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RULE §11.9Competitive HTC Selection Criteria

    (F) The Development Site is located within a census tract and the census tract itself and all of its contiguous census tracts do not have another Development that was awarded 10 or fewer years ago that serves the same Target Population as the proposed Development. Applications proposing Rehabilitation shall not consider the Development's prior allocation(s) as another development for the purposes of this scoring item. This item will apply to Development Sites located entirely in a Place, or its ETJ, with a population of 50,000 or more for Urban subregions and 10,000 or more for Rural subregions, and will not apply in the At-Risk or USDA Set-Asides; (5 points)

      (i) The Development Site may intersect the boundaries of multiple Places so long as each has a population of at least 50,000 for Urban subregions, and 10,000 for Rural subregions.

      (ii) Contiguous census tracts include those that touch at a point.

    (G) An At-risk or USDA Development placed in service 25 or more years ago, that is still occupied, and that has not yet received federal funding, or LIHTC equity, for the purposes of Rehabilitation for the Development. If the Application involves multiple sites, the age of all sites will be averaged for the purposes of this scoring item. (3 points).

  (7) Proximity to Job Areas. (§42(m)(1)(C)(i)) An Application may qualify to receive up to four (4) points if the Development Site is located in one of the areas described in subparagraphs (A), (B), or (C) of this paragraph, and the Application contains evidence substantiating qualification for the points. The data used will be based solely on that available through US Census' OnTheMap tool. Jobs counted are limited to those based on the work area, all workers, and all primary jobs. This determination will be based on the latest data set posted to the US Census website on or before August 1, 2023. The Development will use OnTheMap's function to import GPS coordinates that clearly fall within the Development Site, and the OnTheMap chart/map report submitted in the Application must include the report date. This scoring item will not apply to Applications under the At-Risk or USDA Set-Aside.

    (A) Proximity to Jobs. For Development Sites in Urban subregions a Development may qualify for points under this subparagraph if it meets one of the criteria in clauses (i) - (iv) of this subparagraph.

      (i) The Development is located within 2 miles of 10,000 jobs. (4 points)

      (ii) The Development is located within 2 miles of 8,000 jobs. (3 points)

      (iii) The Development is located within 2 miles of 6,500 jobs. (2 points)

      (iv) The Development is located within 2 miles of 4,500 jobs. (1 points)

    (B) Proximity to Jobs. For Development Sites in Rural subregions a Development may qualify for points under this subparagraph if it meets one of the criteria in clauses (i) - (iv) of this subparagraph.

      (i) The Development is located within 4 miles of 8,000 jobs. (4 points)

      (ii) The Development is located within 4 miles of 6,000 jobs. (3 points)

      (iii) The Development is located within 4 miles of 4,000 jobs. (2 points)

      (iv) The Development is located within 4 miles of 2,000 jobs. (1 points)

    (C) Access to Jobs. A Development site which qualifies for at least 2 points under subparagraph (A) or (B) may qualify for up to 2 additional points under this subparagraph if the Development Site is within one half-mile from the entrance of a public transportation stop or station with a route schedule that provides regularly scheduled service to employment and basic services. (2 points)

(d) Criteria promoting community support and engagement.

  (1) Local Government Support. (§2306.6710(b)(1)(B)) An Application may qualify for up to seventeen (17) points for a resolution or resolutions voted on and adopted by the bodies reflected in subparagraphs (A) - (C) of this paragraph, as applicable. The resolution(s) must be dated prior to Final Input from Elected Officials Delivery Date and must be submitted to the Department no later than the Final Input from Elected Officials Delivery Date as identified in §11.2(a) of this chapter, relating to Competitive HTC Deadlines. Such resolution(s) must specifically identify the Development whether by legal description, address, Development name, Application number or other verifiable method. Resolutions received by the Department setting forth that the municipality and/or county objects to or opposes the Application or Development will result in zero points awarded to the Application for that Governing Body. If a Development site is located partially within a municipality and partially within a county or extraterritorial jurisdiction, positive points will only be awarded if a resolution is obtained from both entities. Such resolutions will be added to the Application posted on the Department's website. Once a resolution is submitted to the Department it may not be changed or withdrawn. For an Application with a proposed Development Site that, at the time of the initial filing of the Application, is:

    (A) Within a municipality, the Application will receive points from either:

      (i) Seventeen (17) points for a resolution from the Governing Body of that municipality expressly setting forth that the municipality supports the Application or Development; or

      (ii) Fourteen (14) points for a resolution from the Governing Body of that municipality expressly setting forth that the municipality has no objection to the Application or Development.

    (B) Within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality, the Application may receive points under clause (i) or (ii) of this subparagraph and under clause (iii) or (iv) of this subparagraph.

      (i) Eight and one-half (8.5) points for a resolution from the Governing Body of that municipality expressly setting forth that the municipality supports the Application or Development.

      (ii) Seven (7) points for a resolution from the Governing Body of that municipality expressly setting forth that the municipality has no objection to the Application or Development.

      (iii) Eight and one-half (8.5) points for a resolution from the Governing Body of that county expressly setting forth that the county supports the Application or Development.

      (iv) Seven (7) points for a resolution from the Governing Body of that county expressly setting forth that the county has no objection to the Application or Development.

    (C) Within a county and not within a municipality or the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality, the Application will receive points from either:

      (i) Seventeen (17) points for a resolution from the Governing Body of that county expressly setting forth that the county supports the Application or Development; or

      (ii) Fourteen (14) points for a resolution from the Governing Body of that county expressly setting forth that the county has no objection to the Application or Development.

  (2) Commitment of Development Funding by Local Political Subdivision. (§2306.6725(a)(5)) The source of the funding cannot be the Applicant, Developer, or an Affiliate of the Applicant. The commitment of Development funding must be reflected in the Application as a financial benefit to the Development, i.e. reported as a source of funds on the Sources and Uses Form or reflected in a lower cost in the Development Cost Schedule, such as notation of a reduction in building permits and related costs. Documentation must include a letter from an official of the municipality, county, or other instrumentality with jurisdiction over the proposed Development stating they will provide a loan, grant, reduced fees or contribution of other value that equals $500 or more for Applications located in Urban subregions or $250 or more for Applications located in Rural subregions for the benefit of the Development. The letter must describe the value of the contribution, the form of the contribution, e.g. reduced fees or gap funding, and any caveats to delivering the contribution. Once a letter is submitted to the Department it may not be changed or withdrawn. (1 point)

  (3) Declared Disaster Area. (§2306.6710(b)(1)(H); §42(m)(1)(C)(i)) An Application may receive ten (10) points if at the time of Application submission or at any time within the two-year period preceding the date of submission, the Development Site is located in an area declared to be a disaster area under the Tex. Gov't Code §418.014.

  (4) Quantifiable Community Participation. (§2306.6710(b)(1)(I); §2306.6725(a)(2)) An Application may qualify for up to nine (9) points for written statements from a Neighborhood Organization. In order for the statement to qualify for review, the Neighborhood Organization must have been in current, valid existence with boundaries that contain the entire Development Site. In addition, the Neighborhood Organization must be on record 30 days prior to the beginning of the Application Acceptance period with the Secretary of State or county in which the Development Site is located as of the beginning of the Application Cont'd...

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