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RULE §3.365Sales Tax Holiday--Clothing, Shoes and School Supplies
Historical Texas Register

  (2) If the shipping and handling charge is a flat rate per package and the amount charged is the same regardless of how many items are included in the package, for purposes of this exemption the total charge may be attributed to one of the items in the package rather than proportionately and separately allocated between the items. For example, a customer orders five shirts, with four priced at $98 and one at $85. The retailer charges $10 for shipping and handling the order. The retailer would have charged the same amount for shipping and handling whether the customer ordered one shirt or five shirts. The retailer may choose to attribute the $10 shipping and handling charge to the shirt that was sold for $85 rather than allocate the charge proportionately and separately between the shirts. If the charge is attributed to the $85 shirt, the sales price of that shirt is $95, and all of the shirts will qualify for the exemption.

(o) Documenting exempt sales.

  (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, a retailer is not required to obtain an exemption certificate on sales of eligible items during the exemption period; however, the retailer's records should clearly identify the type of item sold, the date on which the item was sold, and the sales price of the item.

  (2) A retailer who sells more than 10 backpacks to a customer at the same time must obtain an exemption certificate from the customer verifying that the backpacks are being purchased for use by elementary or secondary school students.

  (3) If the purchaser is buying the school supplies under a business account, the retailer must obtain an exemption certificate from the purchaser certifying that the items are purchased for use by an elementary or secondary school student. "Under a business account" means the purchaser is using a business credit card or business check rather than a personal credit card or personal check; is being billed under a business account maintained at the retailer; or is using a business membership at a retailer that is membership based.

(p) Reporting exempt sales. No special reporting procedures are necessary to report exempt sales made during the exemption period. Sales should be reported as currently required by law.

Source Note: The provisions of this §3.365 adopted to be effective September 7, 2000, 25 TexReg 8740; amended to be effective April 13, 2005, 30 TexReg 2085; amended to be effective October 6, 2008, 33 TexReg 8398; amended to be effective November 23, 2009, 34 TexReg 8338; amended to be effective December 3, 2012, 37 TexReg 9525; amended to be effective March 3, 2014, 39 TexReg 1479

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