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RULE §3.360Customs Brokers
Historical Texas Register

  (2) the applicant's name, mailing address, primary business address, business telephone number, home address, and home telephone number, and the names, home addresses, and home telephone numbers of all the general partners (if the applicant is a partnership), the formation/registration number, formation/registration date, federal Employer Identification Number, and the names, home addresses, and home telephone numbers of the officers and directors (if the applicant is a corporation), or the names, home addresses, and home telephone numbers of the members (if the applicant is an entity other than a partnership or corporation);

  (3) the names, mailing addresses, primary business addresses, business telephone numbers, home addresses, and home telephone numbers of all verification contractors and all authorized employees of verification contractors, and the names, home addresses, and home telephone numbers of all the general partners (if the verification contractor is a partnership), the formation/registration number, formation/registration date, federal Employer Identification Number, and the names, home addresses, and home telephone numbers of the officers and directors (if the verification contractor is a corporation), or the names, home addresses, and home telephone numbers of the members (if the verification contractor is an entity other than a partnership or corporation), and the date of contract of all verification contractors;

  (4) the names, home addresses, and home telephone numbers of all employees who are authorized to certify exports in the name of the applicant and the date of hire of all such employees;

  (5) a copy of each authorized employee's power of attorney to certify exports in the name of the applicant;

  (6) the trade name of the applicant's business and the address of each location where export certifications are to be fully or partially prepared;

  (7) the original signature or signatures of the applicant (if the applicant is a sole proprietor), an officer or director (if the applicant is a corporation), all general partners (if the applicant is a partnership), or an authorized member (if the applicant is an entity other than a corporation or partnership), and the original signatures of all authorized employees of the customs broker;

  (8) the social security number of each authorized employee, verification contractor, and authorized employee of a verification contractor, and the social security number of the applicant (if the applicant is a sole proprietor), each general partner (if the applicant is a partnership), each officer and director (if the applicant is a corporation), or each member (if the applicant is an entity other than a partnership or corporation); and

  (9) any other information the comptroller requires.

(e) Annual customs broker license and fee. An annual customs broker's license issued under this section continues in effect through December 31st each year unless canceled by the customs broker or suspended or revoked by the comptroller before the expiration date. All expired, canceled, suspended, or revoked licenses must be immediately returned to the comptroller or they will be subject to confiscation. The annual license fee is non-refundable but the fee may be prorated on a calendar year $75 per-quarter basis as follows:

  (1) $300 fee for a license with an effective date beginning January 1st through March 31st;

  (2) $225 fee for a license with an effective date beginning April 1st through June 30th;

  (3) $150 fee for a license with an effective date beginning July 1st through September 30th; or

  (4) $75 fee for a license with an effective date beginning October 1st through December 31st.

(f) Display of license. An original Texas Customs Broker License must be prominently displayed at each place of business of the customs broker where export certification forms are fully or partially prepared.

(g) Locations outside the United States. No Texas Customs Broker Licenses will be issued for locations beyond the territorial limits of the State of Texas.

(h) Bond or security. A licensed customs broker is required to post a bond or security in the amount of $5,000, plus an additional $1,000 for each place of business from which the customs broker intends to issue export certification forms.

  (1) The security may be in the form of cash, a certificate of deposit, a letter of credit, or another instrument of value acceptable as security to the comptroller.

  (2) The comptroller may forfeit a customs broker's bond or security and apply the amount to any liabilities due for unpaid taxes, penalties, interest, license fees, stamp fees, and other penalties imposed for any violations of the Tax Code or this section.

  (3) A licensed customs broker, who has a bond or security forfeited by the comptroller, must immediately post another bond or security as required by the comptroller.

  (4) A customs broker must send the comptroller a written request to obtain release of the bond or security once the broker has ceased to do business in Texas. The comptroller may release a bond or security once a customs broker has ceased doing business in Texas and the comptroller verifies that the customs broker has no outstanding liabilities or penalties due.

(i) Verification contractors. A licensed customs broker may enter into a written contract with a verification contractor to facilitate the monitoring of exports certified by the customs broker. A verification contractor may authorize by power of attorney their full-time or part-time employee to perform verification services on their behalf. A verification contractor may not fully or partially prepare, issue, and/or sign export certification forms and may not affix export certification stamps to export certification forms. A verification contractor's contract must be submitted to and approved by the comptroller before the verification contractor may perform export verification services.

(j) Export certification stamps. The comptroller will produce or have produced export certification stamps to be affixed to export certification forms.

  (1) The comptroller may change the design as often as necessary for the enforcement of this section. The design will be changed at least once each calendar quarter.

  (2) Only a licensed customs broker or authorized employee may receive stamps. A person obtaining stamps in person must present photo identification.

  (3) There is a $2.10 fee for each stamp.

  (4) The stamps are non-transferable. A stamp is void if transferred to a person other than the customs broker to whom the comptroller originally issued the stamp or to that customs broker's authorized employee. This paragraph does not apply to a stamp that is actually affixed to an export certification form that is transferred in compliance with this section.

  (5) All unused, expired stamps must be returned to the comptroller within 15 working days of the end of each calendar quarter. All such stamps must be delivered to the comptroller on the same date, at the same time, and to the same location. Unused stamps must be immediately returned to the comptroller upon cancellation, suspension, or revocation of the customs broker's license or upon notification that the customs broker is out of business and may be confiscated if not returned. Unused, expired stamps may not be retained, destroyed, or disposed of except by the comptroller. The comptroller will allow a licensed customs broker credit for returned unused stamps. Such credit must be used to purchase new stamps. A licensed customs broker who ceases to do business in Texas must return all unused stamps within 15 working days of the customs broker's last day of business. The comptroller shall refund an out-of-business customs broker an amount of $2.10 for each returned unused stamp.

  (6) As soon as practicable after discovery, a customs broker must report in writing to the comptroller the theft, destruction, or other loss of stamps issued to the customs broker, including the numbers assigned to the lost stamps (if the comptroller has numbered the stamps sequentially). No credit or refund will be allowed for stamps lost, destroyed, or stolen, unless the customs broker provides sufficient documentation that the stamps were stolen or destroyed.

  (7) A customs broker must notify the comptroller as soon as practicable in writing if the customs broker has no remaining inventory of stamps following use, theft, and/or other loss of the stamps.

(k) Preparation of documentation. The comptroller will maintain a password-protected website that a licensed customs broker, or an authorized employee of a licensed customs broker, must use to prepare export certification forms.


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