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RULE §11.1General

  (69) HTC Property--See HTC Development.

  (70) Initial Affordability Period--The Compliance Period or such longer period as shall have been elected by the Owner as the minimum period for which Units in the Development shall be retained for low-income tenants and rent restricted, as set forth in the LURA.

  (71) Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS)--The electronic grants management information system established by HUD to be used for tracking and reporting HOME and NHTF funding and progress, and which may be used for other sources of funds as established by HUD.

  (72) Land Use Restriction Agreement (LURA)--An agreement, regardless of its title, between the Department and the Development Owner which is a binding covenant upon the Development Owner and successors in interest, that, when recorded, encumbers the Development with respect to the requirements of the programs for which it receives funds. (§2306.6702)

  (73) Low-Income Unit (also referred to as a Rent Restricted Unit)--A Unit that is intended to be restricted for occupancy by an income eligible household, as defined by the Department utilizing its published income limits.

  (74) Managing General Partner--A general partner of a partnership (or, as provided for in the definition of General Partner in this subsection, its functional equivalent) that is vested with the authority to take actions that are binding on behalf of the partnership and the other partners. The term Managing General Partner can also refer to a manager or managing member of a limited liability company where so designated to bind the limited liability company and its members under its Agreement or any other person that has such powers in fact, regardless of their organizational title.

  (75) Market Analysis--Sometimes referred to as "Market Study." An evaluation of the economic conditions of supply, demand, and rental rates conducted in accordance with §11.303 of this chapter (relating to Market Analysis Rules and Guidelines) as it relates to a specific Development.

  (76) Market Analyst--A real estate appraiser or other professional satisfying the qualifications in §11.303(c) of this chapter, and familiar with the subject property's market area who prepares a Market Analysis.

  (77) Market Rent--The achievable rent at the subject Property for a Unit without rent and income restrictions determined by the Market Analyst or Underwriter after adjustments are made to actual rents on Comparable Units to account for differences in net rentable square footage, functionality, overall condition, location (with respect to the subject Property based on proximity to primary employment centers, amenities, services, and travel patterns), age, Unit amenities, utility structure, and Common Area amenities. The achievable rent conclusion must also consider the proportion of market Units to total Units proposed in the subject Property.

  (78) Market Study--See Market Analysis.

  (79) Material Deficiency--Any deficiency in a pre-application or an Application or other documentation that exceeds the scope of an Administrative Deficiency. Inability to provide documentation that existed prior to submission of an Application to substantiate claimed points or meet threshold requirements may be considered material and may result in denial of the requested points or a termination in the case of threshold items. It is possible that multiple deficiencies that could individually be characterized as Administrative Deficiencies, when taken as a whole, would create a need for substantial re-review of the Application and as such would be characterized as constituting a Material Deficiency.

  (80) Multifamily Programs Procedures Manual--The manual produced and amended from time to time by the Department which reiterates and implements the rules and provides guidance for the filing of multifamily related documents. The Manual is not a rule and is provided only as good faith guidance and assistance.

  (81) National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE)-- As developed by the Real Estate Assessment Center of HUD.

  (82) Net Operating Income (NOI)--The income remaining after all operating expenses, including replacement reserves and taxes have been paid, as provided for in §11.302(d)(3) of this chapter (relating to Operating Feasibility).

  (83) Net Program Rent--Calculated as Gross Program Rent less Utility Allowance.

  (84) Net Rentable Area (NRA)--The Unit space that is available exclusively to the tenant and is heated and cooled by a mechanical HVAC system. NRA is measured to the outside of the studs of a Unit or to the middle of walls in common with other Units. If the construction does not use studs, NRA is measured to the outside of the material to which the drywall is affixed. Remote Storage of no more than 25 square feet per Unit may be included in NRA. For Developments using Multifamily Direct Loan funds the Remote Storage may only be included in NRA if the storage area shares a wall with the residential living space. NRA does not include common hallways, stairwells, elevator shafts, janitor closets, electrical closets, balconies, porches, patios, or other areas not actually available to the tenants for their furnishings, nor does NRA include the enclosing walls of such areas.

  (85) Non-HTC Development--Sometimes referred to as Non-HTC Property. Any Development not utilizing Housing Tax Credits or Exchange funds.

  (86) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)--A notice issued by the Department that announces funding availability, usually on a competitive basis, for multifamily rental programs requiring Application submission from potential Applicants.

  (87) Office of Rural Affairs--An office established within the Texas Department of Agriculture; formerly the Texas Department of Rural Affairs.

  (88) Off-Site Construction--Improvements up to the Development Site such as the cost of roads, water, sewer, and other utilities to provide access to and service the Site.

  (89) One Year Period (1YP)--The period commencing on the date on which the Department and the Owner agree to the Qualified Contract price in writing and continuing for 12 calendar months.

  (90) Owner--See Development Owner.

  (91) Person--Without limitation, any natural person, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, limited liability company, trust, estate, association, cooperative, government, political subdivision, agency or instrumentality, or other organization or entity of any nature whatsoever, and shall include any group of Persons acting in concert toward a common goal, including the individual members of the group.

  (92) Person or Persons with Disabilities--With respect to an individual, means that such person has:

    (A) A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual;

    (B) A record of such an impairment; or

    (C) Is regarded as having such an impairment, to include persons with severe mental illness and persons with substance abuse disorders.

  (93) Physical Needs Assessment--See Scope and Cost Review.

  (94) Place--An area defined as such by the United States Census Bureau which, in general, includes an incorporated city, town, or village, as well as unincorporated areas known as Census Designated Places. Any part of a Census Designated Place that, at the time of Application, is within the boundaries of an incorporated city, town, or village will be considered as part of the incorporated area. Areas that are annexed by a city, town, or village through limited-purpose annexation are considered to be part of the incorporated area of that city, town, or village for purposes of this chapter. The Department may provide a list of Places for reference.

  (95) Post Award Activities Manual--The manual produced and amended from time to time by the Department which explains the post award requirements and provides guidance for the filing of such documentation.

  (96) Potential Demand--The number of income-eligible, age-, size-, and tenure-appropriate target households in the designated market area at the proposed placement in service date.

  (97) Preservation--Activities that extend the Affordability Period for rent-restricted Developments that are at risk of losing low-income use restrictions or subsidies.

  (98) Primary Market--Sometimes referred to as "Primary Market Area." The area defined by the Market Analyst as described in §11.303 of this chapter (relating to Market Analysis Rules and Guidelines) from which a proposed or existing Development is most likely to draw the majority of its prospective tenants or homebuyers.

  (99) Primary Market Area (PMA)--See Primary Market.

  (100) Principal--Persons that will be capable of exercising Control pursuant to §11.1(d) of this chapter (relating to the definition of Control) over a partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trust, or any other private entity.


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