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RULE §3.350Master Recordings and Broadcasts
Historical Texas Register

    (C) audio or video routing switchers located in a production or recording studio that are necessary and essential to and used or consumed directly in the production of a master recording or a live program.

(d) Nonexempt items used in production.

  (1) The following items do not qualify for exemption under this section even when used in the production of a master recording or a live program:

    (A) office equipment or supplies;

    (B) maintenance or janitorial equipment or supplies;

    (C) machinery, equipment, or supplies used in sales or transportation activities;

    (D) machinery, equipment, or supplies used in distribution activities, unless otherwise exempted by this section;

    (E) taxable items that are used incidentally in the production of a master recording or a live program;

    (F) telecommunications equipment and services;

    (G) transmission equipment, other than qualifying C.F.R.-compliant digital television transmission equipment and qualifying C.F.R.-compliant digital audio broadcast equipment;

    (H) security services;

    (I) motor vehicle parking services; and

    (J) food ready for immediate consumption.

  (2) Examples of nonexempt items used in production include, but are not limited to: tents for catering or staging areas; office furniture; crew jackets; flowers for dressing rooms; catering or other food ready for immediate consumption; bodyguard services; script typing; landscape maintenance; director's chairs; gas cans; ladders; shipping cases; battery chargers; mobile offices; pagers, cellular phones, and other communication equipment (except those used exclusively on the set); telecommunications services such as mobile phone service; waste removal (including waste that will be recycled); wardrobe racks; and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

  (3) Taxable items are not exempt under this section when used in the production of a master recording for broadcast, or in the production of a live program for broadcast, if the master recording or live program is not intended to be broadcast to either the general public or to cable television service subscribers or paying customers.

(e) Transportation equipment. Motor vehicles, including trailers and semitrailers, are subject to motor vehicle sales tax and are exempt from sales and use tax imposed by Tax Code, Chapter 151 (Limited Sales, Excise, and Use Tax). For more information on the taxes due on motor vehicles, see Subchapter F, of this chapter (Motor Vehicle Sales Tax). Other types of machinery, equipment, or supplies used in transportation activities, such as helicopters, do not qualify for exemption from sales and use tax under this section.

(f) C.F.R.-compliant digital television transmission.

  (1) The purchase of C.F.R.-compliant digital television transmission equipment by a digital television broadcast station permittee or licensee is exempt from sales and use tax. The exemption applies whether the equipment is used for television transmission in high or standard definition.

  (2) Equipment that may be used for both analog and digital television transmission is exempt if it is necessary to comply with 47 C.F.R. §73.682(d) (TV transmission standards). Transmission equipment that is not necessary for digital television transmission, or that can be used only for analog transmission, is not exempt under this section.

  (3) An Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) encoder is exempt.

  (4) Entities that are not subject to the relevant provisions of 47 C.F.R. Part 73 (Radio Broadcast Services), such as cable and satellite television providers, may not make exempt purchases under this subsection.

(g) C.F.R.-compliant digital audio broadcast equipment.

  (1) The purchase of C.F.R.-compliant digital audio broadcast equipment by a radio broadcast station permittee or licensee is exempt from sales and use tax.

  (2) Equipment used to transmit both over-the-air digital audio programming at no direct charge to listeners and over-the-air digital audio programming for a fee to listeners is exempt.

  (3) Equipment used solely to transmit over-the-air digital audio programming for a fee to listeners is not exempt.

(h) Exemptions for repair and maintenance. Repair or maintenance of tangible personal property that is exempted under this section is also exempt, unless the tangible personal property is installed into realty and has lost its identity as tangible personal property. For information on the repair or maintenance of items that become real property after installation, see §3.357 of this title (relating to Nonresidential Real Property Repair, Remodeling, and Restoration; Real Property Maintenance). For information on new construction that incorporates materials exempted under this section see §3.291 of this title (relating to Contractors).

(i) Exemptions for natural gas and electricity.

  (1) Natural gas and electricity used in the production of a master recording are exempt.

  (2) Natural gas and electricity are taxable when used for a non-exempt purpose. For example, an entertainment venue provides beverages to customers during live performances. The venue also makes master recordings of the live performances. The electricity used for the beverage refrigeration equipment is not exempt; however the electricity used to power the recording equipment is exempt under this subsection. Non-exempt purposes include, but are not limited to, the following:

    (A) administrative or office operations;

    (B) marketing;

    (C) transportation; or

    (D) warehousing.

  (3) A predominant use study is required to determine the exempt and non-exempt use of natural gas or electricity measured by a single meter. See §3.295 of this title (relating to Natural Gas and Electricity).

(j) Exemptions for qualified media production locations.

  (1) The exemption in this subsection is available only to a qualified person acquiring a taxable item for use at a qualified media production location. Information on becoming certified as a qualified person or a qualified media production location is available through the Texas Film Commission.

  (2) The sale, lease, or rental of a taxable item, including nonresidential repair or remodeling services, is exempt if the item is used:

    (A) for the construction, maintenance, expansion, improvement, or renovation of a media production facility at a qualified media production location;

    (B) to equip a media production facility at a qualified media production location; or

    (C) for the renovation of a building or facility at a qualified media production location that is to be used exclusively as a media production facility.

  (3) Repair or maintenance of tangible personal property used to equip a media production facility at a qualified media production location is exempt during the exemption period described in paragraph (4) of this subsection.

  (4) The exemption in this subsection is temporary.

    (A) The exemption begins when both the qualified person and related qualified media production location are certified by the Texas Film Commission.

    (B) The exemption ends on the earlier of:

      (i) the expiration date identified in the approval documents issued for the certification of the qualified media production location;

      (ii) the expiration date identified in the approval documents issued for the certification of the qualified person; or

      (iii) the date the certification of either the qualified person or the qualified media production location is revoked.

    (C) In no event shall the exemption period extend for more than two years from the earlier of the date of certification of the qualified person or the date of certification of the related qualified media production location.

  (5) Reports required. Each qualified person is required to submit a report for each qualified media production location.

    (A) The report must be in the form and manner prescribed by the comptroller and must contain the following information:

      (i) the name, address, and comptroller-issued taxpayer identification number of the qualified person;

      (ii) the name, address, and, if applicable, comptroller-issued taxpayer identification number of the qualified media production location;

      (iii) a description of the project or activity conducted by the qualified person at the qualified media production location;

      (iv) the date of certification and the expiration date of the certification of the qualified person and related qualified media production zone as identified in the approval documents issued by the Texas Film Commission;


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