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RULE §11.204Required Documentation for Application Submission

the documentation in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph. Required documents include:

      (i) An IRS determination letter which states that the nonprofit organization has been determined by the Internal Revenue Service to be tax-exempt under §501(c)(3) or (4) of the Code;

      (ii) The Nonprofit Participation exhibit as provided in the Application, including a list of the names and contact information for all board members, directors, and officers;

      (iii) A Third Party legal opinion stating:

        (I) That the nonprofit organization is not Affiliated with or Controlled by a for-profit organization and the basis for that opinion;

        (II) That the nonprofit organization is eligible, as further described, for a Housing Credit Allocation from the Nonprofit Set-Aside pursuant to Code, §42(h)(5) and the basis for that opinion;

        (III) That one of the exempt purposes of the nonprofit organization is to provide low-income housing;

        (IV) That the nonprofit organization prohibits a member of its board of directors, other than a chief staff member serving concurrently as a member of the board, from receiving material compensation for service on the board. If the Application includes a request for Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDO) funds, no member of the board may receive compensation, including the chief staff member;

        (V) That the Qualified Nonprofit Development will have the nonprofit entity or its nonprofit Affiliate or subsidiary be the Developer or co-Developer as evidenced in the development agreement; and

        (VI) That the nonprofit organization has the ability to do business as a nonprofit in Texas;

      (iv) a copy of the nonprofit organization's most recent financial statement as prepared by a Certified Public Accountant; and

      (v) evidence in the form of a certification that a majority of the members of the nonprofit organization's board of directors principally reside:

        (I) in this state, if the Development is located in a Rural Area; or

        (II) not more than ninety (90) miles from the Development, if the Development is not located in a Rural Area.

    (B) All Other Applications. Applications that involve a §501(c)(3) or (4) nonprofit, housing finance corporation or public facility corporation as the General Partner or Owner must submit an IRS determination letter which states that the nonprofit organization has been determined by the Internal Revenue Service to be tax-exempt under §501(c)(3) or (4) of the Code; and the Nonprofit Participation exhibit as provided in the Application. If the Application involves a nonprofit that is not exempt from taxation under §501(c)(3) or (4) of the Code, then they must disclose in the Application the basis of their nonprofit status. Housing finance corporations or public facility corporations that do not have such IRS determination letter shall submit documentation evidencing creation under their respective chapters of the Texas Local Government Code and corresponding citation for an exemption from taxation.

  (14) Feasibility Report. This report, compiled by the Applicant or Third Party Consultant, and prepared in accordance with this paragraph, which reviews site conditions and development requirements of the Development and Development Site, is required and must meet all of the criteria provided in subparagraphs (A) to (F) of this paragraph. Acquisition and Rehabilitation Applications are exempt from this requirement. If an Application involves Acquisition and Rehabilitation along with other activities, the Feasibility Report is required for the entire Development. Tax-Exempt Bond Developments that do not include a request for Direct Loan or where the Department is not the bond issuer, only subparagraph (D) of this paragraph is required to be submitted.

    (A) For all Applications, careful focus and attention should be made regarding any atypical items materially impacting costs or the successful and timely execution of the Development plan. The report must also include the following statement, "any person signing this Report acknowledges that the Department may publish the full report on the Department's website, release the report in response to a request for public information and make other use of the report as authorized by law."

    (B) An Executive Summary must provide a narrative overview of the Development in sufficient detail that would help a reviewer of the Application better understand the site, the site plan, off site requirements (including discussion of any seller contributions or reimbursements), any other unique development requirements, and their impact on Site Work and Off- Site Construction costs. It should specifically describe any atypical or unusual factors that will impact site design or costs, including but not limited to: Critical Water Quality Zones, habitat protection requirements, construction for environmental conditions (wind, hurricane, flood), and local design restrictions.

    (C) The Report should contain a general statement regarding the level of due diligence that has been done relating to site development (including discussions with local government development offices). Where ordinances or similar information is required, provide website links rather than copies of the ordinance. Additionally, it should contain:

      (i) a summary of zoning requirements;

      (ii) subdivision requirements;

      (iii) property identification number(s) and millage rates for all taxing jurisdictions;

      (iv) development ordinances;

      (v) fire department requirements;

      (vi) site ingress and egress requirements; and

      (vii) building codes, and local design requirements impacting the Development.

    (D) Survey as defined by the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors in their Manual of Practice for Land Surveying in Texas (Category 1A - Land Title Survey or Category 1B - Standard Land Boundary Survey). Surveys (excluding those for Rehabilitation Developments) may not be older than 24 months from the beginning of the Application Acceptance Period.

    (E) Preliminary site plan for New Construction or Adaptive Reuse Developments prepared by the civil engineer with a statement that the plan materially adheres to all applicable zoning, site development, and building code ordinances. The site plan must identify all structures, site amenities, parking spaces and driveways, topography (using either existing seller topographic survey or U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)/other database topography), site drainage and detention, water and waste water utility tie-ins, general placement of retaining walls, set- back requirements, and any other typical or locally required items. Off-site improvements required for utilities, detention, access or other requirement must be shown on the site plan or ancillary drawings.

    (F) Architect or civil engineer prepared statement describing the entitlement, site development permitting process and timing, building permitting process and timing, and an itemization specific to the Development of total anticipated impact, site development permit, building permit, and other required fees.

  (15) HOME Match Requirements. All Developments with HOME Match Eligible Units will be required to enter into a Contract and a Land Use Restriction Agreement with the Department.

    (A) Tax-Exempt Bond Developments where the Department is the bond issuer, must meet criteria to be classified as HOME Match Eligible Units. Tax-Exempt Bond Developments through a Local Bond Issuer, that include a certification from the Participating Jurisdiction where the Development site(s) is located stating that the bond proceeds are being used as HOME Match funds for the Participating Jurisdiction(s) where the Development Site(s) is located will be exempt from having to provide HOME Match Eligible Units. This certification is not required if the Development site(s) are located outside a local Participating Jurisdiction, as the Bonds will be classified as HOME Match.

    (B) For Direct Loan funded Developments, unless otherwise identified by the provisions in the NOFA or other funding document, TCAP RF and matching contributions on HOME, NSP, and NHTF Developments, must meet all criteria to be classified as HOME-Match Eligible Units. The amount of Match required will be published in the NOFA or other funding document.

Source Note: The provisions of this §11.204 adopted to be effective December 31, 2023, 48 TexReg 7887

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