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RULE §11.9Competitive HTC Selection Criteria

      (iii) The proposed Development must be entirely located within the targeted revitalization area.(iv) The Application must include a copy of the plan or a link to the online plan and a description of where specific information required below can be found in the plan. The plan must meet the criteria described in subclauses (I) and (II) of this clause:

        (I) The concerted revitalization plan, or each of the local planning documents that compose the plan, must have been published by the municipality or county in which the Development Site is located.

        (II) The plan must be current at the time of Application. (v) If the Application includes an acceptable Concerted Revitalization Plan, up to seven (7) points will be awarded as follows:

          (-a-) the proposed Development Site is located within a Qualified Census Tract and has submitted a letter from the appropriate local official for the municipality (or county if the Development Site is completely outside of a municipality) that explicitly identifies the proposed Development as contributing to the concerted revitalization efforts of the municipality or county (as applicable) (7 points); or

          (-b-) the proposed Development Site is not located within a Qualified Census Tract and has submitted a letter from the appropriate local official for the municipality (or county if the Development Site is completely outside of a municipality) that explicitly identifies the proposed Development as contributing to the concerted revitalization efforts of the municipality or county (as applicable) (7 points); or

          (-c-) the proposed Development Site does not have a letter described in items (-a-) and (-b-) of this subclause (5 points).

    (B) For Developments located in a Rural Area, the Rehabilitation or demolition and Reconstruction of a Development that has been leased and occupied at 85% or greater for the six months preceding Application by low income households and which was initially constructed 25 or more years prior to Application submission as either public housing or as affordable housing with support from USDA, HUD, the HOME program, or the CDBG program. The occupancy percentage will not include Units that cannot be occupied due to needed repairs, as confirmed by the SCR or CNA. Demolition and relocation of units must be determined locally to be necessary to comply with the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule, or if necessary to create an acceptable distance from Undesirable Site Features or Neighborhood Risk Factors. (7 points)

(e) Criteria promoting the efficient use of limited resources and Applicant accountability.

  (1) Financial Feasibility. (§2306.6710(b)(1)(A)) To qualify for points, a 15-year pro forma itemizing all projected income including Unit rental rate assumptions, operating expenses and debt service, and specifying the underlying growth assumptions and reflecting a minimum must-pay debt coverage ratio of 1.15 for each year must be submitted, unless allowable exceptions provided for in §11.302(i)(5) are applicable. The pro forma must include the signature and contact information evidencing that it has been reviewed and found to be acceptable by an authorized representative of a proposed Third Party permanent lender. In addition to the signed pro forma, a lender approval letter must be submitted. An acceptable form of lender approval letter may be obtained in the Uniform Multifamily Application Templates. Applications that are proposed to have no Third Party permanent lender must still submit a 15-year pro forma; however, the signature and approval letters are not required. Scoring will be awarded as follows:

    (A) If the letter evidences review of the Development alone it will receive twenty-four (24) points; or

    (B) If the letter is from the Third Party permanent lender and evidences review of the Development and the Principals, it will receive twenty-six (26) points; or

    (C) If the Development is Supportive Housing and meets the requirements of §11.1(d)(125)(E)(i) of this chapter, it will receive twenty-six (26) points; or

    (D) If the Development is part of the USDA set-aside and meets the requirements of §11.5(2) of this chapter and the letter is from the Third Party construction lender, and evidences review of the Development and the Principals, it will receive twenty-six (26) points; or

    (E) Applications that are proposed to have no Third Party permanent lender will receive twenty-six (26) points; or

    (F) If the Department is the only permanent lender, and the Application includes the evaluation of the Request for Preliminary Determination submitted under §11.8(d) of this chapter, it will receive twenty-six (26) points.

  (2) Cost of Development per Square Foot. (§2306.6710(b)(1)(F); §42(m)(1)(C)(iii)) For the purposes of this scoring item, Eligible Building Costs will be defined as Building Costs voluntarily included in Eligible Basis for the purposes of determining a Housing Credit Allocation. Eligible Building Costs will exclude structured parking or commercial space that is not included in Eligible Basis, and voluntary Eligible Hard Costs will include general contractor overhead, profit, and general requirements. The square footage used will be the Net Rentable Area (NRA). The calculations will be based on the cost listed in the Development Cost Schedule and NRA shown in the Rent Schedule. If the proposed Development is a Supportive Housing Development, the NRA will include Common Area up to 75 square feet per Unit, of which at least 50 square feet will be conditioned. The Department will annually compare the proportional cost increases from October of the prior year to October of the year being calculated based on the Construction Price Index for Multifamily Housing Units Under Construction (US Census Bureau) and increase the square foot cost targets in this item by that annual proportional amount of increase.

    (A) Applications proposing New Construction or Reconstruction or Adaptive Reuse will be eligible for twelve (12) points if one of the following conditions is met:

      (i) the voluntary Eligible Building Cost per square foot is less than or equal to $144.72 per square foot; or

      (ii) the voluntary Eligible Hard Cost per square foot is less than or equal to $193.32 per square foot.

    (B) Applications proposing New Construction or Reconstruction will be eligible for eleven (11) points if one of the following conditions is met:

      (i) the voluntary Eligible Building Cost per square foot is less than or equal to $154.44 per square foot; or

      (ii) the voluntary Eligible Hard Cost per square foot is less than or equal to $203.04 per square foot.

    (C) Applications proposing Rehabilitation (excluding Reconstruction) will be eligible for points if one of the following conditions is met:

      (i) Twelve (12) points for Applications which include voluntary Eligible Hard Costs plus acquisition costs included in Eligible Basis that are less than or equal to $193.32 per square foot; or

      (ii) Twelve (12) points for Applications which include voluntary Eligible Hard Costs plus acquisition costs included in Eligible Basis that are less than or equal to $250.56 per square foot, located in an Urban Area, and that qualify for 5 or more points under subsection (c)(5)(A) and (B) of this section, related to Opportunity Index; or

      (iii) Eleven (11) points for Applications which include voluntary Eligible Hard Costs plus acquisition costs included in Eligible Basis that are less than or equal to $250.56 per square foot.

  (3) Pre-application Participation. (§2306.6704) An Application may qualify to receive up to six (6) points provided a pre-application was submitted by the Pre-Application Final Delivery Date. Applications that meet all of the requirements described in subparagraphs (A) - (K) of this paragraph will qualify for six (6) points:

    (A) The total number of Units does not increase by more than 10% from pre-application to Application;

    (B) The designation of the proposed Development as Rural or Urban remains the same;

    (C) The proposed Development serves the same Target Population;

    (D) The pre-application and Application are participating in the same set-asides (At-Risk, USDA, Non-Profit, or Rural);

    (E) The Application final score (inclusive of only scoring items reflected on the self-score form) does not vary by more than four (4) points from what was reflected in the pre-application self-score;

    (F) If points are claimed related to Underserved Area and/or Proximity to Jobs, the point elections may not change from what was reflected in the pre-application self-score and the supporting documentation for these points must be substantially similar to what was submitted with the Pre-Application;


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