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RULE §3.432Refunds on Gasoline, Diesel Fuel, Compressed Natural Gas, and Liquefied Natural Gas Taxes
Historical Texas Register

that is equipped with an automatic switching device must be invoiced as taxable. Separate invoices must be issued for deliveries of fuel into each tank. A notation that indicates that fuel was delivered into the tank designated not-for-highway use must be made on invoices;

  (5) fixed 5.0% method. In lieu of the use of one of the previously mentioned methods, the owner or operator of a gasoline-powered motor vehicle that is equipped with a power take-off or auxiliary power unit that is mounted on the vehicle may claim a credit or refund of the state fuel tax paid on 5.0% of the total taxable gasoline used in this state by each vehicle so equipped; or

  (6) proposed alternate methods. Proposals for the use of methods that this section does not specifically cover to determine the amount of gasoline used in power take-off operations or auxiliary power units may be submitted to the comptroller for approval; and

  (7) accurate mileage records must be kept regardless of the method used.

(h) Refund or credit for state fuel tax on gasoline or diesel fuel sold to or used by an exempt entity.

  (1) A license holder, other than an aviation fuel dealer, may take a credit on a return for state fuel tax paid on the purchase of gasoline or diesel fuel that is resold tax-free if the purchaser was one of the following entities:

    (A) the United States or federal government and the purchase is for its exclusive use. The federal government means any department, board, bureau, agency, corporation, or commission that the United States government has created or wholly owns. Exclusive use by the federal government means use of fuel only in motor vehicles or other equipment that the federal government operates. A person operating under a contract with the federal government is not an exempt entity. Evidence that sales were made to the federal government must be maintained and consist of:

      (i) a United States tax exemption certificate--Standard Form 1094 or similar certificate that includes the same information as the Standard Form 1094;

      (ii) copies of the invoice(s) when a United States National credit card--Standard Form 149, was used for the purchase, which invoice must include the license plate number or official vehicle designation, if fuel is delivered into the fuel supply tank of a motor vehicle; or

      (iii) a copy of a contract between the seller and the federal government supporting the sales invoices or purchase vouchers;

    (B) a Texas public school district and the purchase is for its exclusive use. Exclusive use by a public school district means use of fuel only in motor vehicles or other equipment that the public school district operates;

    (C) a commercial transportation company with a contract to provide public school transportation services to a Texas public school district under Education Code, §34.008, and the gasoline or diesel fuel is used exclusively to provide those services;

    (D) a Texas non-profit electric cooperative organized under Utilities Code, Chapter 161, and telephone cooperative organized under Utilities Code, Chapter 162, and the purchase is for its exclusive use. Exclusive use by an electric or telephone cooperative means use of fuel only in motor vehicles or other equipment that the electric or telephone cooperative operates;

    (E) a Texas volunteer fire department when the purchase is for its exclusive use. A directory of fire departments is available at: https://fireconnect.tfs.tamu.edu/. For purposes of this subparagraph:

      (i) for sales made before May 24, 2019, a qualifying Texas volunteer fire department is a fire department identified on the Texas A&M Forest Service's website as a volunteer fire department having no paid members; and

      (ii) for sales made on or after May 24, 2019, a qualifying Texas volunteer fire department is a fire department that is operated by its members on a not-for-profit basis, including a part-paid fire department composed of at least 50% volunteer firefighters, and including a fire department that is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(a), Internal Revenue Code of 1986, by being listed as an exempt organization in Section 501(c)(3) or (4) of that code; or

    (F) a nonprofit entity that is organized for the sole purpose of and engages exclusively in providing emergency medical services in Texas, including rescue and ambulance services, when the purchase is for its exclusive use.

  (2) An exempt entity enumerated in paragraph (1)(A) - (F) of this subsection may claim a refund of state fuel tax paid on gasoline, diesel fuel, compressed natural gas, or liquefied natural gas purchased for its exclusive use.

  (3) A refund may be requested for state fuels tax on compressed natural gas or liquefied natural gas used in a motor vehicle operated exclusively by:

    (A) a Texas county or a Texas municipality; or

    (B) a transit company, including a metropolitan rapid transit authority under Transportation Code, Chapter 451, or a regional transportation authority under Transportation Code, Chapter 452, that provides transportation services and who on January 1, 2015, held a prepaid liquefied gas decal as that section existed on that date.

(i) Refund or credit for state fuel tax on gasoline or diesel fuel exported from Texas or sold for export.

  (1) A person may claim a refund or a licensed supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, importer, exporter, or blender may take a credit on a return for state fuel tax paid on gasoline or diesel fuel that the person or the license holder exports from this state in quantities of 100 or more gallons. Proof of export must be one of the following:

    (A) proof of export that United States Customs officials have certified, if the fuel was exported to a foreign country;

    (B) proof of export that a port of entry official of the state of importation has certified, if the state of importation maintains ports of entry;

    (C) proof from the taxing officials of the state into which the fuel was imported that shows that the exporter has accounted for the fuel on that state's tax returns;

    (D) other proof that the fuel has been reported to the state into which the gasoline or diesel fuel was imported; or

    (E) a common or contract carrier's transporting documents (see §3.439 of this title (relating to Motor Fuel Transportation Documents)) that list the consignor and consignee, the points of origin and destination, the number of gallons shipped or transported, the date of export, and the kind of fuel exported.

  (2) A licensed supplier, permissive supplier or distributor may take a credit on a return for state fuel tax paid on gasoline or diesel fuel resold tax-free to a licensed supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, importer, or exporter for immediate export from this state under the following circumstances:

    (A) a shipping document or bill of lading issued by the seller that shows the destination state;

    (B) the purchaser (exporter) is licensed in Texas as a supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, importer, or exporter; and

    (C) the purchaser is licensed in the destination state to pay that state's tax; or

    (D) if the destination is a foreign country, a shipping document or bill of lading issued by the seller that shows the foreign destination.

  (3) A licensed supplier must collect either the destination state's tax or Texas tax from the purchaser on gasoline or diesel fuel exported to another state.

(j) Refund or credit for state fuel tax on gasoline or diesel fuel loss by fire, theft, or accident. A person may claim a refund or a license holder may take a credit on a return for state fuel tax paid on 100 or more gallons of gasoline or diesel fuel loss by fire, theft, or accident. The claimant must maintain records of the incident that establishes that the exact quantity of fuel that has been claimed as lost was actually lost, and that the loss resulted from that incident. The time limitation prescribed in subsection (b)(1) of this section is determined by the date of the first incident of a multiple incident loss that totals 100 gallons or more. A claim for refund for loss by fire, theft, or accident shall be accompanied by fire department, police department, or regulatory agency reports as appropriate.

  (1) If the incident is a drive-away theft at a retail outlet (i.e., theft occurs when a person delivers gasoline or diesel fuel into the fuel supply tank(s) of a motor vehicle at a retail outlet without payment for the fuel), the following documentation shall be maintained:

    (A) a police department report or evidence that the incident of drive-away theft has been or will be taken as a deduction on the federal income tax return during the same or the subsequent reporting period; and


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