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RULE §11.101Site and Development Requirements and Restrictions

          (-b-) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). The Development must incorporate, at a minimum, all of the applicable criteria necessary to obtain a LEED Certification, regardless of the rating level achieved (i.e., Certified, Silver, Gold or Platinum).

          (-c-) ICC/ASHRAE - 700 National Green Building Standard (NGBS). The Development must incorporate, at a minimum, all of the applicable criteria necessary to obtain a NGBS Green Certification, regardless of the rating level achieved (i.e. Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Emerald).

          (-d-) 2018 International Green Construction Code.

      (iii) Energy and Water Efficiency Features include:

        (I) Energy-Star or equivalently rated refrigerator with icemaker (0.5 point);

        (II) Energy-Star or equivalently rated laundry equipment (washers and dryers) for each individual Unit; must be front loading washer and dryer in required accessible Units (2 points);

        (III) Recessed LED lighting or LED lighting fixtures in kitchen and living areas (1 point);

        (IV) Energy-Star or equivalently rated ceiling fans in all Bedrooms (0.5 point);

        (V) EPA WaterSense or equivalent qualified toilets in all bathrooms (0.5 point);

        (VI) EPA WaterSense or equivalent qualified showerheads and faucets in all bathrooms (0.5 point);

        (VII) 15 SEER HVAC, or in Region 13, an efficient evaporative cooling system. For Rehabilitation (excluding Reconstruction) where such systems are not being replaced as part of the scope of work, a radiant barrier in the attic is provided, (1 point);

        (VIII) 16 SEER HVAC, for New Construction or Rehabilitation (1.5 points);

        (IX) A rainwater harvesting/collection system or locally approved greywater collection system (0.5 points);

        (X) Wi-Fi enabled, Energy-Star or equivalently rated "smart" thermostats installed in all units (1 point); and

        (XI) Solar panels installed, with a sufficient number of panels to reach a rated power output of at least 300 watts for each Low-Income Unit. (2 points).

  (7) Resident Supportive Services. The resident supportive services include those listed in subparagraphs (A) - (E) of this paragraph, which are grouped primarily for organizational purposes. Applicants are not required to select a specific number of services from each section. Tax Exempt Bond Developments must select a minimum of eight points; Direct Loan Applications not layered with Housing Tax Credits must include enough services to meet a minimum of four points. The points selected and complete list of supportive services will be included in the LURA and the timeframe by which services are offered must be in accordance with §10.619 of this title (relating to Monitoring for Social Services) and maintained throughout the Affordability Period. The Owner may change, from time to time, the services offered; however, the overall points as selected at Application must remain the same. A Development Owner may be required to substantiate such service(s) if requested by staff. Should the QAP in subsequent years provide different services than those listed in subparagraphs (A) - (E) of this paragraph, the Development Owner may request an Amendment as provided in §10.405(a)(2) of this chapter (relating to Amendments and Extensions). The services provided should be those that will directly benefit the Target Population of the Development. Residents must be provided written notice of the elections made by the Development Owner. No fees may be charged to the residents for any of the services, there must be adequate space for the intended services and services offered should be accessible to all (e.g. exercises classes must be offered in a manner that would enable a person with a disability to participate). Unless otherwise specified, services must be provided on-site or transportation to those off-site services identified on the list must be provided. The same service may not be used for more than one scoring item. These services are intended to be provided by a qualified and reputable provider in the specified industry such that the experience and background of the provider demonstrates sufficient knowledge to be providing the service. In general, on-site leasing staff or property maintenance staff would not be considered a qualified provider. Where applicable, the services must be documented by a written agreement with the provider. Unless otherwise noted in a particular clause, courses and services must be offered by an onsite instructor(s).

    (A) Transportation Supportive Services include:

      (i) shuttle, at least three days a week, to a grocery store and pharmacy or a major, big-box retailer that includes a grocery store and pharmacy, OR a daily shuttle, during the school year, to and from nearby schools not served by a school bus system for children who live at the Development (3.5 points); and

      (ii) monthly transportation to community/social events such as mall trips, community theatre, bowling, organized tours, etc. (1 point).

    (B) Children Supportive Services include:

      (i) provide a High Quality Pre-Kindergarten (HQ Pre-K) program and associated educational space at the Development Site meeting the requirements of paragraph (5)(C)(i)(I) of this subsection. (Half of the points required under this paragraph); and

      (ii) Twelve hours of weekly, organized, on-site services provided to K-12 children by a dedicated service coordinator or third-party entity. Services include after-school and summer care and tutoring, recreational activities, character building programs, mentee opportunities, test preparation, and similar activities that promote the betterment and growth of children and young adults (3.5 points).

    (C) Adult Supportive Services include:

      (i) Four hours of weekly, organized, in-person, hybrid, or virtual classes accessible to participants from a common area on site to an adult audience by persons skilled or trained in the subject matter being presented, such as English as a second language classes, computer training, financial literacy courses, homebuyer counseling, health education courses, certification courses, GED preparation classes, resume and interview preparatory classes, general presentations about community services and resources, and any other course, class, or presentation that may equip residents with new skills that they may wish to develop (3.5 points);

      (ii) annual income tax preparation (offered by an income tax prep service) or IRS-certified VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program (offered by a qualified individual) that also emphasizes how to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (1 point);

      (iii) contracted career training and placement partnerships with local worksource offices, culinary programs, or vocational counseling services; may include resident training programs that train and hire residents for job opportunities inside the development in areas like leasing, tenant services, maintenance, landscaping, or food and beverage operation (2 points);

      (iv) external partnerships for provision of weekly substance abuse meetings at the Development Site (1 point);

      (v) reporting rent payments to credit bureaus for any resident who affirmatively elects to participate, which will be a requirement of the LURA for the duration of the Affordability Period (2 points); and

      (vi) participating in a non-profit healthcare job training and placement service that includes case management support and other need-based wraparound services to reduce barriers to employment and support Texas healthcare institution workforce needs (2 points).

    (D) Health Supportive Services include:

      (i) food pantry consisting of an assortment of non-perishable food items and common household items (i.e. laundry detergent, toiletries, etc.) accessible to residents at least on a monthly basis or upon request by a resident. While it is possible that transportation may be provided to a local food bank to meet the requirement of this resident service, the resident must not be required to pay for the items they receive at the food bank (2 points);

      (ii) annual health fair provided by a health care professional (1 point);

      (iii) weekly exercise classes (offered at times when most residents would be likely to attend) (2 points); and

      (iv) contracted onsite occupational or physical therapy services for Elderly Developments or Developments where the service is provided for Persons with Disabilities and documentation to that effect can be provided for monitoring purposes (2 points).

    (E) Community Supportive Services include:

      (i) partnership with local law enforcement or local first responders to provide quarterly on-site social and interactive activities intended to foster relationships with residents (such activities could include playing sports, having a cook-out, swimming, card games, etc.) (2 points);

      (ii) Notary Services during regular business hours (§2306.6710(b)(3)) (1 point);


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