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RULE §11.1General

  (128) Tax-Exempt Bond Process Manual--The manual produced and amended from time to time by the Department which explains the process and provides guidance for the filing of a Housing Tax Credit Application utilizing Tax-Exempt Bonds.

  (129) TDHCA Operating Database--Sometimes referred to as "TDHCA Database." A consolidation of recent actual income and operating expense information collected through the Department's Annual Owner Financial Certification process, as required and described in Chapter 10, Subchapter F of this title (relating to Compliance Monitoring), and published on the Department's website (www.tdhca.state.tx.us).

  (130) Third Party--A Person who is not:

    (A) An Applicant, General Partner, Developer, or General Contractor;

    (B) An Affiliate to the Applicant, General Partner, Developer, or General Contractor;

    (C) Anyone receiving any portion of the administration, contractor, or Developer Fee from the Development; or

    (D) In Control with respect to the Development Owner.

  (131) Total Housing Development Cost--The sum total of the acquisition cost, Hard Costs, soft costs, Developer Fee, and General Contractor fee incurred or to be incurred through lease-up by the Development Owner in the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, and financing of the Development.

  (132) Transitional Housing--A Supportive Housing Development funded with HOME, NSP, HOME-ARP or TCAP RF, and not layered with Housing Tax Credits that includes living Units with more limited individual kitchen facilities and is:

    (A) Used exclusively to facilitate the transition of homeless individuals and those at-risk of becoming homeless to independent living within 24 months; and

    (B) Is owned by a Development Owner that includes a Governmental Entity or a nonprofit which provides temporary housing and supportive services to assist such individuals in, among other things, locating and retaining permanent housing. The limited kitchen facilities in individual Units must be appropriately augmented by suitable, accessible shared or common kitchen facilities.

  (133) Underwriter--The author(s) of the Underwriting Report.

  (134) Underwriting Report--Sometimes referred to as the Report. A decision making tool prepared by the Department's Real Estate Analysis Division that contains a synopsis of the proposed Development and that reconciles the Application information, including its financials and market analysis, with the underwriter's analysis. The Report allows the Department and Board to determine whether the Development will be financially feasible as required by Code §42(m), or other federal or state regulations.

  (135) Uniform Multifamily Application Templates--The collection of sample resolutions and form letters, produced by the Department, as may be required under this chapter or Chapters 12 and 13 of this title (relating to Multifamily Housing Bond Rules and Multifamily Direct Loan Rule, respectively) that may, but are not required to, be used to satisfy the requirements of the applicable rule.

  (136) Unit--Any residential rental Unit in a Development consisting of an accommodation, including a single room used as an accommodation on a non-transient basis, that contains complete physical facilities and fixtures for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.

  (137) Unit Type--Units will be considered different Unit Types if there is any variation in the number of Bedrooms, bathrooms, features, or a square footage difference equal to or more than 120 square feet.

  (138) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)--Texas Rural Development Office (TRDO) serving the State of Texas.

  (139) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-regulated Building--A building for which the rents and utility allowances of the building are reviewed by HUD.

  (140) Unstabilized Development--A Development with Comparable Units that has been approved for funding by the Department's Board of Directors or is currently under construction or has not maintained a 90% occupancy level for at least 90 days following construction completion. A development may be deemed stabilized by the Underwriter based on factors relating to a development's lease-up velocity, Sub-Market rents, Sub-Market occupancy trends, and other information available to the Underwriter. The Market Analyst may not consider such development stabilized in the Market Study.

  (141) Urban Area--A Place that is located within the boundaries of a primary metropolitan statistical area or a metropolitan statistical area other than a Place described in paragraph (117)(A) of this subsection, definition of Rural Area. For areas not meeting the definition of a Place, the designation as a Rural Area or Urban Area is assigned in accordance with §11.204(5) of this chapter.

  (142) Utility Allowance--The estimate of tenant-paid utilities made in accordance with Treasury Regulation, §1.42-10 and §10.614 of this title (relating to Utility Allowances).

  (143) Work Out Development--A financially distressed Development for which the Owner or a primary financing participant is seeking a change in the terms of Department funding or program restrictions.

(e) Data. Where this chapter requires the use of American Community Survey or Housing & Urban Development data, the Department shall use the most current data available as of August 1 of the year prior to Application, unless specifically otherwise provided in federal or state law or in the rules, with the exception of census tract boundaries for which 2020 Census boundaries will be used, unless otherwise noted. All references to census tracts throughout this chapter will mean the 2020 Census tracts, unless otherwise noted. Applicants may need to provide Census tract information based on the 2020 boundaries as well as the ones defined by 2010 boundaries, if data based on 2020 tract boundaries are not available as of August 1, 2023 for the specific item in question. All American Community Survey (ACS) data must be 5-year estimates, unless otherwise specified and it is the ACS data that will be used for population determination. The availability of more current data shall be disregarded. Where other data sources are specifically required, such as NeighborhoodScout, the data available after August 1, but before Pre-Application Final Delivery Date, will be permissible. The NeighborhoodScout report submitted in the Application must include the report date. All references to QCTs throughout this chapter mean the 2024 QCTs designated by HUD to be effective in 2024.

(f) Deadlines. Where a specific date or deadline is identified in this chapter, the information or documentation subject to the deadline must be received by the Department on or before 5:00 p.m. Austin local time on the day of the deadline. If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline is 5:00 p.m. Austin local time on the next day which is not a weekend or holiday and on which the Department is open for general operation. Unless otherwise noted or provided in statute, deadlines are based on calendar days. Deadlines, with respect to both date and time, cannot be waived except where authorized and for truly extraordinary circumstances, such as the occurrence of a significant natural disaster that could not have been anticipated and makes timely adherence impossible. Applicants should further ensure that all required documents are included, legible, properly organized, and tabbed, and that materials in required formats involving digital media are complete and fully readable. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit the required items well in advance of established deadlines.

(g) Documentation to Substantiate Items and Representations in a Competitive HTC Application. In order to ensure the appropriate level of transparency in this highly competitive program, Applications and all correspondence and other information relating to each Application are posted on the Department's website and updated on a regular basis. Applicants must use the Application form posted online to provide appropriate support for each item substantiating a claim or representation, such as claims for points, qualification for set-asides, meeting of threshold requirements, or timely requesting a waiver or determination. Any Application that staff identifies as having insufficient support information will be directed to cure the matter via the Deficiency process. Applicants are reminded that this process may not be used to increase a scoring item's points or to change any aspect of the proposed Development, financing structure, or other element of the Application. Although a responsive narrative will be created after Application submission, all facts and materials to substantiate any item in response to such an Administrative Deficiency must have been clearly established at the time of submission of the Application.


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