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RULE §11.1General

      (iv) provide a fully executed guaranty agreement whereby the Applicant or its Affiliate assume financial responsibility of any outstanding operating deficits, as they arise, and throughout the entire Affordability Period; and

      (v) have Tenant Selection Criteria that fully comply with §10.802 of this title (regarding Written Policies and Procedures), which require a process for evaluation of prospective residents against a clear set of credit, criminal conviction, and prior eviction history that may disqualify a potential resident. This process must also follow §1.204 of this title (regarding Reasonable Accommodations), and:

        (I) The criminal screening criteria must not allow residents to reside in the Development who are subject to a lifetime sex offender registration requirement; and provide at least, for:

          (-a-) Temporary denial for a minimum of seven years from the date of conviction based on criminal history at application or recertification of any felony conviction for murder related offense, sexual assault, kidnapping, arson, or manufacture of a controlled substance as defined in §102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802); and

          (-b-) Temporary denial for a minimum of three years from the date of conviction based on criminal history at application or recertification of any felony conviction for aggravated assault, robbery, drug possession, or drug distribution;

        (II) The criminal screening criteria must include provisions for approving applications and recertification despite the tenant's criminal history on the basis of mitigation evidence. Applicants/tenants must be provided written notice of their ability to provide materials that support mitigation. Mitigation may be provided during initial tenant application or upon appeal after denial. Mitigation may include personal statements/certifications, documented drug/alcohol treatment, participation in case management, letters of recommendation from mental health professionals, employers, case managers, or others with personal knowledge of the tenant. In addition, the criteria must include provision for individual review of permanent or temporary denials if the conviction is more than 7 years old, or if the applicant/resident is over 50 years of age, and the prospective resident has no additional felony convictions in the last 7 years. The criteria must prohibit consideration of any previously accepted criminal history or mitigation at recertification, unless new information becomes available. Criminal screening criteria and mitigation must conform to federal regulations and official guidance, including HUD's 2016 Guidance on Application of Fair Housing Act Standards to the Use of Criminal Records; and

        (III) Disqualifications in a property's Tenant Selection Criteria cannot be a total prohibition, unless such a prohibition is required by federal statute or regulation (i.e. the Development must have an appeal process for other required criteria). As part of the appeal process the prospective resident must be allowed to demonstrate that information in a third party database is incorrect;

    (C) Where supportive services are tailored for members of a household with specific needs, such as:

      (i) homeless or persons at-risk of homelessness;

      (ii) persons with physical, intellectual, or developmental disabilities;

      (iii) youth aging out of foster care;

      (iv) persons eligible to receive primarily non-medical home or community-based services;

      (v) persons transitioning out of institutionalized care;

      (vi) persons unable to secure permanent housing elsewhere due to specific, non-medical, or other high barriers to access and maintain housing;

      (vii) Persons with Special Housing Needs including households where one or more individuals have alcohol or drug addictions, Violence Against Women Act Protections (domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking), HIV/AIDS, or is a veteran with a disability; or

      (viii) other target populations that are served by a federal or state housing program in need of the type and frequency of supportive services characterized herein, as represented in the Application and determined by the Department on a case-by-case basis;

    (D) Supportive services must meet the minimum requirements provided in clauses (i) - (iv) of this subparagraph:

      (i) regularly and frequently offered to all residents, primarily on-site;

      (ii) easily accessible and offered at times that residents are able to use them;

      (iii) must include readily available resident services or service coordination that either aid in addressing debilitating conditions, or assist residents in securing the skills, assets, and connections needed for independent living; and

      (iv) a resident may not be required to access supportive services in order to qualify for or maintain tenancy in a rent restricted Unit that the household otherwise qualifies for; and

    (E) Supportive Housing Developments must meet the criteria of either clause (i) or (ii) of this subparagraph:

      (i) not financed, except for construction financing, or a deferred-forgivable or deferred-payable construction-to-permanent Direct Loan from the Department, with any debt containing foreclosure provisions or debt that contains scheduled or periodic repayment provisions. A loan from a local government or instrumentality of local government is permissible if it is a deferred-forgivable or deferred-payable construction-to-permanent loan, with no foreclosure provisions or scheduled or periodic repayment provisions, and a maturity date after the end of the Affordability Period. For tax credit applications only, permanent foreclosable debt that contains scheduled or periodic repayment provisions (including payments subject to available cash-flow) is permissible if sourced by federal funds and otherwise structured to meet valid debt requirements for tax credit eligible basis considerations. In addition, permanent foreclosable, cash-flow debt provided by an Affiliate is permissible if originally sourced from charitable contributions or pass-through local government funds and the foreclosure provisions are triggered only by default on non-monetary default provisions. Any amendment to an Application or Underwriting Report resulting in the addition of debt prohibited under this definition will result in the revocation of IRS Form(s) 8609, and may not be made for Developments that have Direct Loans after a LURA is executed, except as a part of Work Out Development approved by the Asset Management Division; or

      (ii) financed with debt that meets feasibility requirements under Subchapter D of this chapter without exemptions and must also be supported by project-based rental or project-based operating subsidies for 25% of the Units evidenced by an executed agreement with an unaffiliated or governmental third party able to make that commitment, and meet all of the criteria in subclauses (I) - (VI) of this clause:

        (I) the Application includes documentation of how resident feedback has been incorporated into design of the proposed Development;

        (II) the Development is located less than 1/2 mile from regularly-scheduled public transportation, including evenings and weekends;

        (III) at least 10% of the Units in the proposed Development meet the 2010 ADA standards with the exceptions listed in "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Federally Assisted Programs and Activities" 79 Federal Register 29671 for persons with mobility impairments;

        (IV) multiple systems will be in place for residents to provide feedback to Development staff;

        (V) the Development will have a comprehensive written eviction prevention policy that includes an appeal process; and

        (VI) the Development will have a comprehensive written services plan that describes the available services, identifying whether they are provided directly or through referral linkages, by whom, and in what location and during what days and hours. A copy of the services plan will be readily accessible to residents.

    (F) Supportive housing Units included in an otherwise non-Supportive Housing Development do not meet the requirements of this definition.

  (126) Target Population--The designation of types of housing populations shall include Elderly Developments and those that are Supportive Housing. All others will be considered to serve general populations without regard to any subpopulations, although the Application may request that any other populations required for targeting, preference, or limitation by a federal or state fund source are identified.

  (127) Tax-Exempt Bond Development--A Development requesting or having been issued a Determination Notice for Housing Tax Credits and which receives a portion of its financing from the proceeds of Tax-Exempt Bonds which are subject to the state volume cap as described in Code, §42(h)(4).


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