) the date of transportation;

    (B) the name of the consignor and consignee;

    (C) the means of transportation;

    (D) the quantity and kind of gasoline or diesel fuel transported;

    (E) the points of origin and destination;

    (F) the import verification number if that number is required by §3.441 of this title (relating to Documentation of Imports and Exports, Import Verification Numbers, Export Sales, and Diversion Numbers); and

    (G) full data concerning the diversion of shipments, including the number of gallons diverted from interstate to intrastate and intrastate to interstate commerce, and the diversion number if that number is required by §3.441 of this title.

  (17) A person who holds a compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas dealer's license, as that term is defined in Tax Code, §162.357, shall keep records that show:

    (A) all compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas inventories on hand at the first of each month;

    (B) the amount of natural gas compressed and liquefied by the dealer;

    (C) all compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas purchased or received, showing the name of the seller and the date of each purchase or receipt;

    (D) the number of taxable diesel gallon equivalents or gasoline gallon equivalents delivered into the fuel supply tank of motor vehicles, showing the date of the delivery;

    (E) the number of diesel gallon equivalents or gasoline gallon equivalents delivered into the fuel supply tank of motor vehicles or other equipment exempt from tax under Tax Code, §162.356, including:

      (i) the name of the owner or operator of the motor vehicle;

      (ii) the type or description of the equipment; and


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