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RULE §11.204Required Documentation for Application Submission

    (D) If ingress and egress to a public right of way are not part of the Property described in the site control documentation, the Applicant must provide evidence of an easement, leasehold, or similar documented access, along with evidence that the fee title owner of the property agrees that the LURA may extend to the access easement by the time of Commitment, Determination Notice or Contract (as applicable).

    (E) If control of the entire proposed Development Site requires that a plat or right of way be vacated to remove a right of way or similar dedication, evidence that the vacation/re-platting process has started must be included in the Application, and evidence of control of the entire Development Site must be provided by the time of Commitment or Contract (as applicable).

  (10) Zoning. (§2306.6705(5)) Acceptable evidence of zoning for all Developments must include one of subparagraphs (A) - (D) of this paragraph. In instances where annexation of a Development Site occurs while the Application is under review, the Applicant must submit evidence of appropriate zoning with the Commitment or Determination Notice. Letters evidencing zoning status must be no more than 6 months old at Application submission, except where such evidence is for an area where there is no zoning and such letters must be updated annually by the political subdivision.

    (A) No Zoning Ordinance in Effect. The Application must include a letter from a local government official with appropriate jurisdiction stating that the Development is located within the boundaries of a political subdivision that has no zoning. This requirement does not apply to a Development Site located entirely in the unincorporated area of a county, and not within the ETJ of a municipality.

    (B) Zoning Ordinance in Effect. The Application must include a letter from a local government official with appropriate jurisdiction stating the Development is permitted under the provisions of the zoning ordinance that applies to the location of the Development.

    (C) Requesting a Zoning Change. The Application must include evidence in the form of a letter from a local government official with jurisdiction over zoning matters that the Applicant or Affiliate has made formal application for a required zoning change and that the jurisdiction has received a release whereby the Applicant has agreed to hold the political subdivision and all other parties harmless in the event the appropriate zoning is not granted. Documentation of final approval of appropriate zoning must be submitted to the Department with the Commitment or Determination Notice.

    (D) Zoning for Rehabilitation Developments. In an area with zoning, the Application must include documentation of current zoning. If the Property is currently conforming but with an overlay that would make it a non-conforming use as presently zoned, the Application must include a letter from a local government official with appropriate jurisdiction which addresses the items in clauses (i) - (v) of this subparagraph:

      (i) a detailed narrative of the nature of non-conformance;

      (ii) the applicable destruction threshold;

      (iii) that it will allow the non-conformance;

      (iv) Owner's rights to reconstruct in the event of damage; and

      (v) penalties for noncompliance.

  (11) Title Commitment/Policy. A title commitment or title policy must be submitted that includes a legal description that is consistent with the Site Control. If the title commitment or policy is dated more than six months prior to the date of Application submission or the first day of the Application Acceptance Period for Competitive HTC Applications, then a letter from the title company indicating that nothing further has transpired during the six-month period on the commitment or policy must be submitted. Tax-Exempt Bond Developments that do not include a request for Direct Loan or include the Department as the bond issuer are exempt from this requirement.

    (A) The title commitment must list the name of the Development Owner as the proposed insured and list the seller or lessor as the current owner of the Development Site.

    (B) The title policy must show that the ownership (or leasehold) of the Development Site is vested in the name of the Development Owner.

  (12) Ownership Structure and Previous Participation.

    (A) The Department assumes that the Applicant will be able to form any one or more business entities, such as a limited partnership, that are to be engaged in the ownership of a Development as represented in the Application, and that all necessary rights, powers, and privileges including, but not limited to, Site Control will be transferable to that entity. The formation of the ownership entity, qualification to do business (if needed), and transfer of any such rights, powers, and privileges must be accomplished as required in this chapter and Chapters 12 and 13, as applicable.

    (B) Organizational Charts. A chart must be submitted that clearly illustrates the organizational structure of the proposed Development Owner and of any Developer and Guarantor, identifying all Principals thereof and providing the names and ownership percentages of all Persons having an ownership interest in the Development Owner, Developer and Guarantor, as applicable, whether directly or through one or more subsidiaries, whether or not they have Control. Persons having Control should be specifically identified on the chart. Individual board members and executive directors of nonprofit entities, governmental bodies, and corporations, as applicable, must be included in this exhibit and trusts must list all beneficiaries that have the legal ability to control or direct activities of the trust and are not just financial beneficiaries. In the case of Housing Tax Credit Applications only in which private equity fund investors are passive investors in the sponsorship entity, the fund manager, managing member or authorized representative of the fund who has the ability to Control, should be identified on the organizational chart, and a full list of investors is not required. The List of Organizations form, as provided in the Application, must include all Persons identified on the organizational charts, and further identify which of those Persons listed exercise Control of the Development.

    (C) Previous Participation. Evidence must be submitted that each individual and entity shown on the organizational charts described in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph has provided a copy of the completed previous participation information to the Department. Individual Principals of such entities identified on the organizational chart and on the List of Organizations form, must provide the previous participation information, unless excluded from such requirement pursuant to Chapter 1 Subchapter C of this title (relating to Previous Participation Review ). The information must include a list of all Developments that are, or were, previously under ownership or Control of the Applicant or each Principal, including any Person providing the required experience. All participation in any Department funded or monitored activity, including non-housing activities, as well as Housing Tax Credit developments or other programs administered by other states using state or federal programs must be disclosed. The individuals providing previous participation information must authorize the parties overseeing such assistance to release compliance histories to the Department.

    (D) Direct Loan. In addition to the information required in (B) and (C) of this subparagraph, if the Applicant is applying for Direct Loan funds then the Applicant must also include the definitions of Person, Affiliate, Principal, and Control found in 2 CFR Part 180 and 2424, when completing the organizational chart and the Previous Participation information.

  (13) Nonprofit Ownership. Applications that involve a §501(c)(3) or (4) nonprofit, housing finance corporation or public facility corporation as the General Partner or Owner shall submit the documentation identified in subparagraph (A) or (B) of this paragraph, as applicable. Additionally, a resolution approved at a regular meeting of the majority of the board of directors of the nonprofit, indicating their awareness of the organization's participation in each specific Application, and naming all members of the board and employees who may act on its behalf, must be provided. For Tax-Exempt Bond Developments, if the bond issuer is the sole member of the General Partner, a copy of the executed inducement resolution will meet the resolution requirement in this paragraph.

    (A) Competitive HTC Applications for the Nonprofit Set-Aside. Applications for Competitive Housing Tax Credits involving a §501(c)(3) or (4) nonprofit General Partner and which meet the Nonprofit Set-Aside requirements, must submit all of the documents described in clauses (i) to (v) of this subparagraph and indicate the nonprofit status on the carryover documentation and IRS Forms 8609. (§2306.6706) Applications that include an affirmative election to not be treated under the Nonprofit Set-Aside and a certification that they do not expect to receive a benefit in the allocation of tax credits as a result of being Affiliated with a nonprofit, only need to submit Cont'd...

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