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RULE §11.1General

  (39) Development Owner (also referred to as "Owner")--Any Person, General Partner, or Affiliate of a Person who owns or proposes a Development or expects to acquire Control of a Development under a purchase contract or ground lease approved by the Department and is responsible for performing under the allocation or Commitment with the Department. (§2306.6702(a)(7)).

  (40) Development Site--The area or, if more than one tract (which may be deemed by the Internal Revenue Service or the Department to be a scattered site), areas on which the Development is proposed and to be encumbered by a LURA, including access to that area or areas through ingress and egress easements.

  (41) Development Team--All Persons and Affiliates thereof that play a role in the development, construction, rehabilitation, management, or continuing operation of the Development, including any Development Consultant and Guarantor.

  (42) Direct Loan--Funds provided through the HOME Program, Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF), HOME American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP), Tax Credit Assistance Program Repayment Funds (TCAP RF), Texas Housing Trust Fund (THTF), or other programs available through the Department for multifamily development. The terms and conditions for Direct Loans will be determined by provisions in Chapter 13 of this title (relating to Multifamily Direct Loan Rule), the NOFA under which they are awarded, the Contract, and the loan documents. The tax-exempt bond program is specifically excluded.

  (43) Educational Provider-- A school district; open-enrollment charter school; or Education Service Center. Private schools and private childcare providers, whether nonprofit or for profit, are not eligible parties, unless the private school or private childcare provider has entered into a partnership with a school district or open-enrollment charter school to provide a HQ Pre-K program in accordance with Texas Education Code Chapter 29, Subchapter E-1.

  (44) Economically Distressed Area--An area that is in a census tract that has a median household income that is 75% or less of the statewide median household income and in a municipality or, if not within a municipality, in a county that has been awarded funds under the Economically Distressed Areas Program administered by the Texas Water Development Board. Notwithstanding all other requirements, for funds awarded to another type of political subdivision (e.g., a water district), the Development Site must be within the jurisdiction of the political subdivision.

  (45) Effective Gross Income (EGI)--As provided for in §11.302(d)(1)(D) of this chapter (relating to Operating Feasibility). The sum total of all sources of anticipated or actual income for a rental Development, less vacancy and collection loss, leasing concessions, and rental income from employee-occupied units that is not anticipated to be charged or collected.

  (46) Efficiency Unit--A Unit without a separately enclosed Bedroom.

  (47) Elderly Development--A Development that either meets the requirements of the Housing for Older Persons Act (HOPA) under the Fair Housing Act, or a Development that receives federal funding that has a requirement for a preference or limitation for elderly persons or households, but must accept qualified households with children.

  (48) Eligible Hard Costs--Hard Costs includable in Eligible Basis for the purposes of determining a Housing Credit Allocation.

  (49) Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)--An environmental report that conforms to the Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Assessment Process (ASTM Standard Designation: E 1527) and conducted in accordance with §11.305 of this chapter (relating to Environmental Site Assessment Rules and Guidelines) as it relates to a specific Development.

  (50) Existing Residential Development--Any Development Site which contains any type of existing residential dwelling at any time as of the beginning of the Application Acceptance Period.

  (51) Extended Use Period--With respect to an HTC building, the period beginning on the first day of the Compliance Period and ending the later of:

    (A) The date specified in the LURA; or

    (B) The date which is 15 years after the close of the Compliance Period.

  (52) First Lien Lender--A lender whose lien has first priority as a matter of law or by operation of a subordination agreement or other intercreditor agreement.

  (53) Forward Commitment--the issuance of a Commitment of Housing Tax Credits from the State Housing Credit Ceiling for the calendar year following the year of issuance, made subject to the availability of State Housing Credit Ceiling in the calendar year for which the Commitment has been made.

  (54) General Contractor (including "Contractor")--One who contracts to perform the construction or rehabilitation of an entire Development, rather than a portion of the work. The General Contractor hires subcontractors, such as plumbing contractors, electrical contractors, etc., coordinates all work, and is responsible for payment to the subcontractors. A prime subcontractor will also be treated as a General Contractor, and any fees payable to the prime subcontractor will be treated as fees to the General Contractor, in the scenarios described in subparagraphs (A) or (B) of this paragraph:

    (A) Any subcontractor, material supplier, or equipment leasor receiving more than 50% of the contract sum in the construction contract will be deemed a prime subcontractor; or

    (B) If more than 75% of the contract sum in the construction contract is subcontracted to three or fewer subcontractors, material suppliers, and equipment leasors, such parties will be deemed prime subcontractors.

  (55) General Partner--Any person or entity identified as a general partner in a certificate of formation for the partnership or is later admitted to an existing partnership as a general partner that is the Development Owner and that Controls the partnership. Where a limited liability corporation is the legal structure employed rather than a limited partnership, the manager or managing member of that limited liability corporation is deemed, for the purposes of these rules, to be the functional equivalent of a general partner.

  (56) Governing Body--The elected or appointed body of public or tribal officials responsible for the enactment, implementation, and enforcement of local rules and the implementation and enforcement of applicable laws for its respective jurisdiction.

  (57) Governmental Entity--Includes federal, state or local agencies, departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, authorities, and political subdivisions, special districts, tribal governments, and other similar entities.

  (58) Gross Capture Rate--Calculated as the Relevant Supply divided by the Gross Demand, and as described in §11.302(i)(1) of this chapter (relating to Feasibility Conclusion).

  (59) Gross Demand--The sum of Potential Demand from the Primary Market Area (PMA) and demand from other sources, as described in §11.303(d)(9)(E)(ii) of this chapter (relating to Market Analysis Rules and Guidelines).

  (60) Gross Program Rent--Maximum rent limits based upon the tables promulgated by the Department's division responsible for compliance, which are developed by program and by county or Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) or Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) or national non-metro area.

  (61) Guarantor--Any Person that provides, or is anticipated to provide, a guaranty for all or a portion of the equity or debt financing for the Development.

  (62) Hard Costs--The sum total of Building Costs, Site Work costs, Off-Site Construction costs, and contingency.

  (63) Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB)--An entity that is certified as such under and in accordance with Tex. Gov't Code, Chapter 2161.

  (64) HOME Match Eligible Unit--A Unit in the Development that may or may not be assisted with HOME Program funds, but would qualify as eligible for Match under 24 CFR Part 92 and CPD Notice 97-03 or subsequent HUD guidance.

  (65) Housing Contract System (HCS)--The electronic information system established by the Department for tracking, funding, and reporting Department Contracts and Developments. The HCS is primarily used for Direct Loan Programs administered by the Department.

  (66) Housing Credit Allocation--An allocation of Housing Tax Credits by the Department to a Development Owner as provided for in Code.

  (67) Housing Credit Allocation Amount--With respect to a Development or a building within a Development, the amount of Housing Tax Credits the Department and the Board, if applicable, determines to be necessary for the financial feasibility of the Development and its viability as a Development throughout the Affordability Period.

  (68) HTC Development (also referred to as HTC Property)--A Development subject to an active LURA for Housing Tax Credits allocated by the Department.


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