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RULE §11.302Underwriting Rules and Guidelines

Developer, including, but not limited to, travel, dining, and courier fees will be considered part of the Developer Fee.

    (C) For Housing Tax Credit Developments, Eligible Developer Fee is multiplied by the appropriate Applicable Percentage depending on whether it is attributable to acquisition or rehabilitation basis.

    (D) For non-Housing Tax Credit Developments, the percentage can be up to 7.5%, but is based upon Total Housing Development Cost less the sum of the fee itself, land costs, the costs of permanent financing, excessive construction period financing described in paragraph (8) of this subsection, reserves, and any identity of interest acquisition cost.

  (8) Financing Costs. All fees required by the construction lender, permanent lender and equity partner must be indicated in the term sheets. Eligible construction period interest is limited to the lesser of actual eligible construction period interest, or the interest on one year's fully drawn construction period loan funds at the construction period interest rate indicated in the term sheet(s). For tax-exempt bond transactions up to 24 months of interest may be included. Any excess over this amount will not be included in Eligible Basis. Construction period interest on Related Party or Affiliate construction loans is only included in Eligible Basis with documentation satisfactory to the Underwriter that the loan will be at a market interest rate, fees and loan terms and the Related Party lender can demonstrate that it is routinely engaged in construction financing to unrelated parties.

  (9) Reserves. Except for the underwriting of a Housing Tax Credit Development at cost certification, the Underwriter will utilize the amount presented in the Applicant's Development Cost Schedule up to twelve months of stabilized operating expenses plus debt service (up to twenty-four months for USDA or HUD-financed rehabilitation transactions). Reserve amounts exceeding these limits will be excluded from Total Housing Development Costs. Pursuant to §10.404(c) of this title (relating to Operative Reserve Accounts), and for the underwriting of a Housing Tax Credit Development at cost certification, operating reserves that will be maintained for a minimum period of five years and documented in the Owner's partnership agreement or the permanent lender's loan documents will be included as a development cost.

  (10) Soft Costs. Eligible soft costs are generally costs that can be capitalized in the basis of the Development for tax purposes. The Underwriter will evaluate and apply the allocation of these soft costs in accordance with the Department's prevailing interpretation of the Code. Generally, the Applicant's costs are used; however the Underwriter will use comparative data and Third Party CPA certification as to the capitalization of the costs to determine the reasonableness of all soft costs. For Tax-Exempt Bond Developments that do not include a request for Direct Loan or where the Department is not the bond issuer, the Underwriter will not develop independent estimates for Building Cost or Soft Costs. The Applicant's Total Housing Development Cost and Total Eligible Cost will generally be characterized as reasonable, subject to review for compliance with Underwriting Rules and Guidelines.

  (11) Additional Tenant Amenities. For Housing Tax Credit Developments and after submission of the cost certification package, the Underwriter may consider costs of additional building and site amenities (suitable for the Target Population being served) proposed by the Owner in an amount not to exceed 1.5% of the originally underwritten Hard Costs. The additional amenities must be included in the LURA.

(f) Development Team Capacity and Development Plan.

  (1) The Underwriter will evaluate and report on the overall capacity of the Development Team by reviewing aspects, including but not limited to those identified in subparagraphs (A) - (D) of this paragraph:

    (A) Personal credit reports for development sponsors, Developer Fee recipients and those individuals anticipated to provide guarantee(s) in cases when warranted. The Underwriter may evaluate the credit report and identify any bankruptcy, state or federal tax liens or other relevant credit risks for compliance with eligibility and debarment requirements as found in Chapter 2 of this title (relating to Enforcement);

    (B) Quality of construction, Rehabilitation, and ongoing maintenance of previously awarded housing developments by review of construction inspection reports, compliance on-site visits, findings of NSPIRE violations and other information available to the Underwriter;

    (C) For Housing Tax Credit Developments, repeated or ongoing failure to timely submit cost certifications, requests for and clearance of final inspections, and timely response to deficiencies in the cost certification process; and

    (D) Adherence to obligations on existing or prior Department funded developments with respect to program rules and documentation.

  (2) While all components of the Development plan may technically meet the other individual requirements of this section, a confluence of serious concerns and unmitigated risks identified during the underwriting process may result in an Application being determined to be infeasible by the Underwriter. Any recommendation made under this subsection to deny an Application for a Grant, Direct Loan or Housing Credit Allocation is subject to Appeal as further provided for in §11.902 of this chapter (relating to Appeals).

(g) Other Underwriting Considerations. The Underwriter will evaluate additional feasibility elements as described in paragraphs (1) - (4) of this subsection.

  (1) Interim Operating Income. Interim operating income listed as a source of funds must be supported by a detailed lease-up schedule and analysis.

  (2) Floodplains. The Underwriter evaluates the site plan, floodplain map, survey and other information provided to determine if any of the buildings, drives, or parking areas reside within the 100-year floodplain. If such a determination is made by the Underwriter, the Report will include a condition that:

    (A) The Applicant must pursue and receive a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or Letter of Map Revision (LOMR-F); or

    (B) The Applicant must identify the cost of flood insurance for the buildings within the 100-year floodplain and certify that the flood insurance will be obtained; and

    (C) The Development must be proposed to be designed to comply with the QAP, Program Rules and NOFA, and applicable Federal or state requirements.

  (3) Proximity to Other Developments. The Underwriter will identify in the Report any Developments funded or known and anticipated to be eligible for funding within one linear mile of the subject. Distance is measured in a straight line from nearest boundary point to nearest boundary point.

  (4) Direct Loans. In accordance with the requirements of 24 CFR §§92.250 and 93.300(b), a request for a Direct Loan will not be recommended for approval if the DCR exceeds 1.50 any year during the longer of the term of the Direct Loan or the Federal Affordability Period, unless the Applicant elects to commit 25% of annual Cash Flow to a special reserve account, in accordance with §10.404(d) of this title, for any year the DCR is over 1.50. Annual Cash Flow will be calculated after deducting any payment due to the DevelopMuer on a deferred developer fee loan and any scheduled payments on cash flow loans. The Department will calculate the total special reserve amount based on the Cash Flow at Direct Loan Closing underwriting. The deposits into the special reserve account must be made annually from 25% of remaining annual cash flow until the total special reserve amount is reached. Alternatively, Applicant may request the Direct Loan interest rate be increased by Underwriter at Direct Loan Closing underwriting if financially feasibility is still met. If the Direct Loan is not recommended for approval, the remaining feasibility considerations under this section will be based on a revised sources schedule that does not contain the Direct Loan. This standard will also be used when the Development Owner is seeking approval for a request for a subordination agreement or a refinance, except the total special reserve amount will be based on the Cash Flow reflected in the underwriting at that time. A special reserve account is not eligible for Developments layered with FHA financing that is subject to HUD's Multifamily Accelerated Processing Guide.

(h) Work Out Development. Developments that are underwritten subsequent to Board approval in order to refinance or gain relief from restrictions may be considered infeasible based on the guidelines in this section, but may be characterized as "the best available option" or "acceptable available option" depending on the circumstances and subject to the discretion of the Underwriter as long as the option analyzed and recommended is more likely to achieve a better financial outcome for the property and the Department than the status quo.


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