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RULE §11.9Competitive HTC Selection Criteria

Acceptance Period. Once a letter is submitted to the Department it may not be changed or withdrawn. The written statement must meet all of the requirements in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph. Letters received by the Department setting forth that the eligible Neighborhood Organization objects to or opposes the Application or Development will be added to the Application posted on the Department's website. Written statements from the Neighborhood Organizations included in an Application and not received by the Department from the Neighborhood Organization will not be scored but will be counted as public comment.

    (A) Statement Requirements. If an organization cannot make the following affirmative certifications or statements then the organization will not be considered a Neighborhood Organization for purposes of this paragraph:

      (i) the Neighborhood Organization's name, a written description and map of the organization's boundaries, signatures and contact information (phone, email and mailing address) of at least two individual members with authority to sign on behalf of the organization;

      (ii) certification that the boundaries of the Neighborhood Organization contain the entire Development Site and that the Neighborhood Organization meets the definition pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code §2306.004(23-a) and includes at least two separate residential households;

      (iii) certification that no person required to be listed in accordance with Tex. Gov't Code §2306.6707 with respect to the Development to which the Application requiring their listing relates participated in any way in the deliberations of the Neighborhood Organization, including any votes taken;

      (iv) certification that at least 80% of the current membership of the Neighborhood Organization consists of homeowners and/or tenants living within the boundaries of the Neighborhood Organization; and

      (v) an explicit expression of support, opposition, or neutrality. Any expression of opposition must be accompanied with at least one reason forming the basis of that opposition. A Neighborhood Organization should be prepared to provide additional information with regard to opposition.

    (B) Technical Assistance. For purposes of this paragraph, if and only if there is no Neighborhood Organization already in existence or on record, the Applicant, Development Owner, or Developer is allowed to provide technical assistance in the creation of or placing on record of a Neighborhood Organization. Technical assistance is limited to:

      (i) the use of a facsimile, copy machine/copying, email and accommodations at public meetings;

      (ii) assistance in completing the QCP Neighborhood Information Packet, providing boundary maps and assisting in the Administrative Deficiency process;

      (iii) presentation of information and response to questions at duly held meetings where such matter is considered; and

      (iv) notification regarding deadlines for submission of responses to Administrative Deficiencies.

    (C) Point Values for Quantifiable Community Participation. An Application may receive points based on the values in only one of the clauses (i) - (vi) of this subparagraph. Points will not be cumulative. Where more than one written statement is received for an Application, the average of all statements received in accordance with this subparagraph will be assessed and awarded.

      (i) Nine (9) points for explicit support from a Neighborhood Organization that, during at least one of the three prior Application Rounds, provided a written statement that qualified as Quantifiable Community Participation opposing any Competitive Housing Tax Credit Application and whose boundaries remain unchanged.

      (ii) Eight (8) points for explicitly stated support from a Neighborhood Organization.

      (iii) Six (6) points for explicit neutrality from a Neighborhood Organization that, during at least one of the three prior Application Rounds provided a written statement, that qualified as Quantifiable Community Participation opposing any Competitive Housing Tax Credit Application and whose boundaries remain unchanged.

      (iv) Four (4) points for statements of neutrality from a Neighborhood Organization or statements not explicitly stating support or opposition, or an existing Neighborhood Organization provides no statement of either support, opposition or neutrality, which will be viewed as the equivalent of neutrality or lack of objection.

      (v) Four (4) points for areas where no Neighborhood Organization is in existence, equating to neutrality or lack of objection, or where the Neighborhood Organization did not meet the explicit requirements of this section.

      (vi) Zero (0) points for statements of opposition meeting the requirements of this subsection.

    (D) Challenges to opposition. Any written statement from a Neighborhood Organization expressing opposition to an Application may be challenged if it is contrary to findings or determinations, including zoning determinations, of a municipality, county, school district, or other local Governmental Entity having jurisdiction or oversight over the finding or determination. If any such statement is challenged, the challenger must declare the basis for the challenge and submit such challenge by the Challenges to Neighborhood Organization Opposition Delivery Date May 1, 2023. The Neighborhood Organization expressing opposition will be given seven calendar days to provide any information related to the issue of whether their assertions are contrary to the findings or determinations of a local Governmental Entity. All such materials and the analysis of the Department's staff will be provided to a fact finder, chosen by the Department, for review and a determination of the issue presented by this subsection. The fact finder will not make determinations as to the accuracy of the statements presented, but only with regard to whether the statements are contrary to findings or determinations of a local Governmental Entity. The fact finder's determination will be final and may not be waived or appealed. Should the Neighborhood Organization's statements be found to be contrary to findings or determinations of a local Government Entity, or should the Neighborhood Organization not respond in seven calendar days, then the Application shall be eligible for four (4) points under subparagraph (C)(v) of this subsection.

  (5) Community Support from State Representative. (§2306.6710(b)(1)(J); §2306.6725(a)(2); §2306.6710(f) and (g)) Applications may receive up to eight (8) points for express support, zero points for neutral statements, or have deducted up to eight (8) points for express opposition.

    (A) Letter from a State Representative. To qualify under this subparagraph, letters must be on the State Representative's letterhead or submitted in such a manner as to verify the sender, be signed by the State Representative, identify the specific Development and express whether the letter conveys support, neutrality, or opposition. This documentation will be accepted with the Application or through delivery to the Department from the Applicant or the State Representative and must be submitted no later than the Final Input from Elected Officials Delivery Date as identified in §11.2(a) of this chapter (relating to Competitive HTC Deadlines). Letters received by the Department from State Representatives will be added to the Application posted on the Department's website. Once a letter is submitted to the Department it may not be changed or withdrawn. Therefore, it is encouraged that letters not be submitted well in advance of the specified deadline in order to facilitate consideration of all constituent comment and other relevant input on the proposed Development. State Representatives to be considered are those in office at the time the letter is submitted and whose district boundaries include the Development Site. If the office is vacant, the Application will be considered to have received a neutral letter. Neutral letters or letters that do not specifically refer to the Development will receive zero (0) points. A letter from a state representative expressing the level of community support may be expressly based on the representative's understanding or assessments of indications of support by others, such as local government officials, constituents, or other applicable representatives of the community. In providing this letter, pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code §2306.6710(b)(1)(J), a representative may either express their position of support, opposition, or neutrality regarding the Application, which shall be presumed to reflect their assessment of the views of their constituents, or they may provide a statement of the support, opposition, or neutrality of their constituents regarding the Application without expressing their personal views on the matter.


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