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RULE §3.441Documentation of Imports and Exports, Import Verification Numbers, Export Sales, and Diversion Numbers
Historical Texas Register

    (A) proof of export that a U.S. customs office has certified, if the gasoline or diesel fuel was exported from this state to a foreign country;

    (B) proof of export that a port of entry of the state of importation has certified, if ports of entry are maintained by that state;

    (C) proof from the tax officials of the state into which the gasoline or diesel fuel was imported, which shows that the exporter has accounted for the gasoline or diesel fuel on the state's tax report; or

    (D) other proof that the gasoline or diesel fuel has been reported to the state into which the gasoline or diesel fuel was imported.

(d) Diversion Number. An importer or exporter who diverts the delivery of a load of gasoline or diesel fuel being transported by truck or railroad tank car from the destination state or country that is preprinted on the shipping document that has been issued for that fuel to another state or country must obtain a diversion number from the comptroller. A diversion number must be obtained within 72 hours before or after the diversion. The importer, exporter, or common or contract carrier must write the diversion number on the shipping document issued for that fuel.

(e) Reporting subsequent sales in this state of tax-free gasoline or diesel fuel purchased for export.

  (1) A person who purchases or removes gasoline or diesel fuel tax-free for export to any other state or foreign country and, before export, sells the gasoline or diesel fuel in this state tax-free to a licensed supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, importer, or exporter shall report that transaction as required by this subsection.

  (2) If the gasoline or diesel fuel is subsequently sold one or more times in this state before export and tax-free to a licensed supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, importer, or exporter, each seller shall report the transaction to the comptroller as required by this section.

  (3) Each person who makes a sale described by paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection must provide to the comptroller:

    (A) the bill of lading number issued at the terminal;

    (B) the terminal control number;

    (C) the date the gasoline or diesel fuel was removed from the terminal;

    (D) the number of gallons invoiced;

    (E) date of sale; and

    (F) any other information required by the comptroller.

  (4) The sales invoice for each transaction described by paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection must include:

    (A) the name of the seller and purchaser; and

    (B) the original bill of lading number.

  (5) A person who is required to report a subsequent sale in this state of tax-free gasoline or diesel fuel purchased for export shall report the transaction with the required monthly motor fuels return as required under Tax Code, §162.114 (Returns and Payments) or §162.215 (Returns and Payments).

(f) Penalties.

  (1) A person who fails to report a subsequent sale in this state of tax-free gasoline or diesel fuel purchased for export shall pay a penalty of $200 for each sale that was not reported on the original return, unless the person files an amended report that includes the sale not later than the 180th day after the due date of the original return.

  (2) Failure to pay tax due on a subsequent sale of tax-free gasoline and diesel fuel purchased for export. A licensed supplier, permissive supplier, distributor, importer, or exporter who redirects a delivery of gasoline or diesel fuel to a location in this state prior to export and fails to pay the tax when due, shall pay a penalty equal to the greater of $2,000 or five times the amount of tax due.

  (3) The penalties addressed in this subsection are in addition to any other penalty authorized under Tax Code, Chapter 162 (Motor Fuel Taxes).

Source Note: The provisions of this §3.441 adopted to be effective April 13, 2005, 30 TexReg 2093; amended to be effective March 16, 2020, 45 TexReg 1859

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